Video Thread 10/4/2020

 Posted by at 2:31 pm  Politics
Oct 042020

From the Biden campaign (hanky alert)

I’ve been waiting for this – Jim Carrey as Joe.  And Maya Rudolph as Kamala.

Slow otherwise, so here …

Beau on bothsiderism. And common sense. And IMO all the stronger for being in some ways weak.

I’m pretty sure everyone here is well aware of this. But not everyone is. And let me be quick to say that we will not need just a victory lap but also a break of some kind. But only a break.


  11 Responses to “Video Thread 10/4/2020”

  1. On today’s Personal Update, I posted the Saturday Night Live video with Jim Carrey, a terrific Canadian comedian, as Joe Biden, and Alec Baldwin as Trump.  Here it is again for those like me, who cannot get SNL.

  2. Beau: I think Beau speaks for many Americans when he said that Biden isn’t the best, but better than Trump by a mile. They had their doubts about Hillary in 2016 too but then it wasn’t known to what low Trump would bring the bar. So this time, please, American Democrats and disgruntled Republicans, vote, vote and vote. Anyone is better than Trump (except for Pence, of course). And don’t let that wave break on November 3rd. A Biden win won’t change the system Trump was able to abuse.

    • To change the system, it will take the willing and sustained efforts of all Americans that believe in their souls that democracy is worth the fight over authoritarianism, fascism, Trumpism and GOP bullshitism.

  3. The touching story of VP Biden being totally surprised by being honored with the Medal of Freedom from Pres. Obama actually made me teary-eyed.

    I believe Biden is exactly what the doctors should order for our divided nation.  

    ENOUGH of the Trump BS!

  4. Beau — My response to Lona is, I think, much of what Beau is talking about.  You can change a baby’s nappy, but unless you are vigilant, that nappy will continue to be a mess.

    Biden’s Medal of Freedom is a real tear jerker!

  5. Go JOE! (and Kamala)! 
    Great videos, keep them comin’. .. 
    Thanks, Joanne. 

  6. Thanks JD.  I was touched over Joe receiving the Medal of Freedom.

    In the debate, Baldwin portrayed Trump quite accurately.  A almost wish Biden had acted more like Carrey! 03

    • Of course.  That’s why I put up the hanky alert.

      Joe did just fine in the debate.  He said just enough for the whole (sane part of the nation) to make it a rallying cry …. and not too much.  And his lead increased in almost all groups.

  7. Great videos. Touching one of Joe getting the Medal. Well deserved.
    Loved the SNL debate video. Did record the show but just watched it today, since I was playing around with my laptop/network problem yesterday. It kept dropping testing my patience.
    Will try and watch the ones you posted for today.
    Thanks Joanne

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