May 232019

I’m feeling quite tired today.  WWWendy was late, because she stopped to inspect the new apartment on the way.  There are some bathroom issues to correct, but otherwise, I’ll have more room than ever.  We activated my iPhone, and that did not go well, but aster 30 minutes with tech support, it’s up and running.  Then I transferred my contacts and erased the old phone.  I finally got to bed about three hours late.  No wonder I’m pooped, here in the tiny old CatBox.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:50 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Chuck Schumer: Donald Trump Bailed On Meeting To Throw Rose Garden Tantrum


Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten never intended to make an infrastructure deal. The staged deception in the Rose Garden was a failed attempt to project the blame for the failure of the Republican Reich to agree on a doable plan onto Democrats, who do have a plan. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Vox Channel): Climate change is making allergy season worse


That means that I can blame the carbon-loving Republican Reich for the sickness I’ve had this spring. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: How any Republican can get even one woman’s vote is beyond me. What they do in the halls of government is bad enough, and then there’s shit like this.

According to recent media reports, Doug McLeod, a Mississippi state representative, was arrested on Saturday night for allegedly punching his wife in the face. Why did he do it? Because she undressed too slowly when he wanted to have sex with her.

Oh, and he’d been drinking. Probably a lot.

Talking Points Memo:

After McLeod allegedly hit his wife, she ran to another woman’s room to hide from her husband. McLeod allegedly banged on the door and threatened the other woman that he’d “kill her [expletive] dog” if she didn’t let him in.

“Are you kidding me?” he allegedly said when the cops showed up. At one point, deputies said they couldn’t understand what McLeod was saying because his speech was too slurred. They found blood in the couple’s bedroom.

McLeod was charged with misdemeanor violence and is out on $1,000 bond. 

Republicans consider women to be property, so they think abusing wives is their right. RESIST!!



  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/23/2019”

  1. 4:54 Nothing to eat here.

    Roger Stone Seeks Judge’s Permission to Appear at a Strip Club. Is this headline from The Onion? Nope. it’s real.

    RMS – The tantrum was indeed staged. I do love Nancy, but it’s nice to hear from Chuck sometimes too.

    Vox – My sinuses have been very kind to me this year … but that may well be because it’s still winter here. We have had snow every day this week so far. Yes, it melts, becaust the temperature gets up into the 40’s, and the snow ruens ro rain, and the rain helps to melt what already fell. But come on, it’s MAY, frevvinsake!

    DK – I suspected you might be on to this. To me, the punch line (pun intended) is “out on $1,000 bond.” REALLY? I suggest everyone click through and look at the graphic there – it’s perfect.

    Cartoon – The tragedy was that he got to take the easy way out.

  2. MSNBC: Dumpy-INCOMPETENCE PERSONIFIED!  His long lived criminal lifestyle is about to be unveiled, not an infrastructure plan that he can not even begin to contemplate.
    Vox: This spring season I’ve been quite unbothered by pollen, but we’ll see what the ragweed season brings.  It’s not usually bad for me, the month of May can be awful.  TC, hope you fell still better.  
    DK: Almost speechless!  But, to answer your rhetorical question: Read Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer, Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.”  One concept culled from the book may relate to Republican women who are soooo in love with Dumpy, given the way GOPIGGIES relate to their women:  When our lives feel futile and worthless, we seek a source of hope. “Hence the embracing of a substitute (for what we have) will necessarily be passionate and extreme.”
    ‘Tune: Whoa, did he get to feeling futile and worthless at the end?  Or was he having dark fantasies of Allied retribution, or both?

  3. RM: Yep, it was staged. I love the mimes on twitter too, noting quite the obvious truths from his lies.

    Vox: The continuous rains have upped the mold for me here. The pollen season here, not so bad, as we’re done with that.

    DK: What an a==! I’d be filing for divorce. He’s should also resign from his office.

    Cartoon: Coward’s way out, after killing millions of people.

    Hope that you have a good day, relax/rest, and take good care, Tom. Glad Wendy got to view your new digs too.

    *This just in: re: dt “Make way for a man with ‘Achomlishments’ “. ~ Schooly ~
    2. dt- “I don’t do cover ups.” “He forgot the word well. “I don’t do cover-ups well. That’s better.” ~ Gene J. ~

  4. Of course Twitler’s temper-tantrum walkout was planned and choreographed.  Speaker Pelosi really knows how to get under his thin-skin.  Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if she succeeds in pushing him over the edge.  HELL, he’s already “hanging ten” on that cliff.

    Fortunately, I don’t suffer from allergies.

    No doubt McCleod is a misogynist cretin (the “R” after his name gives it away) – and it’s easy to make fun of Mississippi again.  But let’s remember that this happens in all cities – big/small, rich/poor, West Coast/East Coast and in between.  Sadly, this treatment of women knows no geographic boundaries.

  5. 3:40 Gadget I don’t care for.

    MSNBC: The whole world knew it was pre-planned as soon as they saw his “press conference” with those signs stuck to the stand. Those images have been on every news screen that I know of and they all came to the same conclusion. Schumer is absolutely right, Drumpf hasn’t got an infrastructure plan, and even if he had, he wouldn’t be able to understand it or negotiate on it. And spooked by how close the investigations into his financial background are coming, he resorts to the only way he knows how to deal: intimidation and blackmail. It’s so depressing to know he’ll keep on doing this until he’s finally voted out of office.

    DK: What? Doug McLeod got out on a $1000 bail on a misdemeanor charge? Back to his poor beaten-up wife, I’m sure. I wish I could say ‘only in Mississippi’, but sadly this isn’t the case. I hope she got herself into a shelter for victims of domestic violence.

    Cartoon: He then had to wait until 1985 before incarnating in Stephen Miller.

  6. MSNBC: What a flipping fool tRump is. Acting like a school age brat. Showing no respect to the house. He’s a real disgrace to our country. I wish he’d be taken out of office, so our country can get back to some sort of sanity.
    Vox: It’s getting crazy everywhere in regard to the Climate Change issues. Too bad we have idiots in office who continue to deny these warnings/changes.
    DK: dOug is a no good repug who had no right punching his wife. To get out of jail by posting the $1000. is insane.. He should of been kept for a who lot longer. Women aren’t their property.
    Hope your day went well and that you can get to bed earlier to make up for last night.

  7. Thanks and rushed TGIF hugs. 40

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