Oct 122020

Meidas Touch

Lincoln Project – No CC – Transcript does not include sarcasm, so feel free to supply your own.

Thank you, Mr. President, for taking off the mask. Thank you for threatening America with violence when you lose, [and?] that only yout votes are counted. And for trying to rig this election and intimidate voters. For embracing the tactics of the tyrants you admire, and trying to use those tactics against the American people. Thank you for showing the American people exactly who and what you are. Because we’re perfectyly aware that you aren’t joking and you aren’t trolling any more. The future you and your pet Senators want is just as [unintelligible] as yours, but your time is running out. Your legacy and your place in history awaits – a legacy of failing – a blight on our history. Defeat is coming. Accountability is coming. We are coming.

Kamala Harris opening statement at Barrett hearing (actually starts at 0:42 and goes to 10:49). A little echo-ey, but there is CC.

You can pretty consistently count on Amy Klobuchar to give it straight.

And, of course, Keith.

Supreme Court petition updates
Daily Kos (if you have one or more Dem Senator)
Stop Republicans
Daily Kos (ACA/disabilities)
Fight for Reform

This little oddity doesn’t relate to the Court…but it does relate to RBG so I’m including it


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 10/12/2020”

  1. All excellent! 
    w/sign petitions..ty.
    Thanks, Joanne for posting. 

  2. Great collection, Joanne.

    KO was spot on with Trump’s scam with his miracle cure.

  3. Thanks so much for your CC of “Transfer”

    Given the view written words provided, I was sure it just had to be dripping w/ sarcasm.  And relieved to learn it was!

    • I’m only too glad to transcribe when I can.   I’m no trained stenographer and I hit “pause” and “playback” a lot.  This one went pretty fast for me – about 10 minutes for 1 minute of video (so yu can see why I don’t do the 30 minute ones or even the 15 minute Keith – I just can’t.)  And you just reminded me I need to go back and add the transcript in the comments some other places.  Anyway, bottom line, you are more than welcome.

  4. Great set, JD! 35

    I know there was a scam in Regeneron “curing” Trump*.  I’m not surprised that Keith shone the light on who and on that there were two! 13

  5. Great videos, Joanne.
    Agree with Keith 100%. 
    Signed all of the petitions.
    Keep the coming.
    Thanks Joanne

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