Oct 172019

I’m very tired, here in the CatBox.  Yesterday wore me out.  I’m hurrying to get a partial nap in, before Store to Door delivers my groceries this afternoon.  It’s a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos meditate with Chiefs, and it will be televised here.  May the holy Orb shine it’s blessed light on your team, unless Native Americans object to their name.  Broncos hugs for all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:17 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (Vox Channel): The man who rigged America’s election maps

Hoffer is already sizzling with Scalia in the infernal realm. Now, we need to send all his work to join him. In state elections, vote blue, no matter who. RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): John Brennan On ‘All Roads With Trump Lead To Putin

With Trump, all roads lead to Putin [R-RU]. Why? Whatever Putin has on him, his nose is buried in Putin’s pooter. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Washington Post Channel): Democratic leadership speaks after White House meeting on Syria

From everything I’ve heard, Trump was a crass act, and Pelosi was a class act throughout!! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  7 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/17/2019”

  1. Cartoon: Yep, pretty much says it all. 
    Vox: Amazing to me how they get away with this. The pox on them all. 
    MSNBC: dt has no sense of ethics or empathy. Plays the blame game, as he’s ‘perfect in every which way’…but it’s going to back slap him somewhere/somehow. 
    I echo Mr. Brennen’s comment. 
    WPC: A 3rd grader would have been able to handle himself more maturely than this potus. imho..HE’S FIRED!!! 
    What a clown!! 
    Best to you and your Broncos for the WIN ! We play the Colts, Sunday. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, and a great evening. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: re: dt’s financial records – “The president will be appealing the ruling to the DC Court of Appeals, headed by … Merrick Garland.” ~ Stephen D. ~ 
    2. “If you want to know Trump’s next move, just think…What would Putin do/want?” ~ Jim E. ~ 
    3. “I’ve decided to cut back on political posts for a bit…Instead, I will share some word scrambles. First up..
    Kucf umrtp.” ~Jennifer M.~ 
    4. “I wish you were a politician, Mr. President, than you would know the Art of the Possible.” ~ Nancy Pelosi ~ 

  2. Hugs to you TomCat.22

  3. 7:12 But I’m not awake, having overslept extravagantly.

    Cartoon – Gee, did the “Fearless Girl” do that?

    Vox – This is a great time to make this knowledge widespreas, witha cenbsus coming up. I was preaching this gospel in 2008, but my voice wasn’t loud enough nationally. Colorado did, I guess, get the message. I would not endorse Hickenlooper for President, or for Senate, but I’m very glad that he was our governor when he was.

    Brennan – I sometimes doubt whether the Mango Maggot ever heard of corruption until it started to be applied to him, and, not knowing what it means, he has decided that it means “everyone and everything, the stands in the way of him grabbing money.” Thus we have the nauseating spectacle of possibly the most corrupt man in the world throwing the word “corruption” like monkey poo at the most honorable men and women in the word.

    WaPo – I changed “Democrat” to “Democratic. I was sure you didn’t want to sound like a Republican (even if that was a direct quote.)

    I didn’t see the video before, but I read about it, and had thoughts . Such as, there are different kinds of “communists.” I am sympathetic to some – like, for instance, Paul Robeson. Trump is no doubt in sympathy with some – like Josef Stalin. Vlad, however, is no communist and doesn’t pretend to be one. Just a dictator/oligarch/plutocrat.

  4. If there is a Hell, Hoffer is there. When politicians can choose their voters, that is NOT democracy, that is tyranny, no matter which party benefits.

    A lot of congressional districts are utter absurdities! This is why we need a neutral commission to draw them. Or a computer program – but since people write computer software, that is no guarantee of zero bias.

    So, North Carolina’s gerrymandering was “beyond the reach” of the Supreme Court? Bull feces. Probably because reich-wingers dominate the SCOTUS. Good for the state courts that refused to take this voter suppression strategy lying down, and forced a redraw! Democrats, though, had better not get too smug – they gerrymander, too.

  5. 3:41 Relaxing waterfront

    Cartoon: Nothing changed, they are still at it.

    Vox: Comming from a country where there are no political districts, I flabbergsted each time it comes up. They may not be good for anything but enriching themselves and their buddies but Republicans somehow have  turned gerrymandering into a high art, with Hoffeler as its supreme artist. They were so good at it, and at placing extreme-right-wing judges in for example SCOTUS, they seem super-glued to their pluche seats.

    MSNBC: All Brennan can do is laugh at Trump’s antics (a cornered cat makes strange jumps, Dutch proverb); he’s probably known that all roads lead to Putin for a long time, but had to wait until the inquests were finaly on their way before he could confirm it.

    YT: I think it’s time to get an old cartoon I produced (end of May 2017) out of the mothballs. Triump is sinking. Mentally. Politically. Fast.

  6. Will try this again since when I was close to finishing I lost the network, so I had to restart my laptop.
    Vox: No politician should be allowed to pick their voters. This crap has got to stop. Especially now that we have these important elections coming up.
    MSNBC: Sure amazes me how tRump can point fingers at everyone else and blame/accuse them of crimes that he’s the one who’s actually doing himself. He’s going to get hit hard real soon and will be paying for all of his sins in Prison with all of his buddies going too.
    YT: I like and agree with Lona’s response and photo. 
    Best of luck to your Bronco’s. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. Thanks and rushed TGIF hugs to all! 26

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