Oct 292020

Biden Campaign (15 new today – I picked a poem)

Meidas Touch

REally American – stunning collection of people

RVAT – Closer

The Lincoln Project

Beau – needing to go viral – needing to be seen by EVERY DEMOCRAT starting at the top and all the way down to the children.


Petition on unpacking the court (a bit early, I think, but Barbara Lee is smart enough to use it at the right time.)
And a second one


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 10/29/2020”

  1. “Sicko Trump” – It made me honestly wonder if he has even ONE redeeming quality.  I’m serious – I’d really be interested if someone can find one thing about him that is worthwhile.

    “Pizza” – WOW!  I hope that runs in the suburbs everywhere – but especially swing states.

  2. “Sicko Trump” is strong but unsettling at the same time. Seeing all his sickening sickness put together I can’t get rid of the question going around in my head: How the %#$@ did this man get into the White House?

    “Pizza” really nailed it for me. I wish more Americans would realize they are voting for the future of their children AND for the future of everybody else’s.

    Beau: The Democrats should realize that most people are now voting against Trump, not for Biden…and they should realize that they shouldn’t become the new Republican party, i.e. conservative, but use the power they’re given through the election to get progressives on board. AMEN! Again it’s like hearing my own thoughts in a male voice echoing in my private echo-chamber 14 but there is a difference. Beau as an American still has some hope that this will come to pass. Me, not American, not so much. This is what was said four years ago after Bernie/ Hilary lost but Democrats didn’t; Bernie’s plans for a more progressive party were torpedoed. The Democratic party didn’t get rid of its old, Wall-Street beholden elite, only the House had some influx of young progressives at the midterms, not the Senate and the ranks at the top closed again. I wish I had Beau’s hope, but being more of a pessimist and not culturally tied to a country that has shifted so far to the right over the decades – as TomCat noted – I just don’t have it. I don’t think there will be enough pizza to go around after November 3.

    Keit: That other male voice to my thoughts, though I stopped thinking “what the ef is wrong with this guy” almost four years ago and replaced it with “what the ef is wrong with this country”.

  3. Amen to all of the above. 03

    That is the best piece I’ve ever seen from Beau!

    I disagree with Keith on one point. Comparing Trump* to a piece of shit is an unreasonable insult… th the shit!

    It’s time to unPUKE the court!

    • Yes, you’re right.  Nameless asked whether Trump* had one redeeming quality, and I con’t think of one.  But I can think of a redeeming quality of shit.  It can help plants grow.

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