Oct 252018

It’s a very busy day here in the CatBox.  I’m getting prepared for tomorrow.  I have my preliminary eye-exam for the surgery to correct my double double vision vision, scheduled for 12/12.  I leave at 8:00 AM, and will return after 1:00 PM.  I will be fully dilated, so I’ll be blind and useless for the rest of the day.  Therefore, please expect no more than a Personal Update, and I will not be sending links messages on Care2.  I should be back in the saddle on Saturday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:42 (averaged 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Talks Bombs Then Slams Media


When he’s building bombs, I suspect that the RepubliBomber chants MAGA-MAGA-Blow Job! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Daily Kos Video): Andrew Gillum smashes DeSantis during debate


Go Andrew! You don’t have to call DeSantis a racist. It’s already obvious. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Alternet: NBC has decided it’s had enough of Megyn Kelly for one week.

The New York Times’ John Koblin reports that NBC will air reruns of Kelly’s show over the next two days while the network continues to deal with the blowback caused by Kelly questioning why it’s considered racist for white people to dress in blackface during Halloween.

“Given the circumstances, Megyn Kelly Today will be on tape the rest of the week,” NBC said in a statement to Koblin.

Temporary good riddance. When MSNBC hired this Faux Noise bikini model, I said it was a mistake. They need to fire her permanently.  RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Dang!  God IS on our side! Winking smile


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/25/2018”

  1. 5:17 Clock watching today.

    I could not do a better job of explaining this than Nathaniel Minor has done, so here’s the link. If you want to know, and promote, current best practices in running elections, this is the place.

    OK, here’s the only campaign ad we’ll ever need:

    Bombs – Here are two separate articles from Daily Kos responding to the bombings. Both were put up before the news about Joe Biden and Robert deNiro.

    Gillum – Yeah, he’s killing it. And was certainly appreciated by that audience. I hope the body of all voters have the same reaction. (BTW you heard it here first.)

    AlterNet – NBC wants quit of her. Her attorney wants Ronan Farrow to sit in on the negotiations. If your response is WTF?!, I’m with you.

    Cartoon – It’s more important that we are on God’s side – as we are.

    • Great ad, Joanne. I’d rather see a positive ad in Democrat style, but the Dems simply can’t afford to be nice any longer. If a more GOP-style ad, without character assassination and lies like this one, does the job better, they do well to air this as frequently as possible. Pipe bombs sent in the mail? To hell with “nice” Democratic ads, then.

  2. YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump: Really didn’t want to watch it and I didn’t. I had already seen snippets and parts of it on MSNBC. So sick of this P.O.S. (Trump) continuously lying. Ugh! 

    Bombs: A very serious issue and ongoing…  

    YouTube (Daily Kos Video): Andrew Gillum smashes DeSantis during debate: So glad that Gillum did very well in the debate. Kinda like the idea that Gillum put DeSantis in his place. lol. 

    AlterNet: Megyn Kelly was a mistake at the very beginning. Megan did not belong on NBC and she should have stayed on Faux Noise. Glad that NBC is working to get rid of her. YES! 

    Cartoon: A good one. 


    • Hi Jim, I noticed that you referred to “Outrage overload,” i think yesterday.  Having now seen that dumpy is blaming the media for the bombs, and calling him not-pretty names within my head, I realized that he is being totally consistent within his head: twisted, sick, more twisted, sicker.  We ought to expect nothing less from the bag of scum, ought not be surprised; take a deep breath, or two, and move on.

  3. MSNBC: Gawd, such a vile, mean, horrible man. He lacks any moral or ethical values, and has no conscience for anything good, rather, devoid of any emotion to/for the American people. 

    DK: BOOM!!!! He’s got my vote, very well said, Sir.!!

    AN: Here’s what CNN Host Don Lemon said (and I agree with him): “Megyn is 47 years old, she’s our age. There has never been a time in that 47 years that blackface has been acceptable. There were all white people on that panel. There were no African Americans [and] no people of color to say, ‘Hey, Megyn. Not cool.'”Lemon added: “This is what people of the larger culture don’t understand about racism and about privilege. I don’t know many black people who are trying to be white people for Halloween or dressing up as white people. But I know a lot of people who do it for black people.”

    Cartoon: Dominus vobiscum, Amen!!!

    Best to you, and also for your going to and from safely for your appointment. Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: Re: pipe bombs in the mail: “The dangerous people aren’t coming to the border. The dangerous people are already here.” ~ Nick Jack P. ~

    • “The dangerous people aren’t coming to the border. The dangerous people are already here.” ~ Nick Jack P. ~

      Well said!


  4. Now if only one of those thunderbolts would incinerate tRump – and another do the same to Brian Kemp in Georgia.

  5. MSNBC: There are two sides to Drumpf’s coin. After being admonished by his staff, he reads the cue cards provided by them, but then he ‘can’t help himself’ and starts slamming the media again, as we’ve come to expect of him. On the other side Drumpf never has any intention of being careful of his words, the provided cue cards were a sham, a bone thrown to the dog. No matter how you toss the Drumpf coin, he makes sure he’ll always come out on top. If he could entice more of his followers to violence and get away with  it, he would.

    DK: Andrew Gillum gave a perfect summation of Republican politics: if Republicans aren’t racist to their core, they’d at least want racists think the are.

    Alternet: As it is all about money with networks, NBC must slowly come to the conclusion that Megyn Kelly is a very bad investment.

    Cartoon: God votes?

    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, Tomcat!

  6. MSNBC: Yes, and Faux Not-News had the tittle, “THE MEDIA AGAINST TRUMP,” emblazoned on their show during the Tucker BS show!  No, it’s been Trump against the media from the get-go:  “That way people won’t believe anything you say that is negative about me.”  For Fox News, it’s perfect slimy, sick, symmetry, exactly the opposite of the truth.
    DK video:  Only sorry I’m not living in Florida yet…I could vote for Gillum, and against Scott.
    Alternet: Yes, and I recently posted the story,myself:  What did they think they were getting, when they hired her for $92 million, someone with mature judgement, with an ethical bent of mind…or just a bent mind?  Now, she gets to walk away with all those dollars!  When they brought her on, I e-mailed that I was done with them, idiots!

  7. MSNBC: I was sickened when I seen what tRump had to say about the mail bombs. He is a sick-minded idiot. Blaming the media for them??? I’d be asking him, where’s your brain??……but I know he doesn’t have one. He’s been the instigator of all these bombs by planting hatred about these Dems and the Media, at all of his rallies. Our world has been suffering with so much chaos ever since he entered the W.H. Insane. DK: Glad that Gillum did well in the debate. Wishing the best. AN: This wasn’t her first screw-up. She has been walking on thin ice. Apparently she’s planning on fighting the network, because she hired an attorney. When will she eve learn??Cartoon: Good one. Good luck with your eye surgery. Pray it goes well.

  8. Puzzle — 4:10  Well I guess I have the time!

    MSNBC — You “knows I loves” you guys but I must say  that with Diaper Don at the helm, the US has descended into third world banana republic status!  As Jennifer Rubin said, “words matter”!  DD may not know a lot of words, but he does know how to use even the nicest words to cut to the quick with his enemies and incite his rabid followers to do harm to opponents and enemies.  Just the fact that the bomber sent pipe bombs through the mail to Obama, Holder, the Clintons, Soros, Maxine Waters, and CNN which he has said in the past was the enemy of the people, bombs that could have exploded at any time taking a lot of lives, is proof that his rhetoric is dangerous.  In addition to this, he has put corrupt people in place who are raping and pillaging the country.  DD referred to Maxine Waters as a low IQ individual . . . he certainly hasn’t looked in the mirror lately!  DD is a pathological liar, a sociopath, totally lacking in emotional intelligence, a narcissist, a manipulator . . . in other words, a POS that MUST be removed from office before he irrevocably takes the country down the deepest rabbit hole!

    Daily Kos — A racist and he has been caught red handed.  I think he doth protest too much!  And Gillum, he was cool, letting DeSantis hang himself!  Go Andrew Gillum!!!

    AlterNet — Good riddance indeed!  Last I read, her show has been cancelled and the staff reassigned.  She had not yet been fired but I suspect that is just a matter of time as NBC gets its legal ducks in a row.  They should never have hired her . . . leopards don’t change their spots!

    Cartoon — AMEN!!!


    Hope the tests go well!  The trick now will be staying away from colds etc before the surgery!  Be like my little Annie, stay snuggled up!

    BTW Pat, love your “This just in” today.  So true, so true and the chief among them is Diaper Don!

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