Sep 142020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox, and I feel very tired.  I overslept.  The goop experiment I suggested to WWWendy Saturday was a total failure, and the resulting tumor-clog irritated the hell out of my esophagus, so the last two days have been painful.  I thoroughly enjoyed my zoom meeting with my volunteer friends and some of my guys that have been released.  I had a hard time recognizing them in street clothes, as I’ve never seen then in anything but prison blue and orange.  My meeting with Diana was routine. The heat wave is over, and I have 10 days in the 70s and some 60s.  Tonight my Broncos meditate on the Holy Ellipsoid Orb on Monday Night Football.  I shall be in fervent prayer.  Oh God!  It’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:42 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for several interactive maps

US Cases: 6,715,194
US Deaths: 198,614
Plus thousands of Trump’s* plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Questions arose after the P.A. system at a Trump rally in Nevada accidentally blasted excerpts from Bob Woodward’s interviews with the President.

As supporters streamed into the rally, the customary sounds of such classic rock songs as “Fortunate Son” and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” were supplanted by audio of Trump acknowledging that the coronavirus was far deadlier than a flu.

After Trump was heard revealing the details of a previously secret weapons program, campaign aides frantically disconnected the P.A. system and started scrambling for an explanation.

LOL, Andy! Obviously this didn’t really happen, but just the thought of it happening is sufficient to provoke wet dreams!  RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: Fresh on the heels of spreading hoax rumors about “antifa buses” coming to rural towns to create mayhem, right-wing conspiracists eager to spread the narrative about the supposed existential threat posed by black-clad antifascist activists have a hot new fraud for their armies of gullible social-media followers: The forest fires raging along the West Coast from California to Washington are an antifa plot!

The rumors—spread first by far-right activists, then parroted by followers living in areas where the fires are raging—claim that a handful of arrests for arson in unrelated fires are proof that the fires are being coordinated by leftists intending harm to befall rural Trump-supporting regions. “It’s the antifa burning EVERYTHING down!” shrieked one QAnon believer who chimed in on Twitter.

Among the leading spreaders of the false rumors is a right-wing online publication catering to police officers, Law Enforcement Today, which posted an article claiming that the “wildfires on the West Coast may be a ‘coordinated and planned’ attack.”

“Law enforcement throughout the west coast is reportedly being put on alert to look out for ‘opportunists’ and those who may have more sinister motives,” the article claimed. It then went on to list six arson incidents either related to the fires or in their general vicinity, but offered no evidence that they were coordinated in any fashion.

Of course there is no evidence that this is true and ample evidence that lightning strikes ignited the fires. The biggest danger to spreading garbage like this is that it will inspire a few QPoop wing-nuts to light fires and blame them on the left.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast for JD): Luciano Pavarotti sings “Nessun dorma” from Turandot (The Three Tenors in Concert 1994)


There is a voice as beautiful as Trump’s* is ugly!  Protest like Pavarotti sings!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/14/2020”

  1. So sorry for the pain.It’s undoubtedly messing with your sleep. I hope it goes away. There are always some failures in store when one is experimenting, but it’s too bad this one is so painful. I figured you would have seen people who were now out but had been in when you were still goin and that that would be an amazing experience. Sounds like I nailed it in my mind.

    LtCol Alexander Vindman (USA Ret) is to be on MSNBC today, on Ali Velshi at 6:30 Eastern.

    Cartoon – Isn’t THAT the truth!

    Map – It surprises me that we are doing any contact tracing at all.

    Andy – No, it didn’t happen, but, you know, I can’t put it past the incompetence of his “team.”

    C&L – I suggest that, when the Republican party finishes imploding, a good name for what’s left might be “The Projectionist Party.” (Lightning started I believe all but one of the wildfires, the exception being a firework at a “gender reveal” party. I know I don’t need to say there is nothing anti-fascist – and not that much fascist either – about a gender reveal party.)

    BOP – A wonderful song, from an opera which is a genuine fairy tale. The hero brings the heroine from cruelty (even to the point of torture and murder) to gentle love using nothing but his own gentle love and nobility. Never gonna happen.

  2. ‘Toon: F***wad, and F***head!
    TVU: So, we are right in there, with so many other “Shithole” countries!
    New Yorker: “Fortunate Son,” is so ironic, although, of course, “stolen.”
    C&L: That’s why Trump decided to run on the GOP ticket, as he said years ago, “Because republicans are so stupid.”
    Pavarotti: One of the most moving arias from opera!  We saw him, live, at the Arts Center, in NJ, a few years before we saw John forty there, as well.

  3. Cartoon: Oh, ick! 
    TVU: In this county we’ve gone from 25 to 28 deaths. Not good. Keeps going up. 
    NYer: Wouldn’t that have been wonderful??? If only….
    C&L: Oh, Lordy! Good grief! 
    YT: Absolutely beautiful !!! 
    Sounds like you have been very busy, sorry to read about your goop not working out, and your painful two days. Glad that your Zoom meeting went well too. Hope you get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Didn’t trump at his own Republican National Convention say, ‘that we don’t want four more years like the past 4 and that he alone can fix it … when they were HIS years??”  ~ Matt J. ~ 
    2. “If dt is re-elected he will gift wrap our Country and hand it to his friend Putin.” ~ Linda B. ~
    3. dt – “Super Lying, Fragile Racist Whiney Braggadocious.” The trump sandwich: White bread, full of baloney, with russian dressing, and a small pickle.” ~ Anon ~ 
    4. “Bragging about being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize is like bragging about getting your name on the waiting list for a restaurant.” ~ The Lincoln Project ~ 
    5. “51 years ago, we walked on the moon. Today, we can’t even go to Canada.” ~ Anon ~ 

    • All TJI’s sadly all too accurate.

    • TJI 5. “51 years ago, we walked on the moon. Today, we can’t even go to Canada.” ~ Anon ~ 

      I suppose one could partially blame Canada for that but it would be a real s-t-r-e-t-c-h.  We won’t open our southern border because the American administration (read that as Trump) have done such a horrible job of containing the virus and flattening the curve.  Did I say “containing”?  The Trump virus is spreading like soft butter on warm bread!  There are many people in BC, Ontario and Québec who used to regularly go cross-border shopping but those days are gone with COVID.  Many of those same people do not want the border to reopen because of how COVID has been handled in the US.

  4. Cartoon: Two evils…sickening. 
    TVU: Still climbing.
    TNY: Wish it would of happened. I would of loved to see tRump’s face.
    C&L: Crazy minded fools. We don’t need these type of actions happening.
    BOP: What a lovely song. Love hearing Luciano Pavarotti.
    Sorry to hear that your goop didn’t work out for you and that you’ve been in so much pain. Hope that it calms down for you real soon.
    Nice your Zoom call went so well. You must be proud of how far they’ve come since their releases. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. So sorry your goop experiment went awry and kept you in pain, TomCat. I hope Zooming with some of your boys in their street grab and hairdos made up for that.

    3:45 Pretty flower, but I wouldn’t chance gooping it; it may be toxic.

    Cartoon: Has Kavanaugh waited, though?

    Update: May I point out that America’s contract tracing is at the level of the poorest and most undeveloped ‘sh$thole’ countries in Africa and Asia? Not that I need yo, I think.

    TNY: I’m sure both CCR and the Stones have tried to stop Trump from using their music at his rallies. Perhaps it was some of their fans who switched these songs for Woodward’s interview? 06

    C&L: True, some fires are the result of arson, an argument that was used by the Aussie climate-change-denying government too for the devastating fires here at the beginning of 2020. But it turned out, arson was found accountable for less than 5% – apparently, a very generous estimate – and some of these fires were lit by some sick puppies in the fire brigades in the area. Most were started by lightning strikes and ember rains carried for miles by the exceedingly strong winds at the time. And of course by some stupid people not heeding the warnings, as was also the case in California with the gender reveal party. If there are any Antifa arsonists about, which they aren’t, they are of the sick-puppy kind.

    BFTP: And now for something completely different…😊 Thanks.

  6. Sorry to hear WRT your goop disappointment.  But ecstatic that you got to visit w/ your guys via Zoom!

    One of the most disheartening and troubling lessons out of the past four years is that for ~ 40% of Americans, Truth and Facts mean absolutely NOTHING to them.

    Where did this come from – or has it always been present and it’s just that egregious, bald-faced lies were never served up in an endless stream?

    Very sad for our country … 

    • KavaNookie didn’t have to wait long for Judge Roy Moore to join.

      You’re right.  That comparison of levels is the reason I used that map! 02

  7. Thanks and worn out hugs to all! 19

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