Dec 292019

This is my only article today.  WWWendy is coming to the CatBox for chores and my de-stinking.  We have lots to do.  In addition my Broncos are televised this afternoon.  I did manage to eat a small portion of beans and rice for lunch, a small portion of soup for supper and a small donut for breakfast.  It’s a relief to go a whole day without throwing up for the first time in days!  Go Broncos!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:05 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Alternet: Republican Senators have not bought into Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s impeachment strategy as the Senate trial looms.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) explained the dynamic during an interview on the Connecticut Network.

“I’ve talked to anywhere from five to 10 of my colleagues who have very severe misgivings about the direction that Mitch McConnell is going in denying a full, fair proceeding with witnesses and documents. My hope is that they will say publicly what Sen. Murkowski did, and really hold Mitch McConnell accountable,” Blumenthal said, as reported by The Hill.

Earlier this week, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) publicly questioned McConnell’s strategy during a Christmas Eve interview with local television station KTUU.

Republicans are consummate liars. I’ll believe this, if and only if they vote against Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): NYPD stepping up presence in Brooklyn after a series of possible anti-Semitic hate crimes


It appears there are more Republican hate criminals in Brooklyn than I thought!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past):


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  21 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/29/2019”

  1. 4:54 – Ah. A pharos. (A small pharos.)

    Glad you had a little respite yesterday, and hope it continues. Best wishes and happy New Year to you and WWWendy WW.

    Cartoon – It never changes.

    AlterNet – I don’t think Blumenthal is as naive as some Dems – and you’ll notice he doesn’t express any hope about their votes, only that they will say something. It’s sad that so small a hope is even newsworthy, in a way.

    CNN – Oh, there are plenty of Republican hate criminals in New York (all the boroughs) – and, because there’s more anonymity, there’s less restraint. I just hope the police will actually be on the side of the victims and not on the side of the criminals.

    Past – Mr. Zimmerman looks so incredibly young in the still oat the front. Did I mention that a friend I have known since we were both twelve has just become a GREAT grandmother – for the SECOND time? And we haven’t done any better than what we now have? I feel not only old but useless.

    • Joanne:
      You are part of the coffee, tea, water group here, and I certainly do appreciate all that you say, in your daily comments section. While being a great gran is a wonderful and blessed experience, (Congratulations!) to your friend, YOU are valuable in so many ways, by just being here. 

      Keep your vibe going, Shipmate. There’s more days, posts and comments to come.

      Take care. 20202035

      • Aww – thank you, dear shipmate.  I actually do know I haven’t wasted my life, and I’m happy with my decision not to reproduce too.  But it can make one suddenly wonder where one has been while all this was happening!

    • Not to be (too) harsh, but …
      Please BANISH the idea that you are “useless” – because you clearly are NOT!
      I’m not even sure I’d grant you “old”.  I think I’m about 3 years younger and I don’t feel old – except when I see my reflection in store windows.  I go “Who the HELL is that old person?”  And then I realize it’s ME!

    • Having lost my partner in life, I had this very, very brief moment wondering what my life would be now if we had decided to reproduce. Then I looked at the news, the fire warnings and the heat-wave announcements and I was glad we did our bit; and I’m still contributing my teensy bit, I hope.
      But yeah, I know how you feel, Joanne. It keeps nagging; could we have done more then?

    • Ditto everyone who says JD is NOT useless! 02

  2. Cartoon: Gawd, how sad/horrible! 
    AN: I agree with the respected gentleman from CT, and I have severe misgivings from any and all R’s, and what they say. Time for them to grow a spine, and get rid of Moscow Mitch too. 
    CNN: What a crying shame. I’m saddened by this violence, and news. Very scary too! 
    YT: Love Bob. Got most of his albums too. 

    Hi, Wendy! Good news! Glad to read that you are able to eat w/o much ado. Hope that you enjoy the game, as I will with our game. In the meantime, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Want to see a dt supporter get triggered? Tell them dt is too stupid to commit treason, and wait to see what side they defend. ~ Joshua J. ~ 
    2. Americans killed: Benghazi 4. Puerto Rico: 2, 975. Investigations – Benghazi 10, Puerto Rico 0.” ~Lori J. ~
    3. Trump: “My daddy gave me $413 Million and I still went broke 6 times.” ~ Tinjin C. ~ 

  3. Having been gone for Christmas, I’m somewhat behind the times.  But if vomiting has been a major problem (I thought it was just pain), I’d consider trying Emetrol.
    It’s an OTC medication that actually got Ratings & Reviews on WebMD.  It worked very well in the pediatric age-group population – and it tastes really good (cherry).
    It only comes as a liquid, but there’s a similar chewable tablet – Nauzene – that I’m really not familiar with.
    And it goes w/out saying: Be sure to keep up w/ your fluids & electrolytes.  You can actually dilute electrolyte drinks like Gatorade by up to half.  They’re actually absorbed better that way & obviously cheaper.

    • I’m not surprised that electrolytes sprang to your mind … and, just as a lay person, I heartily concur.  Any opinion on Pedialyte for adults?  Knudsen’s makes — or used to – an electrolyte drink which has less sugar and more fruit juice than Gatorade and also dilutes nicely.  I used it to get myself out of the hospital in the lat 80’s.

      • First, I probably should re-visit the advice WRT diluting Gatorade.  That was dogma back when I was practicing because they made it too sweet & it interfered w/ absorption – at least in pediatric patients.
        Gatorade might have changed their formulation since then, as it was a common complaint in the medical community.
        I’m not familiar w/ Adult Pedialyte, as it wasn’t around when I retired.  I would think it’s a good option.

    • I don’t know about the others, but Gatorade makes me barf even when I’m healthy.  I try to eat bananas, spinach and canned tuna. 25

      • “… canned tuna”
        You’re just a few miles outside Nike’s Smell-O-Radar – otherwise he’d be on your doorstep begging for at least the packing water.  (So far, that’s all I share with him – and he LOVES it!)

  4. Seems to me that Moscow McConnell gave Speaker Pelosi a huge Christmas present by mouthing off that he was not a impartial juror when it comes to trump. Been out of the political news loop for several days and don’t know if the Speaker and her surrogates are making the rounds on the Sunday shows spreading the word that the fix is in on trump’s senate trial.
    I’d hold the Impeachment Articles and play out the game waiting to see if the courts are going to make trump’s henchmen testify before Congress.  

    • And Speaker Pelosi turned that gift into a huge gift to all of us.  Since she can’t appoint managers effectively until she knows what the rules will be, she can now insist on seeing the rules before doing so. – with all that that implies.

      My feeling is that, if we cannot get a convection, our second best option is to deny him an acquittal by not sending over the articles.  He will then be the only President in history impeached but not acquitted.  

    • Beach, I agree.  Unless Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch agrees to call our witnesses, we should wait to see what the courts order.  04

  5. Cartoon: Shameful that it continues on…with still no end in sight.
    AN: Wish mItch the bI*ch would take a nice boating vacation and drift off to a loss island. He’s done nothing for America by ignoring everything that has been seating on his desk for months. Plus kissing his leader’s behind. I honestly hope this one is right about some of these crazy R’s. They had better get their heads screwed on and stop protecting tRump. None of them have done one thing of their duties for the people or their country. 
    CNN: Sad to read of what has been going on in Baltimore. Sorry to see even in this evenings news, more shooting at a TX church and stabbing at Hanukkah celebration in NY. Really getting ugly out there. Been signing all sorts of petitions on gun control, but as we know our political so called leader and his cronies don’t give a damn.
    BFTP: Great song.artist. 
    Glad to hear that you were able to eat some food. 
    Hope you had a nice visit with Wendy. Tell her to have a Happy and safe New Year.
    See that the Broncos won. Must of been a good game.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Good to hear you’re keeping food down now, TomCat.

    3:17: What a cute little (light)house.

    Cartoon: There never has been a plan B. Or C.

    Alternet: Republicans are allowed to voice some misgivings to keep their voters happy, but more often to strike a ‘deal’ with Mitch McConnell to get something extra for their state, and thus keep their seat. Lisa Murkowski is so notorious for that even I recognise her name. We can now wait for Susan Collins to do the same. In the end, Republicans will close ranks as they always do.

    CNN: It wouldn’t surprise me if extreme-right groups are taking the chance to push fringe members to attack people in communities with a high Jewish populace, because Jews, however irrational the reasons, have always been their favourite scapegoats, and for the White House to let it happen because it’s such a wonderful diversion and it has the excuse it couldn’t possibly have to do with Trump because his daughter is “Jewish”.

    BFTP: This song is far before my time, but I’m very familiar with A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall because I became a Dylan fan as soon as I was able to decipher his texts and because this song has been there in the background ever since.

  7. ‘Toon: That’s their game.
    Alternet: How about I’ll believe it when I see it.  Also, it would be wonderful to see Collins and Mitch McDog-thing loose in 2020!  I like the idea of holding the impeachment issue over Dumpy’d dumb head, torturing him, endlessly, I hope, unless it is not an official impeachment until it is sent to the senate.  
    CNN: “Old stereotypes are resurfacing.”   The stereotypes never really went away, have been lying around in the background, and come back when a scapegoat is sought.  This is attributable, in large part,I believe, to Dumpy’s  style of politics and social commentary.
    Dylan: Yes, it is raining all over the country, as we “speak.”  
    Joanne, there is no way that you are useless, whatsoever!  Children, grand children?  A number of my maternal great-uncles, and great-aunt chose to have no children 2 generations ago, not wanting to bring children into their version of “This world.”  My great-aunt had a child, in 1930, because her doctor told her that one more abortion would kill her.  That cousin, Ellie, has always been a wonderful part of my life, was a teacher, and is a devout progressive.  We do not really know what the future holds in store, though we may have some guesses.  But, we make decisions based on what we think, and feel, at the moment, and second guessing, years later,  only tortures us. 
    TC, I hope you go on to continue to feel better, and better.

  8. Thanks and tired OGIM hugs to all! 19

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