Jul 142019

[EDITOR’S NOTE: You would think by now I would know about changing horses in mid-stream – but you’d be wrong! But since this just developed in the past 12 hours (and the one I had ready is “timeless”), I changed course again.]

I usually don’t watch tennis. – but when I do, I watch Woody Harrelson watching tennis!

Yep, “Cheers” own beloved-but-wacky bartender, Woodrow Huckleberry Tiberius “Woody” Boyd, became a Meme at Wimbledon’s men’s doubles championship with his “lubricated” Emmy-Award winning antics – unbeknownst to him.

Harrelson eagerly watched the grueling match between partners Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah against Nicolas Mahut and Edouard Roger-Vasselin. The TV camera crews quickly realized what a treasure trove they had in Harrelson’s expressions (not to mention his frequent trips to the refreshment area) that were as entertaining as the match itself.

It all began when Mahut was unable to avoid a rocket-fired shot that struck him right on his forehead.

But it only got worse for Mahut – a whole lot worse. Later he was injured in a very vulnerable area … and dropped in agony. And Harrelson’s stunned look captured the universal male commiserating response of “OMG!”

And since this Tweet comes with sound, I’ll let you experience the crowd’s groin-groan (at least from the males) that I’m sure accompanied it.  So be sure to turn on the sound – and let me know if they groaned.

Let’s go to the replay of Harrelson’s stunned OMG! look.

Is it any wonder that Woody decided he was in dire need of some liquid refreshment to settle him down? While Woody is an open admirer of the effects of THC, unfortunately for him the only grass available at Wimbledon was on Centre Court. So he made do with wine.

Judging from his difficulty navigating the steps, it looks like Woody stayed in the concession area for more than a few refills. When he returns to his seat the match had restarted, so he’s denied access. Making the best of it, Woody works on his wine.

Let’s enjoy that from a different angle focusing on the ever so subtle look of British disapproval.

I won’t cover every trip to the concession area, but you can see he’s gotten very friendly with the usher – and also treated himself to a fine fedora.

While those libation visits took their toll, at least it looks like that wine was lip-licking good!

And as Wimbledon is closing down for the day, we find Woody has just discovered he became the Meme du Jour and is seen enjoying the many Twitter Tweets featuring him! (Or maybe just nodding off. It’s hard to tell.)



  6 Responses to “Sunday Smile – BREAKING: Woody Harrelson Wins Wimbledon!”

  1. Sorry, no sound to the ‘agony’ gif, or any other for that matter, Nameless. Because I’m not a guy and the actual shot below the belt isn’t shown, my imagination falls short here.

    Sir Mark Hylance wasn’t amused by the many pit-stops Woody had to make, but his stiff upper lip prevented him from uttering anything remotely like criticism. The eyes had it, Woody.

    The match, or the champaign, must have been ruling and really took his toll on poor Woody and he nodded off before he could send the selfie with him in VIP seat on Wimbledon’s centre court. Did he remember who won, though?

  2. WOW!  Is that really Sir Mark Rylance who gave Woody the British “Evil Eye”?

    Well, none of the GIFs would have sound.  But the Tweet of Mahut’s … hmmm … pecans – walnuts – pistachios – cashews – (you get the idea) getting hit was a Tweet.  And it has Volume Control options.

    So that’s why I was asking WRT a “Groin-Groan”.

    This is the most gruesome and violent tennis match I’ve seen in decades of watching the sport, and this is the least of it pic.twitter.com/zs6eAQkYAA

  3. There was definitely an audience groin-groan as you say.  The announcer says “Can you believe it?  He gets hit again!”  I wonder if he received an apology from his opponent?  This may mean the mandatory wearing of a cup like they do in hockey, football and maybe even baseball so the family jewels don’t get hurt.

    I definitely think Woody imbibed too much wine.  Wine, sun and a dose of sympathy pains don’t mix particularly well!

  4. Thanks Nameless.  I’m glad those weren’t MY kitty dingles. 11

  5. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

  6. Looks like it was a grueling (almost) 5 hours for a win, for Cabal and Farah.
    I didn’t watch the game, nor the goings on, but all I can say, for Mahut’s bad day is … Ouch!! Woody’s expressions are priceless..!

    Thanks, Nameless for post, and Joanne for cross-posting.

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