Trump* Promotes Racism Again!

 Posted by at 10:58 am  Politics
Jun 292020

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* donned his hood and sheets yesterday to promote racism yet again.  This time he retweeted one of his deplorable sheeple screaming “White Power” at a demonstration.  But that was the Republican version of white power.  Authentic white power is the power to follow and assist Black people in their ongoing quest for freedom.


President Trump on Sunday retweeted a video of one of his supporters yelling “White power!,” once again using the vast reach of his social media platforms to inflame racial divisions in a nation roiled by weeks of protests about police brutality against black people and demands for social justice reforms.

The edited racist video shows a white man riding in a golf cart bearing “Trump 2020” and “America First” signs during what appears to be an angry clash over the president and race between white residents of a Florida retirement community. Mr. Trump deleted the tweet more than three hours after posting it.

In response to a protester shouting “Where’s your white hood?” and other taunts, the man in the golf cart pumps his fist in the air and says “White power!” twice. The two-minute video continues to show profane exchanges between protesters and other Trump supporters riding on more golf carts…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Trump Retweets Video Of Supporters Chanting ‘White Power’ At Protesters, Deletes After Backlash

The commentators tried to lessen the impact of this Republican racism by pointing out the profanity used by counter-protestors.  First, there was too much profanity on both sides.  More important, although profanity may be distasteful, denouncing it to offset the racist hate of promoting Republican white supremacy is absurd.

The Republican Reich have been racist ever since they implemented the Southern Strategy. in the late 1960s and 1970s.  The Dixiecrats deserted the Democratic Party, because the Democrats passed legislation that outlawed Jim Crow laws. The Republicans adopted them as the Republican base. Prior to Trump* they hid their hoods and robes and dog-whistled their way into power. Today’s Republican Reich wears hatred, racism and white supremacy as badges of pride. We must send the Republican Party the way of the Whigs!  Every Republican in office anywhere, at any level, elected or appointed, is one Republican too many!



  10 Responses to “Trump* Promotes Racism Again!”

  1. This happened at “The Villages,” outside of Orlando, a dense black hole (no pun intended) of devout, stubborn,idiotic Republicosis.  And, of course Dumpy would echo it!
    The only good thing bout the place is that the density of the idiot population means that the folks there have somewhat limited electoral reach.

  2. o.m.g.
    I saw that video too, Mitch, and was sickened by it. 
    I know a lot of people who have more empathy and love in their little fingers than these people do. 
    How disheartening !!

  3. I like others seen this video yesterday. They were also pointing out that tRump was the one who posted it, praises these disrespectful fools. 
    What got me was the ignorance of tRump, saying that he was unaware of the person in the video saying “White power”. I know damn well that he’s stupid, but to try and get the people who were watching it to believe he didn’t realize they said that, is insane. 
    I agree with Pat that it’s very disheartening.
    We must get him out, NOW. 

  4. I certainly read about it, but chose not to watch.  I do try to keep a weekly quota on ugly to which I expose myself, and yet to keep up with events – it’s a balancing act.

    The hoods and robes used to be all white.  But enough members became rich enough climbing over black folk to get theirs custome tailored, then tarted up with gold, and eventually to get them made in custome colors.  I’ve seen green, red, and purple and I’m sure that’s not all.  Want to bet Donnie’s are orange?  Or possibly gold lamé.

  5. Let’s see …

    The president “didn’t hear” the man shout “WHITE POWER!”

    The president “didn’t see” the brief about Russian Bounty on our soldiers.

    The president “didn’t know” the significance of Juneteenth.

    And what does Trump have to say about ignorance as an excuse?

    Well, of course there’s a Tweet from him regarding that very topic that did NOT age well:

  6. Does it really matter whether Trump knew what he was tweeting? Either option is all too possible, equally in character and just as deplorable because he’s done both before and will do both as long as he’s in the Oval Office, or rather on one of his golf courses while America is burning. Get him out.

  7. Thanks, busy Hugs, and Amen to all! 29

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