Sep 242019

It’s a muggy day, here in the CatBox.  I was pretty busy last night, am running late, and am feeling tired.  I’ll still be in the saddle tomorrow, but may be a bit late to publish, because my medical waste company is coming to exchange my sharps container.  Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 6:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league.



Congrats to Squatch, Vivian, and I for winning our games.  I had the week high score.



Congrats to Vivian for leading the league.

Players, have your lineup set before Thursday Night Football.

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: The former President Richard M. Nixon became the latest person to call for Donald J. Trump’s impeachment on Monday, holding an extraordinary press conference in Hell to do so.

“I see the news every day and I shake my head,” Nixon said, the infernal flames of Hades licking his jowls. “How has this bastard not been impeached yet?”

The former President said that the Watergate scandal, which led to his resignation from office, was “like jaywalking” compared to Trump’s interactions with a foreign government.

“I’ll admit that my subversion of democracy wasn’t ideal, but this Ukrainian business is some next-level shit,” Nixon said.

Dang, Andy! Thus sayeth Tricky Dick about Tiny Dick. Ands he ever right! May Trump join him soon! RESIST!!

From YouTube (NBC News Channel): Watch Greta Thunberg’s Impassioned Speech: ‘Change Is Coming Whether You Like It Or Not’


What intense emotions supporting such obvious truth! Kudos! RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): SAUDI’S BITCH


Way to go! Trump and Salmon both have brown stains on their noses! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  7 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/24/2019”

  1. 4:37 I knew those sticky hairs were going to hang me up.

    Petition from ITPI to oppose privatization of Air Traffic Control.

    If you had the slightest doubt that Republicans want to take us back to the Dark Ages, this ad should remove it.

    Cartoon – They’d love to, wouldn’t they. So would a lot of the American Cardinals. But no.

    TNY – I believe it implicitly. Straight news, straight from hell.

    Greta – The meme below is in her honor. I’ve been putting it off, but it’s time.

    Other PP – He’s right. This isn’t new. It’s just more egregious than ever.


  2. GRETA!: It’ like she’s talking to Bob Dylan’s “Mr. Jones,” all over again; he still does not get it.  She is marvelous!!!!!!!
    New Yorker: King Richard?!  Who would’a thunk?  In comparison, he was just a normal scumbag, hateful and hating, but, sadly, not beyond the pale.  This jackass is a whole other animal!
    PPC: As usual, spot-on!
    ‘Toon: Pope Rudy is already on the way to the loony house.  

  3. Cartoon: Ugh! No! 
    NYer: Word.
    NBC: She’s amazing! A gifted young lady, who has an urgent message to all, and for us (young & old), to listen to her words. 
    PP: Well said, and sung! 
    *Signed petition, thx, Joanne. 
    Hope that you get a chance to nap. Hope that you have a good evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 
    *This just in: “There are actually people who are angry at a teenage girl for trying to save the world/planet, but not at the potus for trying to destroy it.” ~ Volatile M. ~ 
    2. “dt’s UN speech was just alful. From the words penned by Steven Miller (probably) and spoken by a somnambulant.” ~ Nicole S. ~ 

  4. Fantasy Football — The only reason I won this week was because I did not have a team to play against.  This week, you are my target Puddy Tat and if is to be believed, it will be extremely close with you on top by less than half a point.  It is wait and see time.

    The New Yorker — “… this Ukrainian business is some next-level shit,” Nixon said.” LMAO!!!  May Trump join Nixon in hell! 

    NBC — Such an articulate young woman with an incredible “How dare you!”  She is 100% correct.

    Parody Project — Right on!

    Cartoon — You can’t but the American people can impeach you at the ballot box by turfing all Republicans to the curb like trash.

    Sorry I have not been around as much.  My hands have been quite sore and are very cold all the time such that I spend more time with my hands under my arms to warm them a bit.  Today I was cold through and through so headed to bed for a nap and warmth.  Three hours later I was warm and awake.  I’m off to bed now to get warm and ready for tomorrow’s physio.  I will likely have surgery on my left hand for carpal tunnel and when that is healed, on my right.  I am told that the coldness is from that.

  5. Well-put, Greta! No, the 99%, the Millennials and Generation Z will never forgive the fat cats who are destroying the planet in the name of profit. If you rich-asses hide in bunkers, we will find them and bury you alive.

  6. I hope you feel better and am sorry for the pain I’ll be inflicting on you this weekend. 🏈

  7. Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all! 17

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