Bill Maher from 4/26

 Posted by at 10:07 am  Politics
Apr 272019

It’s that time of week again, so here are four video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: A Fresh Face


I liked Joe’s message too, bit disagree that Joe said removing Trump is the only issue. Pence would be as bad or worse.

Rep. Adam Schiff: Any Living Adult 2020


If Trump is not impeached, he must be voted out of office. After either, he must be indicted, convicted, and incarcerated. History demands it!

Bob Costas


Costas is a superb sportscaster. His insights are interesting.

New Rule: Crime and No Punishment


I agree, up to a point, but once you get past the lack of indictment, he laid out the facts well. It is Congress’ job to act on it.

I’m glad Bill is back.



  9 Responses to “Bill Maher from 4/26”

  1. I have read in more than one place that impeachment may not be the way to go. Voting tRump’s arse out of the Oval Office is a MUST, though, no matter how you slice it. We need to separate the Democrat wheat from the Democrat chaff, pick a few truly Progressive candidates, then one truly Progressive candidate. We need to shake up the Democratic party’s establishment and force them back to their progressive, liberal, forward-thinking roots. Democrats need to focus on WINNING above all, and having a real campaign, not just tossing Agent Orange out of the White House, but putting this country back on the path of real progress and breaking the stranglehold that the 1% have on our nation.

  2. Monologue – I perceive Bill can now pronounce “Buttigieg” like a pro. As far as Trump being the only issue, I’m pretty sure he means Trump is the only issue for 2020, not that he would take impeachment off the table for the interim. (Also that by “Trump” he means “the Trump party.”)

    Adam – I like the way he thinks, and it’s very good to see him in a position where he can speak confidently. (Has anyone considered that the solution to the impeachment problem may be to hold painstaking investigations, at the same time as [or in between] passing solid legislation, and then bring the actual articles, oh, say, November 4, 2020? Not that I would, or we should, plan that, but it would be sweet for it to turn out that way.)

    Costas – I know as much about sports as you, TC, know about Game of Thrones, so I have really nothing to say on this. (Well, except maybe good for SOME Coloradans.)

    New Rules – Well, it’s a good expression of all the frustration people have been feeling. And there’s nothing wrong with expressing frustration. As long as it doesn’t paralyze us out of moving forward. And, of course, by “us” I mean Congress.

  3. W/watch later this evening… Thanks, Tom.

  4. I’m in favor of getting our ducks lined up in a row w/ hearings that will lay out the facts – starting w/ an UNredacted Mueller Report (including Grand Jury testimony), to which several Congressional committees are legally entitled.

    It’s almost a certainty that we’ll never move Twitler’s 35% troglodyte, racist, hate-mongering base – but that should not be our focus.

    I can understand Speaker Pelosi’s concern about proceeding willy-nilly.  But we’d also do well to remember that at the outset of the Watergate Hearings only 19% of Americans favored impeachment.

    When Nixon left, that had jumped to 57%!

  5. Bill #1: “Built like a melting port-a-potty” I love it!!!!
    Bill #2: Schiff speaks so well, makes cogent points…reminds me of a recent president.
    Bill #3: I share some of Costas’ beliefs about the NFL Draft, though that won’t win me many fans, here.  I like this 2 U.of C. trustees!!
    Bill #4: Muller did send some cases to state AG’s.  But, Bill is right on target!!!!!!!
    P.S.: Went back to the gym for a light workout, after last week’s flu.

  6. Excellent show. Bill is spot on as usual.
    I too have respect for Adam Schiff’.
    Love his New Rules.

  7. Thanks for posting these four Bill Maher clips, TomCat. Enjoy we will, only a bit later.

  8. Thanks and rushed hugs. 26

  9. Bill πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ‘πŸ½

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