Samantha Bee from 10/24

 Posted by at 1:04 pm  Politics
Oct 252018

It’s that time of week again, so here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Asylum Seekers Aren’t Scary


Sam is right. Republican terrorists are far scarier than refugees.

Trans Rights Under Attack


This disgusting discrimination is easier to understand from Trump, whose gender identity is neuter.

The Rainbow Wave Is Coming


In my opinion, the people making the calls, knocking on the doors, and doing the dirty work ARE the heroes.

Sam always gets the truth out, without sacrificing humor.



12 DAYS!!


  5 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 10/24”

  1. Sam – Act I – “pow[d]er” – LOL indeed. I have to say – we’re ALL afraid. But some of us are afraid of the wrong things. I do agree that at least most of these people are not immigrants – but that’s because they’re REFUGEES. BTW, it will be news to anyone who has ever made a raft to hear that “you can’t”!

    Act II – They haven’t, apparently, ever seen a baby with two penises (diphalia), or both a penis and a vagina (or some other combination of hormones, chromosomes, and structures). BTW Europe is cracking down on unnecessary “gender-reassignment surgery” on babies, which Americans do in a New York minute.

    Act III – Vermont, hmmm? Well, Chrstine is right – there is an underbelly of racism even in Vermont. But I think Christine rocks. I wish her the best!

  2. Sam 1: Gawd, give them food, water, and a place to lie down/rest, and welcome these refugees, not do the opposite! What in hell have we become??

    #2. Slowly, but surely our rights, as in this case… whittling away…..I feel sorry for those folks who are in this dilemma, this is heartbreaking.

    #3: I didn’t know they didn’t have broadband, wow! GO, Christine, for the WIN !!!

  3. Thanks for posting, TomCat. We’ll delay our laughs and agreement on Sam ?’s views until tonight again.

  4. Great videos. Wish tRump would stay out of these people’s lives/business. They want to get away from their abusive country and find jobs and live freely. Let them have peace. Hate to warn them that we don’t get any here with him in office.

  5. Well it seems I have a playback error so I’ll have to listen later.  It did not happen with the OT vids earlier but it is now.  Maybe Diaper Don read my comment and did not like it!

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