Oct 162020

Don Winslow

Meidas Touch – a new Quaranteenies

Now This News – Not exactly an ad and not exactly news but I think important

Really American

Lincoln Project – Two – and I must make both available (VoteVets partnered on the first one).


SCOTUS petitions update
Faithful America 
And one USPS petition
Daily Kos Ben Franklin project 


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 10/16/2020”

  1. All good videos again, Joanne. Thanks for putting them up here.

    Note: No matter how recent these videos are, whenever they quote the COVID-19 death toll it is several thousand (up to 5k) behind what TomCat is putting up on his Open Thread. How many quotes are out there and how reliable are they?

    Question: Is Beau taking a much deserved week off?

    • Answer:  No, Beau is posting once or twice a day.  I’ll probably put up at least one tomorrow from over the week.  He analyzes deeply enough that a little delay doesn’t make him outdated.  And maybe also Sunday  Weekends tend to be slower.

  2. Don W.: The only monster I see is YOU, trump! 
    Meidas: Good message! 
    NT: Despicable behavior coming from this potus. 
    RA: I doubt that dt has ever stepped up to take responsibility for anything. He’s a daily failure, imho. 
    LP: Great vid. Yes, ‘Right Matters’!
    LPII: He dishes it out, but can’t take it. If anyone ever talked like that to him, he’d fold. 
    KO: Spot on, Keith! 

    Thanks, Joanne for these great vids. 

  3. Amen to all the above, JD.  On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), you rate a 25+! 03

  4. Aaaw.  You are very kind. 

  5. Great videos, Joanne
    Speak such truth of the corrupt villain we have in office. 
    Signed the petitions.
    Thanks Joanne

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