Sep 182020

Monologue – The level of crazy has really gotten to the point where there is not much a satirist can do. He did the best he could with what he had.

Passing of RBG – Bill and Panel – Of course they are in shock, as I was and am. But there are people seriously working on what to do.

Michael Cohen – There was a moment – before he went into court the first time as a person of interest rather than as an attorney – cameras (video) caught him on the street outside, there were some tables, and there were some people, and, I don’t know, does anyone else remember this picture? – that I felt from his face and body language that he knew it was over, and that he really understood the enormity of what he had done, and hated it, and was ready to not lie. Interestingly, I have not seen anything since which caused me to rethink that impression. I almost feel sorry for him.

New Rule – You can be liberal and still be blinded by privilege. IMO Hollywood is all of that. Of course, I also happen to know what black people thought of “The Green Book.” I don’t think those rules are too stringent at all. Fact: Good intentions are never enough. You have to have vision. (BTW, this is less like being told what to put in paintings and more like being told what paints to use. How much toxic paint is acceptable?)

I did look for CC and enabled it where I found it – sadly, that was only on the Cohen one.


  6 Responses to “Bill Maher from 9/18/2020”

  1. Thanks JD.  I hope I can watch later. 04

  2. W/watch later on this evening. 
    Thanks, Joanne for Bill M. 

  3. Re Hollywood diversity quotas, I totally agree that, while diversity is important, it shouldn’t be the most important factor in determining if a movie is worthy of awards. This is nothing more than affirmative action, entertainment style. Let people make good movies as they may, and if they happen to have diverse casts and crews, and feature strong characters who are not straight white males, fine.

  4. I recorded it last night. Will watch it later. Been signing petitions against tRump and his as*hole buddies from rushing a replacement for RBG. Will continue doing so, to make sure they can’t.
    Will watch it later. 
    Thanks Joanne

  5. I’ll have to join the queue to watch Bill later too, Joanne.

    Thanks for posting.

  6. thanks.

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