Jul 092019

I’m hurrying to go to the Madrona Studios.  This is my only article today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s tool me 2:49 (average 4:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: The British Ambassador to the United States, Kim Darroch, explained on Monday that he had tried to conceal insulting remarks from Donald Trump by writing his cables in English.

“I believed that, by writing these messages in English, that would serve the same purpose as encryption,” Darroch said. “The fact that Trump was somehow able to decode them remains deeply mysterious to me.”

Darroch said that, “out of an abundance of caution,” he took further steps to make the cables indecipherable to Trump, deploying multisyllabic words such as “dysfunctional.”

“Clearly, I did not take into account the possibility that one of his aides might read these cables aloud to him and explain what all of the long words meant,” he said. “I was not aware that there was anyone at the White House capable of performing such duties.”

That explains it, Andy. I wonder if it was Barrf. RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Jeffrey Epstein, Called ‘Terrific’ By Trump, Charged With Sex Trafficking


How about that? Being a pervert must run in the Barrf family too. Now the Fuhrer’s pervert party can include Barrf, Judge Roy more, Injustice Teabag Thomas, Injustice Kava-Nazi, Epstein and many more. RESIST!!



  15 Responses to “Personal Update – 7/9/2019”

  1. NYer: Good one, Andy!!! omg, this is hilarious!!

    MSNBC: Stunning news! Boy, talk about a deep, deep hole!! This is going to blow up and get bigger and bigger as the day(s) go on ico of Epstein, and his friends/cohorts. Great video explaining this too. **US House Speaker Pelosi calls on Labor Secretary Acosta to resign over handling of Epstein deal cut a decade ago. MSN:

    Cartoon: Oh, but of course!!

    Good luck, and hope all goes well for you. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “Retired fighter pilot Amy McGrath announced that she is running for the Senate vs. Mitch McConnell. She’s taking him on.” ~ Barbara C. ~

  2. Good luck on your apartment hunting!

    Here’s Trump’s full quote praising Epstein:

    “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years.  Terrific guy.  He’s a lot of fun to be with.  It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.  No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


  3. 4:32 I didn’t realize quite how formidable that beak was until I put it together.

    Looking forward to your report back!

    TNY – Sign. More straight news.

    Lawrence – When I read about the recusal yesterday, I had the same thought that the stated reason was weak. But even before that, I thought of Jeff Sessions. My name is Joanne Dixon, not Jeane Dixon, but I very clearly see an explosion in the future involving Trump and Barr.

    As a general rule it is a feature of justice systems based on the English system that a defendant’s best strategy is a not guilty plea. This is different in systems based on the French system, where a defendant’s best strategy is to admit guilt and show remorse. Japan’s system is based on the French one, and this tidbit of information was included in orientation for all U. S. military when I was stationed there. I’m a little surprised that so many people seem to be surprised by Epstein’s plea, which is absolutely normal, despite how much evidence there is. Plea bargains, if any, come later, sometimes much later.

    Cartoon – Yeah. Just.

  4. TNY: He’s like a big bully who calls other’s name, but tRump doesn’t like hearing the truth.. Too bad. That’s the way we all feel about him
    MSNBC: ePstein finally got caught again and this time it’s huge. Hopefully this pervert won’t get away with it like before. I’m sick of hearing of where the rich can buy their way out of crime. They all need to be locked up with the keys thrown away.
    Good luck today, TC. I’m praying that you have great news to tell us tomorrow.about Madrona Studios.

  5. New Yorker: The original idea was based on sound evidence!
    MSNBC: Donald Trump and Donald Barr, some combination.  Are all the perverts in the same sick, little universe?  Barrf is recusing himself, I believe, because he knows just how smarmy, sleazy, and downright sick the prosecution of Epstein will show things to be, and he does not want Dumpy dumping on him, insisting that he break some more laws,or precedents…though I expect he’ll get some twitter flack.  
    ‘Toon: Well put(in).
    Joanne, “Epstein-Barr virus” is a certain winner!
    MEDICAL UPDATE: I’ve been cleared by the surgeon!  We will be going to Florida tomorrow, will start PT ASAP!

  6. *Joanne, re: your *TJI comment…LOL !! 

    Mitchell, hope all goes well for you & family, and best to you on your PT. 

  7. There is more corruption in the tRump administration than in any twelve dictatorships. You just can’t make squat like this up! If this was a TV series, people would double over with laughter and call it totally unrealistic.

  8. 2:32 Sorry, no lunch for you, TomCat. But it wasn’t ripe anyway.

    Hope the apartment/studio was to your liking.

    TNY: Absolutely hilarious; one of your better ones to date, Andy!

    MSNBC: With “I am recused from this matter”, Barrf makes it sound like it wasn’t his decision. Yeah, right; can’t face Donald’s wrath, more likely, if he doesn’t stop Epstein’s prosecution. Has Trump been waving a pardon around for Epstein yet? His undue influence on juries by waving a pardon in their direction for the one they’re about to convict is both criminal and utterly disgusting, and knows no bounds. Perhaps that’s one bridge too far, even for the likes of Barrf.

  9. Thanks and Hugs!  For move news and pics, see today’s lead article. 22

  10. 30  Remember “Birds of a feather flock together” 
    Oh we will hear more about this! Get them all!
    Thank you TomCat

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