Netroots Nation Candidates

 Posted by at 7:44 am  Politics
Jul 142019

My comments well be brief.  Elizabeth Warren was the star.  The editor of Philadelphia’s main newspaper agrees, as you shall see.  I am  including a complete video of all the candidates.


She had them at “hello.”

No, seriously. After applauding performatively for anti-Trump red meat tossed out by New York Sen. Kirsten Gillbrand (“We all have a responsibility to fight as hard as we can against this president!”) and former Cabinet secretary Julian Castro (“Instead of breaking up families, we should break up ICE!”), more than 3,000 politically left activists at the Convention Center went wild the instant that Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren took her first stride onto the Netroots Nation stage.

People at the confab’s 2020 presidential candidates forum leaped to their feet. Some chanted, “Warren, Warren.” One woman loudly blurted out, “We love you, Liz!” at the senator, briefly blushing to match her red blazer.

Then for the next 25 or so minutes, Warren loved the American progressive movement back.

Inserted from <The Inquirer>

You find praise much higher than that.  Here’s that video.

Almost all are superior candidates. 



  8 Responses to “Netroots Nation Candidates”

  1. Fixing to leave here in a few..I will view later on when I get back to the house later on today. 

    Thanks, TC for all you do! 

  2. Apparently, after Liz finished, a good chunk of th audience left.  If that’s so, it’s not surprising she had the room at “hello,” since many had come specifically to see her.  Nothing wrong with that certainly.  I haven’t been through it yet; I’m citing someone at DK who was there.

  3. Elizabeth is fantastic.
    She will continue to lead the way.

  4. So far, progressive Liz Warren is America’s best hope for 2020.

  5. I listened to the entire video and Warren certainly had the audience with her, and rightly so.

    I read an article in which Biden, Sanders and Warren are each out pacing Trump according to a recent NBC poll (Warren by 5, Sanders by 7 and Biden by 13 I think).  The next Netroots Nation event is in Colorado but I can’t remember when.

  6. 2020: 8/13 – 8/15 in Denver 35

  7. Thanks and sick hugs. 01

  8. The more I read and hear about Elizabeth Warren, the more I like! In my less-than-humble opinion, she is the candidate whom all true Democrats should back.

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