Be Very Afraid!

 Posted by at 12:41 pm  Holiday, Politics
Oct 312018


Happy Halloween to You!

Crappy Halloween to all

Rump Dump Deplorables!


Vote Blue!!

6 Days!!


  17 Responses to “Be Very Afraid!”

  1. A wonderful poem for Samhain, with illustrations.

  2. You too, Tom and to all commenters that grace this page!! 
    Thanks, Joanne for link. Sweet! 
    Happy Halloween everyone! 

  3. Don’t agonize – organize! Get active, and most importantly, VOTE!!! Sign petitions, contact your government representatives, take part in peaceful demonstrations and protests, donate to reputable organizations, get your friends involved.

  4. Freya says: “Don’t agonize – organize!” She is right. Just get out there and VOTE. Take a few of your friends with you to VOTE.

    Yes, trump is a monster. No doubt whatsoever. We cannot endure another two years of this pathologica and continousl lying, fomenting hatred and violence. sigh…



    ETA: Just came across this video that an owner took of his/her kitty cat watching a horror film. It doesn’t have any CC, but something terrible must have happened right at the end …

    • Good ones.

      The movie is Psycho, and it’s the scene where Lila is going all over looking for Mrs. Bates, and finally finds “her” and screams (it is the scream which drives the cat away. There are no lines, just music, so nothing to caption.

    • “A man who is empty on the inside, must decorate himself on the outside.” Bruce Lee

    • Excellent!!  LMAO!!!  Somebody should make the orange pumpkin into an inflatable and launch it in front of the WH.  I would pay to see that!

  6. ? ? ? ?

  7. Halloween is over Down Under, but to those still celebrating it: Have a wonderful time getting yourself scared.

    Then go and do something about it, there’s a week left to change the world in.

  8. Happy Samhain, one and all!

  9. Happy Halloween to you, Tom and everyone here.. Nice poem, thanks JoanneI agree with Freya and have am ready to take my ballot in. We all must VOTE. Cartoon: tRump certainly is a mobster. Seeing him waking up to the reporters on the W H grounds, in his evil black cape.


    The nonsense is over until New Year’s.  I have had very loud fireworks going off in our parking lot outside my place which has terrified my cats!  It is quiet now and they are calm again, but they were on edge for 3 hours.  I don’t answer the door because it is too much for them, but I did put together little bags of candy for 6 kids near me and delivered them before the mayhem started.  My neighbour had some device that played spooky music etc every time she answered the door.  So glad that is over!!!

    As to being afraid, get out the BLUE vote in spades.  That’s how one spells relief!

  11. Thanks, hugs, and belated BOO!

  12. great comments and Freya is very on! Boo. ty TomCat

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