Jul 182019

I’m exhausted.  I missed my nap yesterday and was in my chair from 5:00 AM until 6:00 PM, breaking only for the ride over and back in Wendy’s truck.  But it is now a done deal at last.  I signed my name at least 50 times, paid my rent, and took possession of the shiny new CatBox.  I have the keys, at last, and moving day is two weeks from today.  Woooo Hoooo!!!  This will be today’s only article, with no links messages on Care2, but it’s a bit more than I intended.  Why? Sam!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:55 (average 8:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes: From Full Frontal Network:

The Late Shrill with Samantha Bee (feat. Tammy Duckworth)


God, I’ve missed Sam.  Is her summer break over? RESIST!!

A Rundown of Trump’s Racist Racisms


Sam was wrong about one thing.  The Fuhrer ends sentences with propositions, not prepositions. RESIST!!

Jeffrey Epstein’s Got Friends in High Places


Penis shampoo dispenser? Literotica in a Taxes file? Dang! Is Sam a perv? πŸ˜‰ Calling Epstein a pervert is understatement. RESIST!!

Cartoon :


  14 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/18/2019”

  1. 5:55 He’s pretty fuzzy – don’t get a hairball.

    Just did a chair dance reading this:
    Jeffrey Epstein denied bail, will remain jailed pending trial on sex trafficking charges

    Sam I – Yes. When I was in, and probably when Pat was in, we couldn’t even serve in a combat zone, let alone in combat. (The first Woman Marine in a combat zone was actually my old drill instructor, just before I was discharged. She was an administrator (read: paperwork.) Nurses, yes, but there are no nurses or doctors in the Marines. We borrow the Navy ones.

    Sam II – “We all know” is another Republican tell for “Here comes a big lie.” I was listening to episode one of Yahoo’s podcast on Seth Rich, and one quote was Rush Limbaugh: “We all know Hillary likes to kill people.” (I do intend to listen to the rest, but probably not today – I’ll be out of town all day tomorrow and must be ready.) BTW, there’s another word for that – xenophobe – but it has too many syllables for Eye Dee Ten Tee.

    Sam III – I already shared the good news on him above, with a link.

    Cartoon – Yup.

  2. Sam1: Lots of respect for Senator Duckworth, who represents all of us, and women in the service as well. What a treat to listen to her, and how she addresses the everyday biasses of women in the military, and her concerns, and what she is doing to overcome these problems. She’s got my vote, hands down !!

    *Joanne… Word.  No overseas service in war-torn Vietnam, (except for the nurses), and no ship-board duty when I was in, we weren’t allowed.  My daughter who also served in the Navy, was in a squadron, and assigned work on three different CVA’s, working on helos, and fighter jet engines. Hard and sweaty work on the flattops. I am also proud of my two shellbacks, her, and my spouse. My son (Med cruises), nor I, aren’t, though we are still proud of our Naval service.  

    Sam2: Gawd, how sad ! Good video showing how racist dt really is, and the pain that is prevalent to these folks, seeking a new home and hopes!! for themselves and their families.

    Sam3: Epstein/trump deserve prison for life for all the atrocities they’ve done, towards these young women/children. Sick and perverted asshol-s.

    Cartoon: Yep, pretty much says it all……

    WOO HOO! Great mews!!! So glad that you made it to and from your new apartment. I’m so happy for you, and wish you nothing but the best in your new pad !!! Now, go get your rest. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “Lindsey Graham is the closest dt has come to owning a dog.” ~ Jimmy Fallon ~
    2. We’ve reached a point where the POTUS is doubling down on being a racist to take attention away from being a rapist.” ~ Susan M. ~
    3. “Satan requests that dt NOT be sent back to his place of origin.” ~ B. B. ~

  3. Your Lease is signed!  YIPPEE!

    This calls for a celebration!  How about a bite of my Ooey-Gooey Chocolate Lava Cake?

  4. Viva Tammy Duckworth – more firsts that you could fit in a Greyhound bus!

    The Orange Ogre is so racist, he scares the robes off the KKK. Never mind that three of the “squad” were born right here. Then again, his judgment about their supposed countries of origin unfortunately describe the USA quite well. C’mon, folks, let’s call a spade a spade, and a racist a f***ing RACIST!!!

    Yep, calling Epstein a pervert is not only an understatement, it’s an insult to perverts.

    Cartoon is too dead on to be funny.

    SoINeedAName: Great idea for Halloween, only give the cake red filling. Mwa ha ha ha ha! Hey, bake a cake to look like our so-called Prez and put red goop inside. Symbolic revenge!

  5. Sam 1: Power to Senator Duckworth. Enjoyed her video.
    Sam 2: Despicable seeing how racist tRump is. His ugliness to everyone who isn’t white is really a shame. Certainly not a trait of a real leader.
    Sam 3: Agree with Freya.
    Cartoon: Sad but so true.
    Glad to hear that everything went well for you with your new apartment, TC. Wish you were closer so we all could throw a nice party to celebrate your new place. 

  6. πŸŽ†πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ Congrats with signing the lease!

    4:15 This dawgie isn’t for you, TomCat. Lately the puzzle has the annoying habit of pieces that get stuck to the cursor; anyone else with this problem?

    Sam 🐝: Loved her parody of late night shows, but glad Tammy Duckworth dodn’t go along and stuck to the interview, which was worth wile.

    Sam 🐝🐝: Excellent, spot on video. By now I’m eagerly awaiting Trumps diversion from exploiting racism, which was a diversion from having Barrf negating the the Mueller investigation,

    Sam 🐝🐝🐝: The only good thing about the Trump era is that Epstein and all his enablers are basking in the light of glaring scrutiny and will no longer go unnoticed like 15 years ago.

    • I have Lona.  Also, the entire board moves when I pick up a piece.  My time is screwed up by this . . . well that and my hands.

    • I have always had, and still do have, pretty much the opposite problem – it takes me multiple tries to pick some of the pieces up, and then takes me multiple tries to get them in the right position to snap to.  The pickup I think is largely user error, but the snap-to issue really is annoying.  Of course it probably doesn’t help that on my own jigsaw program, I have a feature that I can adjust the snap-to distance, so I’m spoiled.

  7. Puzzle — 5:39  OMG!  I am under the average!  The puzzle is not that difficult that the average is over 8 minutes.

    Sam I — Tammy Duckworth is a gem speaking out for what is important.

    Sam II — Too bad someone did not send Trump’s grandfather (or his father if you believe Trump’s claim that his father was from Germany rather than NY) back from whence he came — to Germany.  The US might not have had this racist Trump problem.

    Sam III — Epstein, Trump and a host of other miserable SOBs deserve 5 life sentences for every underage girl they deflowered.  I also saw in the news, as JD has pointed out, that Epstein will remain incarcerated as matters proceed.  There is a judge with half a brain!

    Cartoon — What Pat and JD said!

    Fabulous news for your new digs!!!  Are you going to have a copy of the key bronzed for posterity?  Congratulations!!!  030303

    The hand is slowly, very, very slowly getting a miniscule amount of strength back, but it is very painful.  Sometimes it makes my entire body ache.  The knuckle of my thumb is dislocated because the muscles (what there are) and ligaments are pulling the bones out of place.  I am challenged to figure out new ways to do things with the left hand . . . I have mastered holding a water bottle, but glasses will never happen.  Doorknobs are another challenge but I have fixed them by using a rubber jar opener.  Moving forward!

  8. Thanks and TGIF Hugs to all.  17

  9. Sam rocks!
    Trump’s grandfather did go back to Germany, and was told to get back to where you came here from, by the Kaiser!

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