Video Thread 9/22/2020

 Posted by at 2:44 pm  Politics
Sep 222020

Meidas Touch

Robert Reich on Senate races, with a nod to all other races.

This – is just beautiful.

This is from “Founders Sing.”

Just had to share this (“tzeddik” is a term applied to a person who dies at Rosh Hashanah – literally, “rock of righteousness.”)

Just a couple of petitions to add

Committee to Protect Medicare
Personal frmom NYC Comptroller


  8 Responses to “Video Thread 9/22/2020”

  1. Glad I came back today: signed both petitions.
    At this point in time, Romney has done the GOP walk to perdition, and gone back on his original claim about not voting on a new SCOTUS person!
    I anticipate Collins will vote the same way.  But, might surprise us, knowing that her “reasoned” stance will be of no use, if it’s just she, or she and Murkowski, only.  She will hope that such vote will save her rancid ass!

    • As long as I keep coming across new RBG news (like the Fearless Girl) I”ll be posting them in this thread, and therefore RBG petitions also.  I hope keeping them together like that will get wider views.

  2. Great videos, Joanne, thanks.

    But the image that really touched me was the Fearless Girl with an RBG collar. A picture worth a thousand words that brought a tear to my eye.

    If Republicans vote to replace her now in SCOTUS, they’ll pay the price on November 3.

  3. I like listening to Robert R. Man knows what he’s talkin’ about! 
    The tribute to RBG – Hallelujah is most fitting.. (imho) for a wonderful, respectful send off to this amazing lady! 
    She will be dearly missed. 
    Signed petitions. 
    Thanks, Joanne for post. 

  4. Does anybody know if the Dark Side has been making any comparable videos?

    I have NEVER thought of Rethuglicans as clever or humorous, so I have my doubts.  I mean, who else do they have besides Dennis Miller and Victoria Jackson?

    • I have been looking, and I’m sure others have been looking, and I have not found anything.  Of course the fact that the Trump campaign has apparently pi$$es away $800 million might have something to do with that.

  5. Thanks  so much, JD.  I was going to ask you tp put up the RR video. 03

    • If a RReich video comes in my email, I’ll put it up, unless you do first (another reason I wait till your post is up before putting up the video post.)  No fear.  YVW.

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