A Big Day for Biden

 Posted by at 10:29 am  Politics
Mar 182020

As a Bernie supporter, I hate to say it, but barring some completely unexpected miracle, Bernie has virtually no chance to win.


Joseph R. Biden Jr. easily defeated Senator Bernie Sanders in three major primaries on Tuesday, all but extinguishing Mr. Sanders’s chances for a comeback, as anxious Americans turned out to vote amid a series of cascading disruptions from the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Biden, the former vice president, won by wide margins in Florida and Illinois and also carried Arizona, sweeping the night and achieving a nearly insurmountable delegate lead. The emphatic outcome could greatly intensify pressure on Mr. Sanders to end his campaign and allow Democrats to unify behind Mr. Biden as their presumptive nominee.

The routs in Florida and Illinois, two of the biggest prizes on the national map, represented both a vote of confidence in Mr. Biden from most Democrats, and a blunt rejection of Mr. Sanders’s candidacy by the kind of large, diverse states he would have needed to capture to broaden his appeal beyond the ideological left…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Biden Sweeps Sanders In 3 States On One Of The Strangest Primary Days In Recent History

At this point, two things are self-evident. First, all primaries (and the general, if need be) must be vote by mail, like Oregon. Second, Bernie’s hope is virtually a pipe dream. Progressives like me need to commit to vote Blue, no matter who, top to bottom!



  11 Responses to “A Big Day for Biden”

  1. Bummer.
    Your first sentence says it all, Tom. To which I sadly agree. 
    Yep, vote BLUE no matter WHO too. 

  2. He has already committed to adopting one of Bernie’s platform plans, one of Liz’s platform plans, and a woman VP running mate.  I would prefer to have someone stronger in the Presidency, but I do understand how Orange Judas, with his fake (and extremely restrictive) strength has set us up for wanting someone more comfortable.  That , and now the pandemic.  I take comfort in that he seems to be able to listen.

  3. We voted, yesterday.  I found myself having to vote for Biden after Bernie’s “Johnny One Note” debate performance, and keeping in mind that we need someone with down ballot coat-tails.
    This just in: Lipinsky is beaten!:https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/progressive-marie-newman-defeat-dan-lipinski-conservative-democrat-illinois

  4. I’m at the point of where I just want someone who is going to do the job of leading the country.
    If that is Biden, then Biden is will be.
    We need a leader NOW that can kick tRump in the butt.
    So hopefully we can somehow get our country back into a positive direction.

  5. If I have to vote for Biden, I will, although I may hold my nose.

    Vote blue, no matter who. Even if the Democrats can’t seem to come up with a real prize, anybody will be better than what we have now!

  6. As I’ve said before, Sen. Warren was my first, second and third choice.

    But I’m perfectly fine w/ ByeDon.  In fact I think not only does he have a better chance, but I’m sure he provides longer coattails to get our folks elected to the House and Senate.

    As the saying goes: “Never let perfect be the enemy of good.”

  7. Everything points to defeat for Bernie, and it has done so for some time.

    The last two weeks it has been a competition between “the best the Democratic party has to offer”, i.e. two white old men, Bernie at 78, Joe exactly one year younger at 77. After three years of Trump, this is all the party has to offer for the future…13And now it’s going to be Biden, the middle man, the elite’s representative who has to defeat Trump. And he possibly may win, if Trump continues to be Trump and destroys himself along with the country. It’ll be down to Trump more than Biden. But if Biden wins, the question is if he can turn the country around again, if he can undo all the harm Trump has done. Elizabeth Warren certainly could, she had a plan; Bernie Sanders may because he’s focussed on the future and change for the better. Joe Biden will try to return America to BT (Before Trump), which isn’t enough given COVID-19, the global stock-market crashes and the recession that was waiting to strike all along.

    Americans have no choice; they have to vote for Biden no matter what because Trump staying on for four more years would be far worse. But it is tragic that Biden is all that America has to offer the majority of Americans.

    • Oh, well.

      And I have to point out that none of those three accomplished what they did without staff. The trick is selecting, getting, and keping the right staff – the ones who are the best possible choices for the job,
      I think the only reason Bernie is staying in now is to nudge the platform. I believe Biden has already adopted one signature plan each from Liz and Bernie into his own platform, and he has committed to selecting a woman running mate. A knight in shining armor he isn’t. But he may well hire some.

  8. Thanks, tired Hugs, and Amen to all! 19

  9. “Progressives like me need to commit to vote Blue, no matter who, top to bottom!” — AMEN!!!

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