Jan 052020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox, as WWWendy will be here in less than two hours.  I couldn’t keep my supper down last night, but I did manage a small bowl of Cheerios this morning.  Yesterday I meditated on the Holy Orb.  Congrats Pat.  Was that a comeback, or what?  Kudos to Tennessee, for eliminating the team that licks Trump’s* sphincter!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 4:53). To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): CNN legal analyst: We’re just now seeing how big the Ukraine cover up is


Doesn’t this make it plain to see why Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch is so anxious to prevent witness testimony at the sham trial he plans to protect his Fuhrer, Trump*?  RESIST!!

From BBC: President Trump has warned the US is “targeting” 52 Iranian sites and will strike “very fast and very hard” if Tehran attacks Americans or US assets.

The president’s remarks followed the US assassination of Qasem Soleimani, a top Iranian general, in a drone strike.

Soleimani’s killing was a major escalation between the two nations, and Iran vowed to take “severe revenge”.

Writing on Twitter, Mr Trump accused Iran of “talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets”.

He said the US had identified 52 Iranian sites, some “at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture”, and warned they would be “HIT VERY FAST AND HARD” if Tehran struck at the US.

The president said the targets represented 52 Americans who were held hostage in Iran for more than a year from late 1979 after they were taken from the US embassy in Tehran.

I understand Fuhrer Trump also said some were cultural sites, indicating his intent to attack civilians, while Iran stated that their retaliation would be against military targets. Trump and the Republican Reich are now threatening the war crime of military terrorism against women and children.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Jefferson Starship – White Rabbit – 11/8/1975 – Winterland (Official)


Is this long instrumental cool, or what? Ah… the memories!!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/5/2020”

  1. Cartoon: Oh! but of course! 
    CNN: I really like the ‘cross examination’ series, I’ll have to watch this more often. Great answer(s) on the cover up of dt and his cronies. 
    BBC: Gawd, this jackas- is gloating, with no concept in attaining peace, nor trying to reach an agreement with them. IANAD….but he is a danger to himself and others. No more war(s)!!! 
    BFTP: omg…I loved this song!!! over, and over, and over…….

    Oh! I hope that you start feeling better, and that you can eat food w/o feeling bad. HI, WENDY! Hope that you have a good day, take good, good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    Yeah, was that a game or what??? and went into OT too! Watson outdid himself near the end… and with field goal in the last 5 seconds of the game….whew….awesome! We play the Chiefs next. Glad that your team won too. 

    *This just in: “Instead of sending 4K troops to the Middle East (war zone), they should have been sent to help Australia with the wildfires.” ~ Alicia B. ~ 
    2. dt’s strike killed Iran’s Hero, but it sadly created thousands more Soleimanis. ~Stephanie K. ~
    3. “Fox News – We are experiencing editorial difficulties. Please stand by – while we figure out how to blame this on Obama.” ~ Joe S. ~ 

  2. 6:43 I fished from a boat once. Caught a barracuda.

    Best to you amd Wendy and your chores. Sorry you are having more issues. Sadly, it’s going to be a long month, even with all of us praying (or whatever) for you.

    Cartoon – And there it is, isn’t it, in a nutshell. We don’t just have legislatures full of men, we have legislatures filled with no ‘count men.

    CNN – I thought from the beginning it was even fishier than it looked. Russia and Ukraine have been at odds for a long time, later than I’ve been alive. At one time Ukraine was called “Little Russia” (and you can imagine how Ukrainians loved that.) It would not surprise me to learn that something, not this plan specifically, but something to involve Ukraine, has been planned by Putin as long as, if not longer than, he has been grooming Orange Judas.

    BBC – If they don’t take crimes like bribery, racketeering, and treason seriously, why would they take war crimes seriously? Besides, to them, women and children (at least after they are born) are not human beings anyway.

    Past – I had forgotten that the Airplane had become the Starship before this one came out. Somewhere, I have a cover by the Emerson String Quartet, part of their “What If Mozart Wrote” series (I think there were two Christmas ones and two non-Christmas ones.)

  3. I hope you feel better soon.  Hate to be a broken clock, but I would encourage you to update your PCP WRT your numerous emesis episodes – and see if she can rattle your GI doc’s cage.  Obviously something is amiss, and I don’t think waiting until 2/18/20 is in anyone’s best interest.

    And if your PCP doesn’t recall, I would share again w/ her your evaluation is SIX WEEKS away!

    This ends my PSA …

    *Rump: “… important to Iran & the Iranian culture”

    Destruction of cultural heritage sites is a violation of UN Resolution 2347, and as such – a War Crime.

    ♫ If you’re guilty and you know it, start a war. ♬

    ♫ If you’re guilty and you know it, start a war. ♬

    ♫ If you’re guilty and you know it, and impeachment’s sure to show it. ♬

    ♫ If you’re guilty and you know it, start a war! ♬

    [Not original to me – saw numerous variations of it on Twitter]

    • I gather the medical side isn’t the delaying issue, it’s the transportation.  TC depends on public disabled transport to get there, but it has t be scheduled in advance, so it won’t work for the return trip, because the procedure isn’t over till it’s over.  So he can only get home with help from Wendy, and, though she is s Wondewr Woman with Wings, she also has other obligations.

      • Well, of course you’re right.

        I’m just acting like a “worried mother hen” … but not without cause!

        • Oh, I feel the same.  But speaking as a recovered cigarette addict married to a recovering alcoholic, I’m always aware that some approaches may be counter effective.  Now, if you or I (I can’t and I’ll bet you can’t either) could drive to Portland, stay there until the surgery is over and personally get him there and home, that would be different.

          • Surgery?!?  Did I miss a post over Christmas?  When did he say he was going to have surgery? 

            All I read was he was going to have an endoscopy – a “look-see”.

            Please bring me up to speed, please.

            • Oh, duh, I was thinking of the lump in the lung thing -and I misspoke.  Sorry!  I cold have just said “procedure,,”  And I didn’t.  Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

      • Bingo, that’s it exactly.  I will be having surgery for my timors.  My oncologos referred me to the surgeon and recommend excision. 29

  4. Your heartburn is really getting the better of you, TomCat. My commiserations.

    3:12 The water is perfectly calm.

    CNN: The longer Nancy holds on to the articles the more evidence will surface, possibly also on others who are in cahoots with Trump.

    BBC: Now, who is the terrorist here? Now, who is provoking his opponents to act? Taking lessons from ISES propaganda machine lately?

    BFTP: Ahhh…those long summer nights of long guitar intros.

  5. This is “Wag The Dog” brought into the 2020s. But tRump isn’t fooling anybody other than his brainwashed lick-boots. If only I knew everything that was going on, I could provide a better opinion.

  6. Thanks and hugs to all! 26

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