Sep 112020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox.  Debora just called and she’ll be here in a few minutes.  She just left, and for a dead man, I’m in good shape.   I’m still very tired, and my back hasn’t recovered from Wednesday.  However, I’m in the saddle today, because my 9/11 article is too important not to publish. Tomorrow, WWWendy is coming very early so she go to Crater Lake in the Cascades.  Therefore, please expect no more than a late Personal Update.  JD, if Bill Maher publishes tonight, would you please cover it?  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:15 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map

US Cases: 6,589,020
US Deaths: 196,345
Plus thousands of Trump’s GOP murder victims Republicans are hiding from us

Where WWWendy is going: Crater Lake


Short Takes:

From  YouTube (Oregonian Channel): I-5 visibility near Wilsonville during Oregon wildfires


This is about 18 miles from me. Here it isn’t quite that bad.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): How Fox News covered the Woodward recordings of President Trump


Trump has argued that he did not want to cause panic. That’s like yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre. That’s a lie, because the primary tactic of Trump’s* campaign creating panic. Furthermore, when the crowded theatre really was on fire, Trump* yelled, “The fire is a hoax! Stay in your seats!” Now the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, and the Republican Reich are piling on the BS.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of past protest): Eric Burdon & The Animals Sky Pilot


Ah… the memories! Protest like the 60s!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/11/2020”

  1. Crater Lake is gorgeous. It is also the place where I met the woman who is not my oldest friend – in the early 1960’s. We were schoolgirls. She is now a great-grandmother. Tell WWWendy (if you see this in time) to absorb all of the beauty and serenity that she can! Glad you are in good shape (sort of.) Yes, I’ll look for Bill and post if I find him.

    ACLU will be doing a series of podcasts on voting leading up to this election. I expect they have plenty to say, but they are also taking questions at 212-549-2558 and/or The link to subscribe is HERE.

    Cartoon – Nineteen years later, most Americans are STILL more afraid of foreign terrorism than domestic terrorism. Too bad that fear doesn’t extend to election interference!

    Map – I’m sure we are not getting the full story. Though the story we are getting is certainly bad enough.

    Fires – So sad. And so preventable. Oh, but that requires admitting climate change exists. Never mind.

    CNN – Oh, yeah. (Hitler was also nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.) Barrrf.

    BOP – Some military chaplains are like this. More are not. As to staying behind the lines, I had a supervisor who had lost a leg working for a chaplain on active duty – both he and his boss were right up there. Many chaplains have died in combat. Just like civilian clergy, there are all kinds.

  2. ‘Toon: I was seeing a clint whose birthday it happened to be, when we first heard of the tragedy.
    TVU: “Officially” closing in on 200,000 deaths.
    Y/T-OC: Why isn’t Trump out there raking leaves in the forests?  Asswipe!
    Y/T-CNN: Faux will go down in history as Goebbel’s step-child!
    BOP: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire  Obviously, Democracy did not die after the Viet Cong kicked our asses out of THEIR county.

  3. Cartoon: Shameful to continue seeing them destroy our country. Vote them out.
    TVU: Still climbing. More schools are going to open. We shall see?
    YouTube OC: Sad to continue seeing these fires raging. Heartbreaking to see/hear of all that has been destroyed.
    YouTube CNN: Hate to tell the bas*ard that he causes panic and chaos everywhere he goes. All of the lives he would of saved being open/honest about it in February. Him just calling it “Fake news” from the beginning, should be a reason to arrest and prosecute him.
    BOP:  Remember the song very well. Great video.
    Tell Wendy “hi” and to have a safe trip going to Crater Lake. Looks so beautiful. 
    Hope you get to feeling better.
    Have a good evening. Thanks TomCat

  4. The fatigue is sadly here to stay, TomCat, and you’re handling it well by taking one day at the time and as it comes. I wish I could hold your paw during the darker hours of the day.

    Tell WWWendy she’s chosen an excellent spot to visit. Hubby and I visited Crater Lake in the 80s and it was as beautiful as the picture indicates. I hope that the smoke from the bushfires doesn’t mar the view.

    3:14 that old tub doesn’t look very sea-worthy.

    Cartoon: Republicans have stoked the fire of fear ever since.

    Update: the optimism of the map belies the harsh reality of the number of cases and deaths.

    Oregonian: I hope the smoke doesn’t lead to the collateral damage of car crashes. I’m glad it isn’t as bad in Portland, your COPD is thankful for that, TomCat. The devastating Californian and Oregonian wildfires are on my mind a lot and my thoughts are with those who have lost family, friends, pets and property in its rage.

    CNN: It’s weird on many levels to see one news channel covering the news brought by another news channel as if that coverage is news in itself. Let’s hope this madness stops after January 20th.

    BOP: I hadn’t heard that one for a long time.

    • Fox New coverage is news in itself because it is so distorted, that in order to be aware what too many people are hearing (and nothing else) we would have to watch it ourselves.  CNN is doing a real service.  And it is weird.  But we’re all so accustomed to it here we don’t noticee how weird it is.

  5. Thank you, Tom, for post. 

  6. Just wanted to comment on your vid from the Oregonian.  We in Metro Vancouver are not “close” to the forest fires but our air quality was announced yesterday as being in the top 5 worst in the world, even ahead of Beijing!  Why?  We are getting the smoke from California, Oregon and Washington forest fires.  Today is bad too making this the 3rd day of the brown haze — Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  It is supposed to continue through the weekend.  When I looked at the sun at about 1800 hours yesterday, it was blood red.  Those southern coastal winds are streaming it all here and in Puget Sound, WA.  Where’s Noah’s flood when you need it to put out forest fires?

    • Mid afternoon today, the sun was orange but expected this evening, it would be red.  Not so!  There was so much cloud cover and haze that we went straight to black.  The news said that we were only surpassed by Seattle and Portland.  We keep good company.  I am feeling the breathing difficulties being an asthmatic so I am trying to stay in.  Having said that, I am no longer a sasquatch doubling as a shaggy sheep dog!  And does it ever feel good!  I do however feel very badly for those who have been in the path of the fires.  I heard a few days ago that there was a town of about 200 souls which has been wiped off the map — either WA or OR, but can’t remember which.  So the Turd that squats in the WH does not believe in climate change, eh!  What a lying, incompetent moron!  Rex Tillerson was correct — the Turd is a HUGE moron!!!

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