May 092019

The heat wave continues here in the CatBox with record highs forecast for the next three days: 86°, 90° and 90°.  I’m very tired, because I was up late last night.  Wendy was a couple hours late.  Her dad passed yesterday.  In spite of her grief, she came to do my care anyway, God bless her.  Please remember her and her family in your kind wishes and prayers.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:34 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Senate Judiciary Democrats Submit Question List For Robert Mueller


They’re making a list. They’re checking it twice. Will Lindsey Poo hide who’s been naughty, not nice? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel):  Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We do have a little jail down in the basement of the capital.”


Don’t even clean that jail. Just fill it with Barrf! RESIST!!

From NBC News: A co-founder of Facebook called for the government to break up the tech giant in an op-ed article Thursday in The New York Times.

“The Facebook that exists today is not the Facebook that we founded in 2004,” Chris Hughes, who started Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg in their Harvard dorm, told NBC News after the op-ed was published.

“And the one that we have today I think is far too big. It’s far too powerful. And most importantly, its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is not accountable,” Hughes said of his former business partner.

With Facebook, the only way to win is not to play. UNPLUG!! RESIST!!


A blast from the past.  In 2014 the HRCC gave the title to Sheeple who donated.


  7 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/9/2019”

  1. 5:45 Slow and steady didn’t win this race.

    In case anyone missed this PSA from Gorge Clooney … it’s very important (and has CC).

    Rachel – “Festival of Freakout” – what a great description! WRT Senate Intelligence Committee, does McConnell know that Donald Junior is still under subpoena by the Committee? Was he aware of that when he said “Case closed”? Hmmmm.

    Speaker – I gather that jail doesn’t actually exist, but, on the other hand, Rep. Nadler is looking into contracting some kind of jail services. Srsly.

    NBC – Well. I can say until I’m blue in the face that Mark Zuckerberg is not accountable … but when his former friend and partner says that, attention should be paid by everyone.

    Cartoon – GOP projection. projection. projection.

  2. Rachel: Bring it on, finally! Go get him!!! ‘grab your ankles’, dt & repugs!

    DK: re: Madam Speaker: Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!!!!!

    NBC: Shame it’s gone downhill. I’m mostly on it for the health/animal/local/educational/school pages/family posts at most.

    Cartoon: Held 30 something hearings, I think. I remember Trey Gowdy’s 11-hour public congressional hearing grilling HRC….ugh!

    Comfort and Blessings to WWWendy, and to her family, during this time. It’s warm here, and it’s fixin’ to rain again, till Saturday. Pretty soon I’ll need a canoe to go into town. Hope that you get to enjoy your day/evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “Would you want him (dt) investing in your money??” ~ Joy Behar ~

  3. Is it just me, or does anyone else think Wendy is TC’s Guardian Angel is disguise? 

    Either way, bless her heart.

    And may the fond memories she surely holds of her father be a balm for her sorrows in this, her time of grief.

  4. My thoughts are with Wendy in these sad times. Thank her for being such a wonderful friend that she comes to take care of you despite her grief, TomCat.

    3:50 I hope that turtle pull its head in before you get a bite out of him, TomCat.

    MSNBC: Rachel may have had “Endgame” behind her, but is sure sounds like both sides are gearing up for its next phase, impeachment procedures. That doesn’t mean Democrats are going to try to impeach, but it would give them more power to get their hands on evidence such as the Mueller report. The risk however is that not going through with impeachment itself, will certainly have the White House crow victory.

    DK: “Overcrowded jail situation”, for once that sounded quite attractive.

    NBCN: Chris Hughes is absolutely right in his remarks on the disproportionate power of Facebook and Zuckerberg not being accountable, but it will be shrugged off as the bile of a disgruntled former business partner who is bitter about losing out.

  5. My condolences to Wendy for her lose. I will keep her in my prayers

  6. Thanks and Hot sickly hugs. 13

    I agree with every good thing said about Wendy. 35

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