Sep 262020

Bill on Trump* leaving – a montage of Bill’s statements. Not one of them includes a suggestion for what to do about it. Not that I think that should be discussed on national TV, but it’s clear Bill has no clue.

Bernie – Trump’s not leaving. Bernie understands that it’s stupid to announce a plan on national TV, because then his campaign will know what it is and prepare for it/. That doesn’t mean that no one has one. It only means that what we, the people, all need to do is to cast the votes, abd be mentally prepared to take fast action if necessary.

Police Accountability – “I don’t want less police, I want better police” sound good if one has no idea what is going on. What needs to be done is not going to get done by police, no matter how good. It needs done by people who are trained to do their own jobs, not police jobs.

New Rule – is an old rule. And that is why Masha Gessen said (and keeps saying and getting quoted) you cannot rely on institutions.


  2 Responses to “Bill Maher from 9/25/2020”

  1. Bill is a comedian with some insight into American politics and therefore has “prophesied” for several years that Trump isn’t going to leave when he loses the election. Being a comedian I don’t expect him to have a plan to solve that issue, but even if he had it wouldn’t be smart to divulge it on TV, just as Bernie won’t divulge his plan. Bill’s job is to make others aware of Trump not leaving and demand plans to prohibit that.

    Very interesting discussion between Bakari Sellers and Coleman Hughes and Bill Mahers joining in. They all made points that were valid, with – as always- the truth in the middle. Bad policing is not a racist thing per se, but it does happens more often in black communities, there is no accountability on the whole and policing in general needs to go through a big culture change together with the rest of society.

    New rule: “The only rule Republicans play by is that people who win make the rules. Power talks, losers walk.” Bill nailed it but it’s so terribly gloomy to reminisce about when Hillary would have won. It sounds like Bill has given up hope that things will go better after SCOTUS has declared Trump winner 6-3. Better without a revolution breaking out, that is.

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