Environmental Projection

 Posted by at 10:27 am  Politics
May 282019

One of the favorite tactics that the Republican Party employs to deceive the American people is projection. They take what they are doing or plan to do and accuse innocent Democrats of doing it.  That way, when Democrats unearth Republican crimes, it appears retaliatory.  Now Republicans have a unique twist.  Republicans employ Nazi-like tactics against religious, ethnic, and LGBTQ minorities.  They are accusing Democrats of a holocaust against carbon.

Over the weekend, the head of Donald Trump’s planned climate review panel had this to say about the climate crisis: “The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler.” It’s the sort of remark that would instantly result in dismissal in more reasonable times. Under Trump … it’s exactly where policy is going.

William Happer and his comparison of Jews to a polluting gas are just one aspect of a policy that’s focused not only on denying the climate crisis, but also on attacking science and scientific reasoning. As a physicist, Happer might be expected to have some deference toward his scientific colleagues, and some knowledge about the rigor and review that shape their work. But there are more important factors that shape Happer’s reasoning. Millions of them. As in the millions that have come from the fossil-fuel billionaires Robert and Rebekah Mercer to fund Happer and his anti-science pogrom.

According to The New York Times, the Mercers funded both Happer’s one-man “advocacy group” and a super PAC controlled by John Bolton. Then, when Trump brought Bolton into the Cabinet, it was Bolton who pulled in Happer to head up efforts to destroy the planet’s future. The Mercers have to be genuinely happy with their investments.

As a first step in destroying the nation’s faith in science and tamping down concerns about the already unfolding disasters brought on by global warming, the Trump regime has a simple answer: Don’t look. To that end, the new head of the United States Geological Survey has forbidden any analysis that looks beyond 2040. And the EPA, which produces a new climate assessment every four years, will simply drop the best, most accurate models from the next assessment in favor of only looking at the most favorable possible outcomes.

But closing their eyes and whistling a happy tune aren’t enough to make the climate crisis go away… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Unless we defeat the Republican Reich thoroughly, you can kiss your earth goodbye.



  8 Responses to “Environmental Projection”

  1. I like your writing about how deceptive the R’s are. So true! They’ve got their heads in the sand, w/o coming up for air. It’s a sheet fest out here, and getting worse! 

    Thanks, Tom for post.

  2. Mark Sumner is a real professional. (I can’t say the same of everyone on the DK staff, but certainly most are.)

    I don’t know what William Happer had in mind with his reference to “the poor Jews,” but, given that empathy is not a Republican forte, I want to remind him that middle-class and rich Jews were by no means immune under Hitler.

    This is equally stupid, though not quite so easy to make fun of, as the comment someone made about CO2 not being dangerous because we exhale it.

  3. I have to admit that Twitler et al do an enviable job of framing the narrative.

    But then again, they have a huge advantage: They don’t have to make any sense because their Trumpkins will swallow anything they say.

  4. So, “demonizing” carbon dioxide is like demonizing Jews? How f**ktard can you get? If the head of tRump’s planned climate review panel had a brain, he’d probably take it out of his worm-ridden skull and play with it. And lose it. Come to think of it, maybe that has already happened.

  5. No, Freya, if the guy had a brain, dumpy would not have chosen him!

  6. Nothing left to say but 😱

  7. Despicable what still comes out of the mouths of no good bas*ards.
    Agree with others that we must continue to fight and resist.

  8. Thanks, Hugs, and Amen to all. 28

    I agree with Lona.

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