Dec 232018

Wendy is about to arrive and we have a very busy day.  We did.  I’m pooped.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:26 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: 10 Steps to Save American Democracy


Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, but how do we get a Constitutional Amendment past the many small states controlled by the evil Reich on the right, the Republican Reich? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): FROSTY THE SNOWMAN – Parody


Don could not be more accurate. RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: Jimmy Kimmel introduced a children’s Christmas book called "How The Trump Saved Christmas," but I think it’s really more fun for adults.


Merry Christmas, or whatever seasonal greeting is appropriate for you. And if you are a Republican, Happy Holidays. RESIST!!




  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/23/2018”

  1. 5:30 It probably isn’t new, but I don’t remember having seen it.

    Merry Christmas to you and to WWWendy WW!

    Reich – Since he’s bringing up voting (and GOP cheating) this might be a good time to post a link to an article on Democrats having integrity … just in case you run into anyone spouting bothsiderism. Incidentally, Reich s not recommending, didn’t even mention, a Constitutional Amendment of any kind. He did bring up the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, in which individual states agree to throw all their electoral votes behind the popular vote winner. If enough states agree to that, the ones who don’t will not matter. Actually, twelve states have already signed on, and they have 172 electoral votes among them. Nine more have passed it in one chamber, and those nine states hold 75 electoral votes. Once enough states sign up that there are 270 electoral votes committed, that’s all that’s needed. It’s not like getting an Amendment through. I don’t say it is or will be easy, but I think it’s doable.

    The Other PP – Yes indeed. (Did you know that over half of Republicans – I think it’s 57% – support the Green New Deal in polls?)

    Kimmel – There are children who can grasp irony … maybe more of them than we think can … but Jimmy wasn’t really writing for them, was he.

    Cartoon – Good for Santa! (You heard about a black family having their black Santa vandalized, and a number of white neighbors then put up black Santas in solidarity?)

  2. RR: Great video. I like the automatic voter registration for all eligible voters, and yes, eliminate gerrymandered districts.

    PP: ‘We must all join the fight’, Absolutely!!!

    JK: Good book reading, lol

    Cartoon: Santa: with a twinkle in his eye and a big grin…..

    Hi, WWWendy! Hope that you both (you & TC) have a great Christmas!! Enjoy your evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “All I want for Christmas is a new president.” ~ Barb R. ~
    “Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers, then we know who owns them.” ~Robin Williams, RIP ~
    *We lost Texans 30 to Eagles 32. bummer.

  3. Thanx TC

  4. RR: Great video. Shared.

    PP: Another excellent parody by Don.

    JK: I love that Kimmel put out this book and Cobert put out Whose Boat is This Boat to raise money for charity.

    Merry Christmas TomCat and thank you.

  5. 3:24 (average 5:09) I expect you were too pooped to chase that bird, TomCat.

    Robert Reich: Of course Reich is correct with each of his ten steps, but up till now only Prussian Blue states are willing to go all the way, all others are hard to push beyond the first few and the Scarlet Red states won’t even budge on the first. America needs both a Democratic majority in Congress and in SCOTUS, which is sadly not above party politics, to get to that point. So not in the near future, if ever, right?

    PP: Don’s parody swings, and you love to join in until you hear the words and the dancing mood leaves you. Too true.

    C&L: I’m so glad I’ve lived in countries where you can say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or whatever you like and everyone will take it in it’s most positive way and answer in similar fashion. And yes, we do send different cards to our friends with a different religious background out of respect, especially when they live in other countries, but all cards, no matter their wishes, have always been received in the spirit they were sent. We, as atheists, have never been offended by even the most religious Christmas card or wish, knowing they came from a true-believer’s kind heart.

    Cartoon: Argh? But this Santa is a white male!

  6. RR: Great video He seems to hit it right on the nose.We need to get aligned in all states, with everyone who’s eligible to be automatically registered to vote.
    PP: Love watching and listening to Don’s parody.
    JK: Liked the story/book.
    Merry Christmas to you TomCat

  7. Loved all the videos, TC!! Robert Reich has some very easy things to do that just might save the next election, but we know that none of these will be implemented!! Just so repukkklicans can still cheat on elections and win even tho they are not the majority!! That’s just stupid to think that minority is the ones that should be able to make policy and have their views made in to laws!! Especially when they are predicated on religious beliefs that were deemed “unconstitutional” because of separation of church and state!!!
    Ahhh! But Happy Holidays to All, and to All a Merry New Year’s!!
    See ya next year, TC!! 

  8. Puzzle — 3:57  Well at least Puddy Tat won’t be noshing on this wise bird . . . except maybe in his dreams.

    Robert Reich — Question — Would a national voting rights act (item #2) that harmonised all states be against states rights?

    It would seem that to put in place Reich’s suggestions would require a majority of state legislatures to be progressive.  Municipal, county and state government is the place to start. 

    Parody Project — Excellent!  Don is correct — climate change is not a Demorcrat or Republican issue.  It affects everyone everywhere!

    Crooks and Liars — Now there’s a book I would read night after night.  Love it!

    Cartoon — Amen!!!  It is time to see the spirit of Jesus in the faces of all we meet!  No one race, nor creed, nor colour, nor language, nor ethnicity, nor sexual orientation! Peace, Love, Joy and Hope!

    I’ll be out for Christmas dinner with friends later this afternoon.  The kids and I will have roast chicken tomorrow.

  9. Thanks and hugs to all,  WWWendy returns greetings.17

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