Jun 122020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  A Providence Home Health Nurse is coming for san initial evaluation.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, and we have lots of chores, so please expect no more than a Personal Update from me,  This is my only article today.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,090,542
Deaths: 116,063
Recovered: 816,463

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a series of angry tweets on Thursday, Donald J. Trump lashed out at the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, declaring, “This is not the military I avoided serving in.”

Calling Milley’s apology for appearing in last week’s controversial church photo op “a disgrace,” Trump said, “The United States military of my youth was known for courage and valor, which is why I got a podiatrist’s note to get out of being a part of it.”

Recalling that episode from a half century ago, Trump said, “As I watched my podiatrist dictate that note, I thought about the great institution of the U.S. military, which I would be exempted from participating in. That institution is unrecognizable today.”

Andy, he’s lying again. The military certainly is still recognizable. It is the Republican Party of Lincoln, after transforming into the Republican Reich, that is not recognizable.  RESIST!!

From CNN: Attendees of President Donald Trump’s upcoming rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, must agree not to sue the campaign if they contract coronavirus.

Rallygoers are asked to RSVP to gain admission to the event and by registering, they must agree to a disclaimer that states they acknowledge the “inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present.”

“By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury,” the disclaimer reads.

What hypocrisy! Criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich have been screaming since the beginning that danger from COVID-19, aka Trump* virus, is a hoax foisted on America by Democrats. Even more incredible, in spite of this, Republican Sheeple have such BAAA-A-A-A-A-AAD judgement that they will sign it without hesitation. What stupidity!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Yesterday (With Spoken Word Intro / Live From Studio 50, New York City / 1965)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  8 Responses to “Open Thread–6/12/2020”

  1. I hope all gos well with your interview today. Do ask for what you need.I’m confident of your ability to make your case.

    Not what I expected from the title. In fact, much better.

    A couple by the Reich on the left:

    Cartoon – They really do want to severly limit who we can love, don’t they. That couls be turned into a party slogan.

    Map – Once again, Colorado shows what happens when people don’t vote the whole ballot, top to bottom (and, yes, I mailed my primary ballot and there was one office for which we didn’t have a nominee. But (a) only one office is an improvement, ad (b) more good people might run if the top-to-bottom votes were there.)

    TNY – He’a also lying about the podiatrist’s note. He and the podiatrist never saw each other. Fred got that not all by himself. (And I might add it probably took more courage to apologize than to appear – something Trump* will never understand.)

    CNN – Not to mention that the rally is being held in the site of the largest single massacre of black people which ever happened in the United States – on Juneteenth. That would be like holding a rally at Auschwitz on Passover. (Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, it will probably give him – or Steven Miller – ideas. Hopefully, by the time the next Passover rolls around, both will be gone.)

    Past – It doesn’t get much more classic than that.

  2. Cartoon: They’d love that, wouldn’t they? ugh! 
    TVU: Unfortunately…we have our 4th fatality, and the active cases have increased by 20% from yesterday alone. Gawd. 
    NYer: Daddy Trump took care and paid for those 5 notes  (deferments), so his son didn’t have to go in the military. Lame. 
    CNN: Why is he even going there? Sad history that the town of Tulsa was bombed by aerial assault, lives lost, with many houses/buildings burned, looted, or destroyed. He wants to do his rally there? … Geesh! This day should be a National Holiday, imho. Good question, why would the attendees have to sign anything when all the dt and the R’s yell, is it’s a hoax?? 
    BFTP: Love this one…What a song! 
    Thanks, Joanne for the vids…Appreciate it, and w/view & listen ltr. 

    Best to you, with your home visit Nurse eval. I’m sure that all w/go well. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, nap, and rest, and Take Good Care, Tom. Thanks !!! 

    *This just in: “Silence from Susan Collins. Not even a meek whine of concern.” ~ Barbara C. ~ 
    2. re: dt – “Your tires need to be balanced and rotated.” ~ Lewis B. ~ 
    3. Today over 116K Coronavirus deaths. (116,484) *pb*  “I don’t really care, do you?” *Melania T.*
    “I don’t take any responsibility at all.” *dt 
    4. “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” ~ Benjamin Franklin ~ 
    5. dt – “Those that deny their history are doomed to repeat it. Like when the first 5 casinos went bankrupt and then you opened the 6th. ~ Jeff T. ~ 

  3. TC, I hope your visit with the nurse went well, take good care.
    ‘Toon:  that was a special day.  The ugliest word in the English language is “miscegenation!”
    TVU: Trucking right along, we are!  Hoe brilliant!
    New Yorker: Up to now, the wanna-be man has gotten away with everything. But, I think, the bill is coming due.
    CNN: He wants to have the rally there for the same reason St.Reagan announced his initial candidacy where he did: It’s a dog whistle for the bigots who so adore him.  Reagan’s announcement took place near where the three Freedom riders were killed, in Mississippi.
    And, then his sheeple have to sign, perhaps their lives away (Hmmm!) to protect him from the non-existent hoax.  
    BFTP: Days of innocence!
    Beau: No, Trump did not chicken out, he very intentionally chose to stand on yet another wrong side of history.  Not growing, not changing?  Oh, just like SCOTUS clown Thomas who vowed “I am not going to evolve!”  So, he’s still the same pig he was, 10 years go…and proud of it, I’ll bet.  Keep up with the times?  No, stubborn, instant, ignorance is not a byproduct of being out of step with the times.  It is a result of living in the rather paranoid, information free, bunker of one’s mind.
    RR #1: Hannity’s face makes me as sick as Trump’s.  May I suggest that if you get the chance, or want to make the chance, that you ask for, petition for the return of the “Fairness Doctrine,” done away with, I believe during St. Reagan’s watch.
    RR#2: No surprise.

  4. Cartoon: What’s new. they’re always putting their noses in our business. 
    TVU: Scary to see we keep going up with cases here. We’re over 9100 cases. Plus 313 deaths.
    TNY: Despicable the way he speaks of the military. tRump and his flipping lies about his podiatrist’s note. I honestly can’t wait till all of his lies finally catch up with him.
    CNN: Heard about this on the news today. Here they are still warning people to not go to gather at functions like this, yet he’s still going to do it. Plus ask people to sign consents that they won’t sue him if they get the Covid-19.
    He was asked if he knew about the date he chose, being he anniversary of the largest single massacre of black people and he said yes.  But still tRump said that his rally will be a celebration, that all of his rallies are celebrations. He’s insane. 
    BFTP: Great song. Loved hearing Paul sing this song.
    Hope you had a good visit with the nurse today. That she listened to you needs and will get you assist them.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. I hope the initial evaluation with the Providence Home Health Nurse went well and you didn’t play the tough guy and minimalized your pain and discomfort, TomCat. Sorry for the nagging but you need all the palliative care you can get.

    2:21 Sorry, I’m on a roll here.

    Cartoon: Really, it took them until 1967?

    Update: This from today’s EuroNews

    And in the United States, while cases in the former epicenter of New York continue to fall, elsewhere the virus is spreading, particularly in parts of California and in the country’s southwest. Twenty-one states are reporting weekly increases, Arizona has reactivated its emergency plan for medical facilities and California has placed counties on watch-lists. Arizona, Utah and New Mexico have now all posted rises in cases of 40 per cent in the past week.

    TNY: I liked the part you had to leave out in a short take, TomCat, where Trump threatens General Milley to give the command over the American invasion of Seatle to someone else because Milley has no leadership abilities. Trump will then be whining he’s gotta do everything himself.

    CNN: Of course the attendees at the rally will sign the disclaimer because if there’s one thing Trump can rely on it’s the stupidity of his hard-core fans.

    BFTP: One of the best Beatle/Paul McCartney songs ever but it seemed a bit faster than I remembered. My memories of it must have slowed down with me.

  6. Thanks and Rushed Hugs to all! 26

  7. Before I forget, just came across a great rejoinder from Speaker Pelosi when Trumpkins try to tie Democrats to the KKK.

    Nancy Pelosi was asked if she’s embarrassed the KKK were once members of the Democratic Party. “Of course. We’re embarrassed Donald Trump was a Democrat for similar reasons”.

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