Video Thread 10/6/2020

 Posted by at 3:09 pm  Politics
Oct 062020

Yesterday in history – Oct. 5, 1988

From the Biden campaign – no CC, but about Joe saving lives by getting funding for mine resistant vehicles

Sound and Fury Messaging – very short but right to the point.

Two from The Lincoln Project

Get ready to snicker …

“Do you know what a secret de polichinelle is?” – Hercule Poirot.  It is a ‘secret” which is known to all. No one ever talks about it, so anyone who for some reason doesn’t know it, never learns it.

Supreme Court petition updates
Daily Kos (new wording)
Daily Kos (Voting Rights)

UPDATE:  Yes, I know Keith Olbermann returns to politics tomorrow (October 7), and yes, I will be featuring him – if I am too late on any given day, i will catch up the next.


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 10/6/2020”

  1. Thanks for the videos again, Joanne.

    Personally I’ve reached my max on “Biden cares” but that won’t keep me from watching those videos. Perhaps they should just show it from now on, not say it.

    I like Beau best when he flavours his videos with just a pinch of humour. It doesn’t take away from the seriousness of his “thoughts” but rather adds to it.

    Your update on Keith Olbermann: I CAN’T WAIT!

  2. Great videos, signed petitions. 
    Can’t wait to see Keith O. 
    Thanks, Joanne. 

  3. Thanks again, JD, for another great batch.  

    I did not know Keith was returning, but as someone who eathured him year after fear, I can’t wait! 02

    • Don’t feel bad that you missed the announcement.  He only announced on Mondy that Ihe was going to do so, and said he was “taking one day off.”  It all happened very fast and i was lucky.

  4. Great batch of vids JD.  I particularly like Beau! And I like the Biden for US troops vid.  I cringe every time I see the Squatter salute troops, he who dodged the draft, not just once but five times.  Sure they call those dodges deferments, but in the Squatter’s case they are one in the same!


  5. Biden Cares….President for all the USA.

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