Dec 212019

It’s a busy time here in the CatBox.  My heartburn was so severe last night that I threw up.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos play the Lions, but it won’t be televised here.  May the divine Orb shine its blessed light on your team, unless they are bearded puddy tats.  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy day and we lave lots of chores to do.  Monday is my gastroenterologist appointment, thank God.  I’ll be gone from around 7:00 AM until Noon.  Therefore, please expect no more than a Personal Update from me.  Please have a safe weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:11 (average 5:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Baggers, if you remember is short for Republican Tea Baggers.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): FROSTY THE SNOWMAN (doesn’t have the Climate Blues)


Thanks, Don. I almost missed this due to a hospital procedure. Glad I didn’t. The top ten Democratic Presidential candidates ALL support the Green New Deal! Give that damn snow Republican a furnace for Christmas!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Michael Moore: GOP β€˜Dying Dinosaurs,’ Impeach Them


I love Michael Moore! I agree with him about who the Republican Party are, and I agree they are a dying dinosaur, with the caveat that, if they succeed in stealing and replacing our Republic with a National Socialist Reich, America, Not the Republican Party, will become extinct!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): John Lennon-Power To The People-Offical [sic] Video-HQ


Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/21/2019”

  1. Very relieved you have your GI appointment this Monday.  And I’m going to make a few general suggestions.

    Prepare notes of a brief history of your illness/symptoms – including any procedures or test, w/ results if you have them (yes, I suspect your PCP was sending them over, but snafus happen).  One of the usual first questions is “What brings you in today?”

    A good mnemonic when it comes to detailing any pain is PQRST:

    P: Anything PROVOKE it (food, med, activity)?  Anything PALLIATE it (meds, vomiting, etc.)?

    Q: QUALITY – sharp, dull, achy, burning, etc.

    R: REGION & RADIATION – where doe it hurt & does it move

    S: SEVERITY – s/he may ask you to give it a number from the Pain Scale.  Basically 0-3 are nuisance type pains.  4-6 is worsening. From 7 on it interferes w/ your Activities of Daily Living (ADL).  Can’t sleep, can’t work, etc.  Sounds like you’re definitely at lest at the #7 level.

    T: TEMPORAL – both if there’s a time of day that it usually occurs; and how long does it last – seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

    From what you’ve shared I would suspect that you might well be asked to have some type of endoscopy performed in the near future.

    • Nameless, though I have no credentials, I certainly agree with everything you’ve shared here. I know from my own experience that, even though I may have multiple bits of information to share, they all go right out of my mind when I walk into the doctor’s office. When I was referred to a surgeon for an endometrioma back in the late eighties, I got a steno notebook and wrote down everything when it occurred to me – including writing down any questions the doctor asked about which I hadn’t thought about – and took it to every appointment. I didn’t have your mnemonic, but I am saving it where I can find it quickly for future reference.

    • Thanks.  Already had that written down. 03

  2. Say “Hi!” and “Merry Christmas!” to Wendy.
    Have a good gastro visit on Monday.
    ‘Toon:  Too bad they are not barbecuing Dumpty, on his golden throne!
    PP: Frosty is in danger of going the way of the Dodo, especially if Dodo Donny has his way.
    MSNBC: Clearly not your father’s GOP!  How correct Michael is, is scary: “They all have to go!”  They represent what the Tea Party, creation of the Koch bros., has created; they ARE what the Tea Party has become.  Part of me envies Michael for having been there.  Part of me is happy that I was not, because I’d then have had to sit and listen to the slimy bull shit these bastards put out.  I saw Hoyer address the republicans, calling on them to come to their senses, reminding them that this is about protecting the constitution, and was able to hit the “off” button as soon as Collins began to blaspheme the concept of reason.  I’ll stop now.
    Music: Wonderful!
    P.S.: I’ll be away for some of next week.  Merry Christmas to those who so celebrate!

  3. Cartoon: But, but who’s going to pull the sled for Santa?? Sad. 
    PPC: Good tune, and good video. 
    MSNBC: Spot on Michael, so true!! 
    YT: I remember when this came out…awesome words! 
    Hi, Wendy, Happy Holidays!! Gosh, hope that you’re taking something for you heartburn! We won, barely…23-Tampa 20. I saw the last 5 minutes of it, and I was out and about w/company. πŸ™‚ Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Rep Chris Steward from Utah just said that if dt is impeached and removed, he guarantees that the next President will be impeached. Without missing a beat, Rep. Jerry Nadler just pointed out that if Trump is removed, the next President of the United States is Mike Pence.” ~ MM P. ~ 
    2. “According to a RW source, Melania Trump is in tears over her husband’s impeachment.” “I don’t really care, do you?” ~Mary M. ~ 
    3. “Nancy Pelosi invited DT to speak at the State of the Union on February 4th. Ms. Pelosi, being the proper gentlewoman that she was taught to be, and that this is going to be the bane of his existence.” ~ anon ~
    4. “If dt is not removed, dt will exact revenge on a lot of people.” ~Barbara Res, former employee of dt. ~ 

  4. 3:16 A bobble (bauble?) to distract you from your nausea, TomCat.

    Cartoon: The barbie could be Aussie, but not the reindeer though.

    PPC: Don nails it again in a delightful video.

    MSNBC: Michael Moore couldn’t have pinpointed it any better when he said that this is no longer only about Trump, it is about all [Republicans]. They all have to go!

    BFTP: Yes, that is what we need right now. Power (back) to the people!

  5. 5:24 I’d call that a “bauble” myself.

    Cartoon – I would have thought they’d want to roast them … and bring them in on a platter like a Norman Rockwell painting.

    Frosty – is accustomed to melting and returning. But some day … he won’t return.

    I like Michael Moore and agree with a lot of whathe has to say. But not everything. Usually he is the more pessimistic of us, but this time I am.

    Past – You must be saving the other one.

  6. Cartoon: Not nice at all. I’m with going with Mitch’s suggestion of barbecuing tRump.
    PPC: Good one. Shame on tRump for not caring about our environment issues. 
    MSNBC: Michael Moore…spot on. Agree with his Dying Dinosaur/R’s comparison. They do need to be replaced.
    BFTP: Great tune. Definitely.
    Sorry to hear that you were suffering all night. Glad you will be going to see your gastroenterologist on Monday.
    Hope your day went well today. That you get some sleep tonight. 
    Enjoy your Sunday with Wendy’s visit too.  Tell her “Merry Christmas” from me too.
    I had computer/Wifi issues for a day and a half. Frustrating when it happens.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. Thanks and burning Hugs to all! 20

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