Samantha Bee from 3/11

 Posted by at 10:59 am  Politics
Mar 122020

It’s that time of week again, and here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

Coronavirus is Not an Excuse to Be Racist

Sam missed one key point in her excellent discussion that Trump* Virus is not an excuse to be racist. Trump* and the Republican Reich have NEVER needed an excuse to be racist!

Don’t Mess With Texas: The Longhorn State’s Tussle with Trump’s Border Wall

The solution is to build a wall around Trump* and the Republican Reich!  I’s say to do it in Mexico, but that would start a war.

America’s Gig-Based Economy Gets Zero Stars

I would hate having to work in a gig job. This is how Trump* and the Republican Reich keep unemployment low.

Thanks, Sam!



  7 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 3/11”

  1. Love this gal ! 
    W/watch ltr w/hubs. 
    Thanks, Tom. 

    • Don’t mess w/Texas:
      Some of these Texas gals can definitely kick As-!! and take names. They mean what they say too, and are not afraid. Seriously. 

  2. Coronavirus – Sam is so funny … and yet this segment is so depressing.

    Texas – Gotta say I love the Texas ladies in this segment. Because I surely do hate the facts.

    Gig – I was first introduced to independent contracting in 1984, when I took an independent contracting job with the Theatre Department and Adams State College (now Adams State University, and using more and more adjunct professors, not that I was one. I was just a costumer.) It worked OK for me at the time, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Especially not to anyone who expects to live past the age of 60.

  3. NOTHING is an excuse for being racist. Nothing. Nor is it an excuse to be sexist, or homophobic, or anti-Semitic, or anti-whatever. Does anybody remember when assholes claimed “Gay” meant “Got AIDS Yet”?

    If Biden is the nominee, well, I’ll vote for him. Reluctantly, but I will vote for him because I learned the lesson of 2016. Have you? Maybe it’s more important to get the Progressives in Congress where they will formulate and pass truly progressive legislation.

  4. Thanks, Sam.

    Thanks for posting, TomCat.

  5. Sam really good.
    Enjoyed the videos. 
    Thanks TomCat

  6. Thanks and pained TGIF Hugs to all! 29

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