Oct 312020

Three days from now we’ll start counting votes.  Here are the 270 to Win projections for the Presidency, the US Senate, the US House of Representatives, and Governor races.

2020 President: Consensus Electoral Map

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com


States to Watch most closely are Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio.  If Biden wins either of the first two or both of the second two, it’s over.  I see no way Trump* can win in either case.

2020 Senate Election Interactive Map

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com


Which races are most familiar to you, and what can you tell us about them?  In Oregon, Jeff Merkley should clobber Jo Rae Perkins, an Ammosexual QAnon nut-case, in a landslide.  The problem we face is is that even if we win the blue projections and all five toss-ups, we’ll have only 54, Republicans will be able to block most of our agenda, UNLESS we nuke the the filibuster.  We need to be every bit as willing to use our power as Republicans have been to use theirs.  That’s how they have screwed us for the last eight years.

2020 House Election Interactive Map

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com


In the House we are doing well, but unless the corporate wing of the party is willing to put the people’s need over the 1%’s greed, we will not be able to hold onto power.

2020 Gubernatorial Elections Map

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com


Getting control at the state and local levels is as important as, if not more important than the national level.  Click through to the site for excellent maps of State Houses ans State Senates that I cannot embed here.

I know you’ve seen this before, but here it is again:


Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  3 Responses to “Last Projection: Will America Survive?”

  1. I’m going to pass on commenting here.  Que sera, sera.I think we have pretty much done everything that we can.  I’ll just repeat what you said:

  2. An America will survive, but whose America is a worrisome issue.  And what will be the process though which we will all have to go through on the way, is worrisome.  If there is a major Biden/Harris LANDSLIDE, and that decision is inviolable, (PLEASE!), what kind of further shredding of the union will Dumpness energize, perpetrate? 
    If the decision gets to the courts I fear for the violence that could accompany that situation.  I am also concerned about the long term legacy of Dumpy’s rancid poisoning of any former sense of an “Us.”  
    The people who can still support, and even rant, for him will not soon forget the feeling of power his presence on the burning stage has given them, and there is so much money (mostly hidden), and raw lust for power within the far right inner sanctums, religious or otherwise, that they will not just walk away with the billions they have already siphoned off, and call it a day.  The Dem. party can not try to treat these bastards as if they were just poor little mislead children, and make “nice.”  The Dems. have to treat them as if they were incarnations of Chucky, because they are!  I worry about Biden’s wish for bi-partisanship, even if McConnell either looses to McGrath, or retains his seat, but Schumer is in the leadership chair.  
    The Republicans will not have a “C’mon now people, love one another right now” agenda!  Their driven, blood hungry, crazies will most probably take whatever leadership roles will be available, formal, or not.  Some have even pointed to Matt Gaetz as a future leader.  It’s the obsessive, driven (again), one’s who maneuver towards the top, in, probably, any organization.

  3. The way I see it, America needs a landslide win of Democrats on ALL fronts and then it must have chosen its senators and representatives wisely, i.e. those who aren’t afraid to use the power they’ve been given for the greater good of all American people. And by people, I mean exactly that; human beings with a heart and a soul, not corporations or institutes.

    You are nearly there and I’m trying very hard not to think about the disappointment of 2016. May the long-awaited blue tsunami finally appear.

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