Sep 142020

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* has demonstrated once again how much he cares about preventing the spread of the Republican plague, Trump* virus, at his campaign events.


President Donald Trump is downplaying worries about holding indoor rallies during the COVID-19 pandemic on the grounds that he doesn’t feel like he will be infected with the disease.

In an interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the president dismissed concerns about potentially spreading the disease with indoor rallies, which epidemiologists have warned could serve as super spreader events.

I’m on a stage and it’s very far away,” Trump said. “And so I’m not at all concerned.

Of course, the concern with holding indoor rallies isn’t so much about the president getting infected, but that thousands of rally goers may get infected and then spread it back to their families and communities when they return home… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Every time Trump* holds a super-spreader event, like the one at which Trump* murdered Herman “999” Cain, there is an uptick in infections and deaths among the Sheeple too stupid to stay away, not mention the families, friends and communities they infect.  As long as he’s ok, Trump* cares only about hanging onto power.  He doesn’t care how many he murders in the process!



  11 Responses to “Trump* Calls Super Spreader Safe… for Him!”

  1. If he is working on creating a “fixed” election, he will not care about how many of his voters die, as their non-voting will not matter.
    Is there a chance that he could get infected, indoors, or out, probably, but it is, I expect, not likely.  Still, one can hope for some one in a million twist of fate.  Hey, we are a country of some 350,000,000, give or take some 200,000, and so a one in a million event can happen on any day…anywhere.

  2. Of course he’s not worried or concerned about others, it’s for himself.
    He’s a selfish, mean old man, who has no empathy or shame! 

  3. Classic narcissism – “I’m cold. Put on a sweater.” An indoor event like that, social distancing wouldn’t even mean much. Air currents would tak anything in the air all over the venue. Like a classroom, only more so.

  4. tRump acts like Covid-19 doesn’t exist.
    We know that he’s deaf, dumb and blind, but you’d think his followers would give a damn, but apparently they don’t. They’d rather stand among the huge crowd, catching the virus.
    Well good for them. The more fools that do come down with it, the less voter he’ll have.

  5. Not to be callous, but if any tRump chumps catch Coronavirus because they attended any of these Nuremberg rallies, they asked for it!

  6. Trump’s reaction to the problem put forward is completely in character and I wouldn’t have expected any flicker of insight from him that this is not about his personal health but that of the nation, and to be more precise, that of his own followers.

    His narcissism is so extensive that he thinks nothing can touch him; no laws, no regulations, no virus. He truly thinks he’s omnipotent. Sadly, that image is kept alive and very much kicking by the enablers around him, from Republican Congresspeople to his administration and his staff. They all abundantly praise the emperor’s nonexisting clothes.

    All we can hope for is that karma gets him sooner than later.

  7. Me?  I’m busy nudging Karma & pointing out a most-deserved platter of piss-poor protoplasm … aka, Trump.

    I hope s/he acts soon!

    (Never been fond of imprecatory pleas.  But if ever a person was worthy, it’s Trump!)

  8. Thanks and Hugs to all! 29

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