Dec 232019

I’m rushing to prepare for my GI appointment.  Wish me luck!  Oh God!  It’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Religious Ecstasy:


Woooo Hoooo!  Yay Orb!

Vote Blue!!


  9 Responses to “Personal Update – 12/23/2019”

  1. Cartoon: Ugh! & Argh!! 
    YAY for your team. Good score too! 

    Hope that all goes well for you today, and that you get to and fro safely too. Prayers and good vibes to you, as you get this done. Take good care, and rest the rest of your day, when you get back home. Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “dt…definition of insanity, is doing and saying the same things over, and over, and over, and over, and expecting a different outcome.” ~ Cynthia B. ~ 
    2. “If you could reason with a dt supporter, there would be no dt supporters.” ~ John N. ~ 
    3. “What about that Russian spy ship lingering off the coast of South Carolina and Florida several days ago? Speculation was that it was for electronic surveillance…? ~ Maria H. ~ 
    4. “Frankly I don’t care, what [Republicans] have to say.”  ~ Madame Speaker Pelosi ~ (when asked about suggestions from the GOP that she’s playing games re: dt’s impeachment 

  2. 5:35 Aren’t they rushing the season? It seems early for a Superb Owl.

    I do wish you luck. All the luck in the world. As well as all the help of all the higher powers.

    Cartoon – I have gotten to where I have had it, not just with racists, but with anyone who thinks the concept of “race” has any reality with respect to the HUMAN (and only human) race today. Santa, don’t bring them coal (they’d just sell it). Bring them industrial waste.

    Glad you have some ecstasy. You were due (if not overdue.)

    Here is a picture I promised earlier. It’s almost Christmas, and it’s time. You can link to the backstory by clicking on the image.

  3. Bad news.  I need an upper endoscopy.  It’s a same day inpatient procedure, like the needle biopsy I just had.  It will be in January or February.  In the meantime, no relief.  ARGH! 13

    • I am certainly sorry that you need it … but since you do, I can’t be sorry you are going to get it.  I can be sorry that it will take so long to get it, and I am.

      But – no relief? NO RELIEF?  I’m more than sorry, I’m outraged.

      Can you sleep sitting up?  Or is it so bad that won’t even help?

      • Gosh, what a bummer, Tom. 
        This is really sad…
        I’m concerned that you will not get any relief till either Jan/Feb. That’s a long time to be in pain, and feeling uncomfortable. 
        Do take care, Tom, prayers for you too. 

  4. Cartoon: Agree with Joanne’s comment.
    Religious Ecstasy: Glad your team won again. 
    Sorry to hear that you’re now going to have a upper endoscopy. Hopefully the results from it will finally pinpoint the issues that has been causing you so much pain/distress. Keep us posted.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. As noted, I would have been surprised if they had NOT ordered an endoscopy.

    I am a bit surprised that s/he didn’t provide any interim type of remedial palliation.

    Putting my Lutheran Confirmation “Best Construction” spin on this, I hope it means s/he didn’t hear/find anything ominous. 

    If they did NOT offer any advice WRT interim palliation, I would DEFINITELY call them tomorrow MORNING (& again on Thursday if you hadn’t heard) and ask (kindly) WHAT they recommend to provide some relief until the tests ARE completed!

  6. The upper endoscopy is no surprise, not with the symptoms you’ve been describing, TomCat. But to let you wait another month or two without relief beggars belief. A list of foodstuffs which increase stomach acid and which you’re to avoid would be a good start. If you have been given such a list, retrieve it from your circular dossier, otherwise, ask your favourite search engine. You may need to alter your shopping list, but would it be worth it, that is the question.

    3:00 That owl looks pain(t)ed.

  7. Thanks and Hugs to all! 29

    Thanks everyone for your care and advice.  See today’s Open Thread for a more complete explanation. 

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