Jun 092020

It’s a hectic day here in the CatBox.  I had to get up at 4:00 AM to have time to eat breakfast before my pre-test fast began, as I won’t be back until after noon.  I’ll try to post a “home safe” comment, when I return.  Depending on how much today burns me out, I’ll be back in the saddle tomorrow.  Tuesday is eat lots of burritos and ride elevators full of Republicans day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Cases: 2,027,438
Deaths: 113,125
Recovered: 773,509

Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Rolling Stones – (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction (Official Lyric Video)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  12 Responses to “Personal Update–6/9/2020”

  1. Cartoon: Word. 
    TVU: Same as yesterday. 
    BFTP: Great song!  I agree, I won’t ‘feel satisfied’ until this man is OUT of office. 

    Hi Wendy!! Hope that you will be safe, too and fro. Best to you, and good vibes!! Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “Saddened to see our Country and communities being damaged and vandalized. I ask everyone to protest n peace and focus on taking care of one another and healing our great nation.” Melania Trump
    “Colin Kaepernick tried to protest in Peace, and your husband called him a SOB. Sit this one out, Third Lady.” ~ Alex Cole ~ 
    2. VP Biden met with the #George FLoyd family for more than an hour. (God bless them all.) Compassionate with out being condensending. Biden has a heart of gold. ~ John M. ~ 
    3. “Did you know if you take a Porn star to a hotel room, that you get a free Bible?” ~ Cindy G. ~
    4. “Repugs are recruiting an estimated 50K volunteers to act as pollsters watching in November, in part of a multi-million dollar effort to police who votes and how. Einschüchterung !!!! ~Jimmeny S. 
    5. re: dt – “Sic semper tyrannis! Al zutavern! ~ anon ~ 

    • TJI #3 – and if you’re careful you can scratch off or pain tove the word “Gideons.”  LOL!

      #4  Now, if they would behave decently and report honestly, that wouldn’t bother me.  (As an election “judge,” I have worked with legitimate poll watchers and they are almost no trouble – on a slow day, no trouble at all.)  Bur we are talking about Republicans here.

  2. Hopefully the warmer weather will make the room not as cold. But I wouldn’t bet any important body parts on that. Love to WWWendy.

    Beau: Is law enforcement effective? Scathing

    Another group – Republican Voters Against Trump (RVAT)

    Cartoon – Nailed them again.

    Map – Npt much difference — but still very high (and not going down)

    Past – Yeah.

  3. Home safe.  Late. Tired. Tomorrow.  Hugs! 35

  4. Glad to see you make it home okay, and you’re safe. Get your rest!
    Thank you, Wendy for taking care of TC! xo 35
    Joanne, Thanks for the videos & comments. 29

  5. ‘Toon: Nailed it!
    TVU: Over 200,000 now, and growing!
    BFTP: Saw them live at Madison Sq. Garden, 1972.
    TJI#4: These clowns will have an agenda, I’m sure, that is not quite legit: Intimidation!
    TC, glad you got home safely.
    OH! TJI, also: https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/a-federal-judge-who-accused-barr-of-distorting-the-mueller-report-has-read-the-unredacted-version-and-now-hes-demanding-some-answers/?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=4746

  6. ‘Show some humanity’: Cuomo on Trump’s Buffalo protester tweet

    I can’t embed this ABC video, but it needs a barf-bag alert. Not because of what Cuomo is saying but of what Trump has Tweeted.

    Glad to see you back home safely, TomCat. You must be exhausted so take all the rest you need.

    2:42 That little beak would get stuck in your gooper.

    Cartoon: Truth

    Update: Too much red.

    BFTP: Hopefully we all get it in November.

  7. Cartoon: So true.
    TVU: The news cases keep rising here. Even more deaths. They’ve open the beach parking lots tdaay and said people could sit or lay around now and with the temperature up in the 90’s today, they were packed. The news were showing people with no mask or social distancing. We shall see if it gets worse from these events, besides all of the protest marches.
    BFTP: Great song and group. Title sure fits well with all of the current events. 
    Glad you made it back safely from your PET Scan. Praying it comes out well.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  8. WWWendy returns greetings and love to all.

    Tired Hump Day Hugs! 19

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