Aug 272020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door will be delivering groceries in the next three hours, and I have to unpack and put them away.  WWWendy is coming late this evening to destink the stinky TomCat, goop, and help with chores.  Tomorrow is her regular day, but tomorrow she has to go straight from school to her night job bartending at the Elks Lodge.  Then tomorrow she’ll come by in a lunch-hour pit stop to change my pain patch.  The down side is that I’ll be extra stinky when she returns Monday.  If you’re anywhere near Republicane Laura, please take care.

Jog Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:57 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do>


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for several other maps

US Cases: 6,002,176
US Deaths: 183,687
Plus all the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

RNC Deplorables Take:

Day three was more of the same show featuring the worship of criminal Fuhrer Trump*.  They created a complete alternate reality, based on 100% lies.

It was a super-spreader event with virtually no masks and no social distancing.

I happened to notice an old Parade recipient, Joni Pig Nuts [R-IA].  She said that Biden would ban fossil fuels and ban farm animals.  Both statements and all her other statements were lies.

The following is a complete analysis of the effect Trump* and the Republican Reich have had on America:

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: An outbreak hit the 2020 Republican National Convention this week as hundreds of attendees tested positive for delusion.

While public-health experts have yet to determine the extent of the outbreak, the episodes of attendees exhibiting magical thinking bordering on the hallucinatory appear to be widespread.

Davis Logsdon, who studies delusional epidemics at the University of Minnesota’s School of Medicine, said that multiple R.N.C. participants professed to see things “that are not actually there,” such as a strong economy, a successful coronavirus response, and an immigration policy brimming with kindness.

In another worrying symptom, Logsdon said that attendees who tested positive were unable to see things that were clearly in their line of vision. “One participant on Monday was shouting for more than six minutes despite the presence of a microphone inches away from her,” he said.

Dang, Andy! There’s no satire here. All the stupid, rabid GOP Sheeple who attended the Nazi Republican super-spreader event are deluded by definition!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Kenosha Protest Shooting Suspect Attended A Trump Rally In January


Should we be surprised? Trump rallies and other Republican events are the easiest places for Ammosexual Republican terrorists to learn hate, racism and violence!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): A SPOONFUL OF CLOROX – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody


Hilarious! I think JD has shared this one before, but it’s worth another go. Randy really nailed the sponsor of the RNC. Support left wing protesters!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  20 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/27/2020”

  1. You are indeed busy. Hope you don’t get too tired out.  Love to WWWendy.

    Sound and Fury

    Lincoln Project

    TJI – “This is the first year that I watched the Democratic National Convention without a Republican lens and found myself agreeing with the issues, speakers and most of all the positive rhetoric… I recognized just how many of my views of the Democratic Party were shaped by the talking points of the GOP and just how wrong that was. Over the past four years, my eyes have been opened and my views forever changed. I have come to realize that all along, I aligned more with the moderate wing of the Democratic Party.” – Ashley Pratte, board member, Republican Women for Progress

    Cartoon – And they are touring! And they should be staying home!

    Map – Yup 6 mill – and I’m morally certain we are over 200,000 but for faked numbers. Of course you are accounting for that.

    RNC There is a parody website up. It’s still disgusting, but it does have a better take on the offal.

    Andy – The only problem is that no one has actually studied selusional epidemics sufficiently to find a cure, or a virus, or even palliative treatments (I mean, of course, those things for society. Curing the delusional is probably a lost cause.)

    MSNBC – No surprise here. It’s hardly even noteworthy. The fact that the police thanked him (and his group) for their presence and shared water with them before the shooting is IMO more noteworthy.

    Randy – Yes, unless he has a new one out (I checked and he doesn’t – “Kamala” is still the newest), I’ve shared all the ones from Covfefe going forward. There are still some older than that which I haven’t shared. But any and all of them are worth a revisit.

    • Andy- One does not usually see epidemics of delusion…NO!  Sorry, one see them all over the darned place: QAnon, Hillary and the Pizza place, Nixon was great, Reagan was great, no global warming, not even acid rain, and etc, and etc.  There are psychologists who do study these phenomena, now that I think of it.  The issue is often seen as something like “Identity politics,” wherein people will buy into the craziest stuff if it helps them solidify their sense of belonging to a certain group.  It’s confirmation bias, as well, such as i probably demonstrate, when I read that some dumb twit claimed that Biden will take away farm animals.  I don’t go looking for evidence that he won’t, which I’m sure does not exists, but I do go (in my head) “Sure, one of these fools would come up with something like that!”  
      People feel identified with certain groups of friends, and their shared beliefs, and are loathe to “go to the other side,” for fear of being rejected by their friends, so they either play lip service, or ignore information that would contradict the “established” norm of the group.  
      P.S.: The videos are great!

      •  loathe to “go to the other side,” for fear of being rejected by their friends,

        Indeed.  that’s why I was so struck by the quote I posted as a TJI.  I hope it reaches many – even a few would help.

    • I enjoyed the QAnon RNC Convention logo.  But I never knew elephants had opposable thumbs!  (I guess I never knew they had thumbs – opposable or not!)

  2. TVU: Not going to see #6 million again!
    RNC: Ban farm animals?  They really do think their base is totally mindless!  Is someone, tonight, going to claim that those supposed newly sighted UFO’s are waiting for Biden to win and will then expect a warm welcome from him?  Or, that they are his cousins, from some long lost Semitic tribe?
    New Yorker: Yes, andy’s doing it again, reporting straight news.
    MSNBC: I was not at all surprised to learn about that, earlier.  This is about as direct evidence one can find that Trump is poison to the culture, feeds nothing but hate.
    BOP: Those who suggest that Trump was “just joking” about these remedies need to take a close look at his body language, and facial expressions, as he makes these suggestions.  No hint of a smirk, smile, sarcastic tell…nothing but idiocy!

  3. Cartoon: Lordt! This is hilarious! 
    TVU: 1561 confirmed, 208 active, 1309 recovered, 25 deaths!. Sad. 
    RNC: Haven’t watched nor listened to the RN convention. Picture says it all. 
    NYer: O.M.G…This is hilarious!! Thank the gods we have Andy, to steer us in the right direction. I saw snippets of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s yelling and screaming, but had to turn my head, and turn it off. She scared me. 21  
    MSNBC: How tragic that this happened…needless violence..and a 17 y.o. at that!!  
    RR: He’s adorable, and sings with a good message…sad that people even listen to the Liar in chief…re: this subject. 

    Hi, Wendy! Hope all is good with you and family! Hope that you get all your chores done too. Take good, good care, and Thanks, Tom. 
    Re: Laura the Hurricane – Not a drop. Not even a mist. Nada, nothing, here.   Extensive damage in Lake Charles Louisiana area, and storm blew the civic center’s roof off there.  It’s now been downgraded to a tropical storm. Going up NE along the coast now. 
    *This just in: “The last time Biden was in office, more wealth was created for our country than any other moment in history.  ~ @Lincoln Project ~ 
    2. “What dt accuses the Dems of, is exactly what he has in his playlist. ‘Roy Cohn 101’.”  ~ Howard H. ~ 
    3. re: RNC – “Enthusiasm gap for listening? Democrats don’t scream! and yell ! like a televangelist trying to part people from their money, they don’t have enthusiasm? Hey, trump crime family, what the Democrats have, that you will never have, is CLASS!” ~ Maggie C. ~ 
    4. “Jeff Merkley is probably the hardest worker that I know in the Senate. He understands that change takes place from the bottom up. He is incredibly smart, very strong on policy.” ~ Bernie Sanders ~ 
    5. “I don’t expect Mike Pence to come around. is still jarring that a man rooted in faith and scripture would punch the clock every day for a boss whose conduct flies in the face of every notion, liberal and conservative, of basic morality and decency.” ~ Pete Buttigieg ~ 

  4. The elephant – um, defecating on the flag says it all!

    Note that Georgia is a COVID-19 hotspot. No surprise considering the way our pseudo-Governor effed up the response and won’t let cities mandate masks. Please sign this petition asking Governor [sic] Kemp to allow Georgia cities to set their own mask rules.

  5. Cartoon: Their all in one on wheels?
    TVU: Climbing at a lower rate, still over 228 new cases, 3 deaths. 
    RNC: I haven’t nor want to watch it, but last night I had the recorder on to record a program at 8:00. It picked up 16 minutes of pEnce. I couldn’t stop laughing at all of his bullsh*t lies he had to say about his great leader. 
    NY: Andy got that right. Insane.
    MSNBC: So tragic. 
    BOP: Good one Randy. I swear, tRump wants to kill us one way or another. 
    Hope your grocery came on time.
    Tell Wendy “Hi” for me. Hope you both get your chores taken care of.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Pat, was worried when I heard it hit there. Glad to hear you’re safe. 

  7. Hope all in Hurricane Laura’s path stay safe!

    Same goes for the entire country, still in Trump’s demented path!  

    November 3rd can NOT come soon enough – nor January 20, 2021!

  8. I’ll put this out here now before the irony disappears from my clipboard.

    The South’s Defenders Monument was also knocked off its pedestal as Laura swept through Louisiana.

    Just days ago, officials in Louisiana’s Calcasieu Parish voted not to move the Confederate statue from its prominent place in front of the courthouse.

    On Thursday morning, it could be seen lying on its side next to its still-standing base — broken tree branches strewn on the grass around it — as a steady stream of onlookers took photos. (ABC News)

    I’m terribly sorry for all those people whose lives and properties were destroyed by Laura, my thoughts are with them and hope FEMA has some money left to help them. But for this statue, I’m not and no FEMA money should go to its resurrection.

  9. You’re very busy indeed, TomCat. It seems like you feel a little less tired today, but don’t overdo it, please; it may come back with a vengeance.

    3:49 I don’t like Gerberas very much anyway.

    Cartoon: One more burger in the back and it’ll topple.

    Update: A new milestone of 6 million cases and nearly 183,500 deaths while everyone hangs on to saying “more than 170,000 deaths” as if that is somehow less horrible.

    RNC: Due to the time difference there are a bunch of Aussie reporters following the convention and giving live updates. The poor sods, I hope they get double overtime paid because it is clear that they are in dire need of a new supply of barf bags after the daily Trump speeches. Some headers:
    Trump talks up his outsider status, accomplishments 69m ago
    Annddd [sic] a few more accomplishments from Trump 54m ago
    Trump touts more achievements 51m ago

    TNY: This isn’t an outbreak of delusion, Andy. This delusion is chronic.

    MSNBC: It took the media only minutes to go and search the footage of Trump conventions for a matching face when the identity of this murdering youth became known. Whatever gave them the idea to look there? Snark.

    BOP: Any of Randy 🌈’s extensive array of fabulous parodies will do just fine here.

  10. Thanks and pooped TGIF Hugs to all! 19

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