Dec 012019

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is coming, and we’re having our Thanksgiving Dinner.  So I’m hurrying to finish.  This is my only article today.  Ellipsoid Orb Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:51 (average 5:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Raw Story: Nurses and doctors from the United Kingdom’s National Health Service are planning to lead a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump next week amid mounting concerns about potential privatization of the U.K.’s decades-old public healthcare system.

The Stop Trump Coalition—which helped organize massive protests against the U.S. president when he visited the U.K. in July 2018—said in a statement Friday that “the health workers’ bloc will tell Trump ‘hands off our NHS,’ as concerns intensify about a trade deal letting U.S. firms muscle in on the health service.”

It’s not enough that Trump and the Republican Reich are keeping millions of Americans from receiving public healthcare. They are also fighting to take it away from the rest of the world.  RESIST!!

From Huffington Post: Nearly 4 million Americans would lose food stamps if the Trump administration institutes its overhaul of eligibility requirements and other aid rules, according to a new analysis of the impact of the possible changes. Millions of others would lose some food subsidy benefits.

Seventy mayors in August called on the Trump administration not to enact the changes, noting that 85% of the benefits go to households with a child, an elderly person or someone with a disability.

Every taxpayers’ penny Republicans take from a poor, hungry child is a penny they can give to a billionaire. RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Zombies – Time Of The Season HD

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/1/2019”

  1. Happy Birthday Wishes to you, Vivian! Hope that you have a great, enjoyable and memorable Day! 

    Ms. Parks was a very brave woman, and for that…I commend her for her actions, and the successful bus boycott led by Dr. King, and spreading the awareness. 
    RS: Glad to see that they are protesting. I wish them well too. 
    HP: How low can he go? Pretty dam low! How depressing it is, for these folks, families and the children. 
    BFTP: One of my favorites! Good vibes too! 

    I hope that you and Wendy have a wonderful and great dinner, you both deserve the very best! Hope that you have a good day, take good care, relax & enjoy, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: Playing mean and bully on the playground..”Drumpt continues to send a message to any member of the GOP who isn’t towing the line: defy him and you’ll get primaried. This time, the attack dog is in the form of Mr. DUI himself, Matt Gaetz. Gaetz threatened GA Governor,  Brian Kemp (D),  w/primary should he defy dt’s wishes.” ~ Maria H. ~

    “Odd isn’t it, with dt not tweeting the past few days…the silence is refreshing.” ~ Robert B. ~ 

    djt jr. = “You did not earn the #1 book rank on the preeminent list of best-selling books at the NY Times.  Multiple media outlets have documented that R organizations bought your books in bulk to rig the Best Seller List and to commit fraud. Like father, like son.” ~ Don W. ~ 

    • Re TJI – The silence is a bit unsettling so comparatively soon after the odd Walter Reed visit. WRT dtjr, the NY Times has -for a while – been on to this. When a book gets onto the list through bulk sales, they put an asterisk by the author’s name so the world can see the con.

  2. 8:11

    Since it’s a slow day, I thought some might be interested in what Beau has to day.

    Cartoon 1 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIVIAN! And many more at the top of the food chain fantasy football league!

    Cartoon 2 – She has become a symbol … but she was far more than that.

    RW – They are – and they have way too much backup. But you notice that here, where we have mostly private health care with some nationalized, the doctors and nurses are largely resisting Medicare for All. But in the UK, where they have a National Health Service, the doctors and nurses are supporting the system. That says something (positive) about the welfare of medical professionals within it. It’s not just for patients..

    HuffPo – Good that mayors are starting to get involved. Business as usual for Republicans, the party of death.

    TC and WWWendy WW, have a wonderful if belated Thanksgiving feast.

  3. Enjoy your day, Vivian!

    3:44 Beautiful specimen

    Cartoon: You do well to honour that brave woman, TomCat.

    RS: I do hope Boris Johnson will lose the election on the 12th because it is the only way to keep Brexit from happening and Trump pushing Great Britain further to the brink. The NHS isn’t all Trump and his cronies are after; after a Brexit, all GB’s trade is up for grabs.

    HP: Taking food stamps away from people comes up every year or so and has been a Republican bargaining item for as long as I’ve been following American politics. Evey time the food aid comes up, something had to give and slowly it is wittled away. Trump is just a Republican mouthpiece, trying to keep his 1% friends happy and himself in power.

    BFTP: Oh yes, wonderful memories associated to The Zombies’ Time of the Season. Thanks.
    Recomendation: It may be a bit out of our time window, but the title should make up for that: Everybody wants to rule the world by Tears for Fears.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VIVIAN! Hope you had a wonderful day with many more to follow.
    Bless Rosa Parks for saying “NO”. We must all continue to stand up and resist.
    RS: Power to these people who work for the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. It’s awful to see that tRump has to stick his nose into other countries business. I tend to agree with Lona that I too hope the idiot there, Boris Johnson will lose the election there. Otherwise I feel for the people there, to even think that he’s like tRump and will destroy the U. K. like tRump has done here.
    HP: Screw heartless tRump. I pray that these mayors’ can knock some sense into tRump brainless head. People do not deserve to have their benefits taken away.
    BFTP: Zombies…another great group Great tune.
    Hope you and Wendy had a great belated Thanksgiving dinner.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. Dear Vivian – 

    Birthday Greetings!

  6. Not a fan of PM Boris Johnson at all – but I’m enjoying how he’s distancing himself from tRump, who is LOATHED in the UK.

    • How far can he truly distance himself without hair dye and plastic surgery, though?  (And maybe liposuction?)

      • I will say Boris taught me a new word yesterday.  When being interviewed WRT the knife-attacker he said (according to the CC): “He should have been invigilated better before his release.”

        I thought sure it was just a CC typo (which are quite common), and meant to put “investigated”.  But I looked “invigilated” up, and it’s a real – very British – word.

  7. Thanks and OGIM Hugs to all! 19

  8. Hugs and well wishes to all!!🌷🌷

  9. The spirit of Rosa Parks lives on! Resist, persist, insist, repeat!

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