Oct 312018

It’s another muggy, sticky day, here at the CatBox.  I slept well last night.  Exhaustion finally overpowered everything else.  Store to Door came a bit early, so I’m already done with groceries and lunch.  WWWendy comes this evening to destink the TomCat and help with chores.  For Halloween, her presence will be my treat.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 6:31 (average 9:21).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here are the latest results from our own fantasy football league.



Congrats to Patty Monster, Pam and Wendy for winning their games.



Kudos to Pam for leading the league.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): 2018 Election Could Yield Congress That Will Be A Check On President Trump


Rachel is spot on, but whether or not we get a handle on the Fuhrer of the Republican Reich depends on YOU! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: The Truth About Trump’s Economy


The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, takes YOUR wealth, no matter how small, and gives it to billionaires. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order stripping the children of immigrant mothers of their citizenship, thus disqualifying himself from being President of the United States.

The constitutional crisis came to light moments after the signing ceremony, when a fourth grader visiting the Oval Office on a school tour pointed out the far-reaching legal ramifications of the order.

“Hey, wait, wasn’t your mother from Scotland?” the student, Tracy Klugian, asked. “That means you’re not a citizen and you can’t be President.”

Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to Trump and the author of the executive order, quickly grabbed the document from the Oval Office desk, panic spreading across his face as he reread it.

“Oh, my God,” Miller gasped. “What have I done?”

Trump immediately called Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for help in voiding the executive order, but Kavanaugh was unable to take the call because he was “sleeping off a rough night [with his latest victim],” an aide to the Justice said.

Dang Andy! Since it would force him out of office, maybe we should pretend it’s Constitutional. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/31/2018”

  1. 8:26 Horsing around.

    Petition on behalf of immigrants, from CREDO

    Petition of outrage regarding birthright citizenship, from PFAW

    Best comment about Pittsburgh, by “Denni A” [Disqus]:
    and the compelling thing about the march was that it was a silent march, no yelling, no shouting, no rhetoric just a silent somber march for the victims that made it much more powerful forcing Trump to leave in disgraceful silence. the people of Pittsburgh HAVE SPOKEN without needing to utter a single word.

    Rachel – Oh, yes, indeed. I’m not going to jinx us by talking here and now about what we need to do if (when) we win one (or both) House … but I certainly will at the right time (We will deseerve a victory lap – I hope).

    Reich – Well, I can see this – but some will NEVER see because they WILL NOT see.

    TNY – LOL! Let’s milk this for all it’s worth! Don’t anybody DARE to mention “ex post facto”!

    Cartoon – Always room in my path for a House Panther!

  2. MSNBC: Love this gal. I love how she explains different subjects. Yea, get out and VOTE!!! VOTE!!! Vote!!!

    RR: Excellent vid.

    NYer: How I wish my prayers would be answered, like this scenario….wouldn’t that be wonderful?

    Cartoon: Used to have a black cat, and made sure she was in the house every Hallow’s eve & Halloween. Such gorgeous animals.

    Hi WWWendy! Congrats to Patty M., Pam & Wendy too. Hope you have a good evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *From the local newpaper press a while ago: Pipe bomb suspect threatened Beto O’Rourke, campaign says:

    *This just in: “Trump blames the synagogue for not having protection….I blame Trump’s father for the same thing.” ~ Crist H. ~

  3. Petitions signed above in Joanne’s box.

    Maddow: IF… 

    Robert Reich: Robert is right. The economy is NOT doing all that well. I wish more people would watch Robert Reich explain a variety of topics. Robert is a treasure. 

    trump has increased the national debt with his recent “tax cut” to the wealthy.

    The New Yorker: A fourth grader shows up trump and stephen miller. A hoot! lol. Only if it were true. sigh…

    Cartoon: Not afraid of a black “panther” crossing my path.


  4. RM: Rachel just listed the umpteenth and umpteenth plus one reason why Democrats need to win either House or Senate, and preferably both, in Congress. It is now up to Americans to make that come true.

    RR: Robert eloquently points out that the economy of the 1%, let’s be generous: 10%, is not the economy the rest of us have to live under. The Economy of Greed has little in common with the Economy of the People, unless the bubble bursts and the stock markets crash. Then we’re all in deep sh$t. Vote for the Economy of the Rest of Us and vote progressive.

    TNY: One of those times I wish Andy was doing straight reporting again.

  5. Rachel: “…found out, caught, and held accountable?”  Fat chance, as she says.  Predictions? Wait and see.
    RRC: spot on!
    New Yorker: His mother does come from an island off the coast of Scotland.  His sons might have trouble.  But, yes, ex post facto.?

  6. Oh, as noted previously, Zinke needs to be imprisoned, along with the rest of the cabinet, and Donny Boy.

  7. Rachel: We need to get out there and vote, so we can get a good handle/control over tRump’s actions.RR: Speaks such truth. Sick of hearing that the rich are getting richer….as*holes.NY: Doesn’t do anything that a real president would or should be doing daily. Just wastes time and keeps talking/tweeting like a brainless idiot.Cartoon: Wish it would cross tRump’s path. I signed the two petitions that Joanne listed.

  8. Puzzle — 11:22  Somebody left the barn door open so I bolted rather than be subjected to these things!

    MSNBC — Resist, Persist and above all VOTE BLUE!!!

    Robert Reich — Robert Reich is correct! The initial tax cut for the wealthy and corporations (corporate welfare) did little, if anything for the average American.  Many corporations took those cuts and bought back shares which is nothing more than a gambit to increase share prices and enrich those still holding shares.  Others gave small bonuses to employees but those are one time efforts and not wage increases that would help employees on an ongoing basis.  Still others retained the savings in corporate coffers and did not re-invest them in the company in expanding production and the like. Living costs have gone up but wages have not kept pace.  I won’t even go into the abysmal state of US health care and the lack of affordable care.  Diaper Don has not kept his campaign promise to drain the swamp . . . he has enlarged it, not to mention increased the corruption which does nothing to improve the lives of average Americans.  A robust Diaper Don economy is a misleading idea!

    The New Yorker — LMAO!!!  A nine year old would not have to use all his/hers skills to out smart Diaper Don.  The only thing that DD could do is out con the 9 year old . . . maybe.  Nine year olds are very creative.

    Cartoon — Any day and every day my Puddy Tat friend!

    I hope everybody survived the onslaught of last night’s ghosts and goblins!  My furbabes were a bit nervous even though my lights were off.  The later fireworks which were very noisy, had them jumpy.  The are still jumpy this morning based on their reaction to a garbage truck and the gas metre guy.  Fortunately, they will settle down in a day or so!  Happy All Saints Day!!!

  9. Thanks all.  Very pooped hugs.

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