Mar 032020

It’s a very busy day here in the CatBox.  I had to prepare and send my grocery order.  I spent over an hour on the phone trying to line up the oncologist for my cancer treatments.  I think I have, but I still have no results from my PET Scan.  I’m hoping for a call tomorrow.  I’ll keep you posted.  I still have to do the prep work for covering Super Tuesday.  I am experimenting with mi diet and found that I’m not plugging the passageway as badly, when I eat a soft solid food and goop together.  Yesterday for lunch I had a small portion of ground turkey sandwich.  That was borderline.  For supper, I had chili goop over rice.  That worked great.  For breakfast, I had New England clam chowder goop with a bite of  saltine with each bite of goop.  That worked well too.  May Liz and Bernie kick ass today!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 5:10):  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Alternet: A former Justice Department attorney compared her service under President Donald Trump as somewhere in between Nazi Germany and “The Apprentice.”

Erica Newland went to work at the Department of Justice in the summer before the 2016 election, and stayed under Trump because she liked her colleagues and believed she could make a difference — but soon learned an uncomfortable truth about herself, reported The Atlantic.

“I guess I know what kind [of German bureaucrat] I would have been,” Newland said, imagining how she might have served in the 1930s. “I would have stayed in the Nazi administration initially and then fled.”

She lasted in Trump’s government until October 2018, when an anti-Semitic extremist killed 11 worshipers at a Pittsburgh synagogue, and that same week her colleagues at the Office of Legal Counsel were tasked with justifying Trump’s order to refuse all asylum claims at the southern border — mirroring language the gunman had used against foreign “invaders.”

Newland, who is Jewish, recalled an exchange she had with a supervisor who often reminded staffers they worked for the president by saying, “We’re just following orders.

The bureaucrats under Hitler were “just following orders” too. What’s the difference? Fuhrer Hitler’s Nazi Reich was the Third Reich. Criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* Republican Reich is the Fifth Reich. The similarities are undeniable.  RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is under intense pressure to drop out of the 2020 race for the Democratic Presidential nomination, her nine supporters announced on Monday.

The announcement from Gabbard’s nine followers surprised many Democrats, who had been unaware that the Hawaii congresswoman was still running.

In a conference call after the South Carolina primary, the nine members of Team Tulsi concluded that Gabbard’s path to the nomination had grown “dauntingly narrow.”

“We believe that Tulsi would be an amazing President of the United States,” Harland Dorrinson, a spokesman for the other eight Gabbard supporters, said. “But we have regretfully come to the conclusion that this is not her time.”

Andy, is that a good idea? The nine fools stupid enough to vote for Tulsi should still vote for her. That way, they won’t damage the nation by voting for Bloombarf or criminal Fuhrer Trump*.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): What Bernie Skeptics Need to Know Before Super Tuesday

Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, and the Reich on the Right, the evil Republican Reich, in addition to corporate Democrats, have their heads up their asses. 1. Amen! FDR was a democratic socialist. Amen! Trump promised reform and delivered National Socialism. 3. Amen! A Wall Street speculation tax to pay for public needs is far better for America than Republican welfare for billionaires. 4. Amen! Congress will pass progressive legislation, if we get off our asses, flush the Republican Reich, and replace DINOs in the primaries. 5. Amen! Bernie acts younger than Biden. 6. Amen! With criminal Fuhrer Trump* in power, the Democrats will unite behind any candidate, who wins the nomination, as long as they win it fairly!  However, if DNC Superdelegates take the nomination from the voters’ choice and land it to another, they will destroy the party and the nation.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Monkees – Last Train To Clarksville 1966

Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!



  5 Responses to “Open Thread–3/3/2020”

  1. 7:14 Echinaceas can also be “coneflowers.”

    Good – glad something is working!

    Cartoon – That’s too true to be funny, alas.

    AlterNet – Well, she did leave, and she may have stayed longer than she should have, but I’m not going to judge that because I’m not inside her head. Everyone has his or her own epiphany point. But, yes, the phrase “just following orders” is, or should be, a dead giveaway. Is that a failure of public education? Or are people with authoritarian tendencies just so closed-minded it would not register no matter how well it were to be taught?

    TNY – Nine? That many? LOL!

    RR – Perceptive, isn’t he? I will say I’m personally pushing the fact that “Democratic Socialist” just means “New Deal Democrat.” RR also did a video comparing the cost of doing things with the cost of NOT doing things which is very revealing. BTW, if someone tells you he never got anything done in Congress, tell them to google “Amendment King” and see what comes up.

    Past – Who could forget the Monkees?

  2. Cartoon: I remember viewing this horror on TV like it was yesterday. Horribly, horribly sad. Despicably sickening behavior from law enforcement too. 
    AN: Chilling story, I’m glad that she left. I know that she can sleep at night, by her action(s). Shame others can’t leave due to finances or commitments in the workplace. (those still there, but not aligning w/dt). 
    NYer: LOL, Andy…it was never ‘her time’. Like your comment too, TC. 
    RRC: Excellent !!!!  video, passing this one on too! Thx ! 
    BFTP: Love this song. 

    Good to read that your experimenting is getting better results for you..with soft solid food and goop together by not plugging your passageway. What a relief that must be for you! YAY! Definitely good news for me, and our other readers who are concerned about you. Keep up the good work, take good good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “Tulsi Gabbard saddened that Russia wants someone else to be POTUS. ~ Tim S. ~ 
    2. “South Korea is testing 10K citizens a day for free – (COVID-19). There are not 10K viable tests in the whole of the US.” ~ Dolly R. ~ 
    3. “I wish there was a vaccine against abject stupidity.” ~ George Conway ~ 
    4. Excellent COVID-19 info – pb

  3. Unfortunately the cartoon is how the Goofus-O-P does race relations. Obama would have gotten a lot more done if he hadn’t been stymied by a Republican-dominated (and racist-dominated) Congress.

    Rodney King may have been no saint, but his “Can We All Get Along” is one of the most moving I have ever heard. It’ straight from the heart, unscripted, by a man who was not noted for oratory.

  4. Good to hear you food experiments are starting to work. In the brochure to which I linked to a few days ago they said to stay away from fresh (white) bread as that goes all sticky when masticated.

    3:20 I’m terrible with plant names and have no idea what this bud is going to turn into.

    Cartoon: the days when there still was a public outcry when a black man was beaten to a pulp by police.

    Alternet: “Befehl ist Befehl” is the excuse that made the Third Reich great, as Germans had always been great believers in a hierarchy, and German bureaucrats even more. Understandably, Erica Newland and many of her colleagues thought they could make a difference by staying on at first. But they couldn’t and the only good they can do now is to leave and speak out against what they’ve witnessed while they still can. Leaving without speaking up and just have themselves replaced is not good enough, so kudos to Newland.

    TNY: Like Buttigieg and Klobuchar now have dropped out with great show of their endorsement for Biden, all to block Bernie? Bernie Sanders was hoping for a Super Tuesday victory. Then his moderate rivals closed ranks

    RR: Again Robert Reich is right on all counts, but the Democratic establishment is hell-bent on making the same mistake twice and pushing for Biden (see comment above). With Biden as front runner, Bananrepublicans will make certain that Trump wins again and may even keep a majority in the Senate.

    BFTP: It was probably one or two years later than in America, but we got to see The Monkeys on TV too and all their hits were revived because of it. As a very young girl I was a big fan of them of course. Who wasn’t?

  5. Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all! 17

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