Sep 262018

I’m running behind, because Store to Door delivered groceries, and I had to unpack and put them away.  In addition, I had to research the breaking news on Pervert Kavanookie’s latest victim.  WWWendy comes later to destink the TomCat, and it’s a good thing as we’re headed for the high 80°s, and the humidity is 62%.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:58 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): A Laughing Matter: President Donald Trump Again Takes The World Stage

Barf Bag Alert!!


That’s nothing. The world has been laughing at Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten for well over a year now. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: Trump’s Betrayal of the Working Class


Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, and the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, always betray workers, even the fools that vote for them. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: The Republican Party officially filed for moral bankruptcy on Tuesday morning, a move that many in the nation considered long overdue.

In filing for moral bankruptcy, the Republicans will formally attest that they have no morals, standards, or ethics on their balance sheet, and will agree to cease all activity as a political party in exchange for indemnity from any and all legal actions.

Harland Dorrinson, a Washington attorney who specializes in moral bankruptcies, said that, by making its moral vacuum official, the G.O.P. could theoretically break itself up and sell off the parts, but, he warned, “There are no buyers.”

“From Lindsey Graham to Ted Cruz to Mitch McConnell to Chuck Grassley, all of the Republican Party’s assets could only be described as toxic,” he said. “Their breakup value is zero.”

Straight news again, Andy? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/26/2018”

  1. 5:35 You’d probably like the water to cool down with. I’d like the sun to warm up with. Most people would probably be fine around 68°F indoors, but I’m definitely chilly.

    PBS aired a two-hour Ken Burns documentary on the Mayo Clinic last night. i don’t know how new it is, and it didn’t use the term, but it appeared to me there’s a good case in it for single-payer.

    Traitor Tot – And then he said to journalists, “Well that was meant to get some laughter.” Yeah, Right.

    Reich – No, Robert, they DON’T know the truth. Well, maybe a few, but most not. Because they still listen to Fox News, and those who can read, read Breitbart and 4chan. There is no hope for them – which would still bother me, albeit less, if they hadn’t also destroyed hope for so many people better than they.

    TNY – The bankruptcy court needs to seize those assets anyway. They need to be destroted.

    Cartoon – That’s definitely Traitor Tot’s hair, but, somehow, the face looks like a composite of him with Brett Kavanazi.

    • Twitler is a Laughingstock:

      So Twitler was both surprised by the laughter AND planning on the laughter?!?


      And your cat reading the article reminded me of Pee Wee Herman’s classic “I meant to do that” line.

  2. BBA: I would imagine he had to go get his diaper changed when the audience laughed at his narcissist remarks (all about himself)..yea, like he planned that response. I can’t remember where I saw the picture of him sitting all by himself, waiting to go on stage. The world leaders know him well, and frankly, he’s terrible. imo. 

    RR: Depressing to say the least. He doesn’t give a crap about us, just something to line the pockets of himself/cronies. What an asshat. 

    NYer: Yeah, ain’t that the truth?? Wish they would. 

    Cartoon: By the time he goes, his nose will be 7 feet longer…….he can throw it over his shoulder then. lol. 

    HI, WWWendy!! Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: Trump: “On Global Warming, “It’s really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!” Twitter, 19/10/15

    *Joanne: Cute puddy cat! 

  3. YouTube: Unfortunately, Trump may be a laughing matter to other countries especially in this video. Trump is not a laughing matter as he sets about in destroying Democracy.

    Reich: Trump has done more than to betray the middle class. Trump is and has been betraying our entire country, USA, to the entire world.

    NewYorker: This is way and long overdue that the GOP is morally bankrupt. No decent human being would ever go near this toxic party. 

    Cartoon: This is a very good example of Trump’s facial feature. He is well known as a pathological liar. This “feature” should be. must be his “normal” face as he presents himself in the public eye.



  4. Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm but the harm does not interest them. – T.S. Eliot

  5. MSNBC: I was impressed with his response to the laughter, but it does not obviate the fact of the laughter…from the rest of the planet!  I loved Macron’s idea of no deals with countries that are not part of the Paris Accord!
    RRC: Dumpy has not betrayed the working class.  Anyone in this class who believed him, betrayed him/her self!
    New Yorker: The ubiquitous Dorrinson nails it: Zero value!
    ‘Toon: Maybe his nose could curve, now, and grow into his throat?

  6. MSNBC: I don’t have to tell you this derisive laughter was the highlight of every news program in the world, I think. It went absolutely viral in the media. Yes, it was unconcealed laughter at the bragging of the fool on the hill. But I think that quite a number of Americans are starting to realise that the world is not only laughing at Drumpf, but at the entire country. Because, no matter how unfair the 2016 elections were, Drumpf represents America and millions of his voters. That is why other world leaders and organisations have been cautious until now, but with the continued attack on what others in the world believe in, such as a UN, and on anything or anyone irking Drumpf personally, there’s also anger creeping in the laughter. I hope Americans hear that anger too before it is too late and world leaders unify in the need to express that anger.

    RR: Betrayal? Millionaire Drumpf never championed the working class in his life, he just gave them the empty promises he knew would bring him votes. He lied then, and he lies now, but his working class voters chose to believe him. And, strangely enough, many of them still stand firmly behind him, despite his “betrayal”.

    TNY: Usually there are some creditors in a bankruptcy who try to salvage some of the money they have invested. The Republican party, however, has “no morals, standards, or ethics on their balance sheet”, and probably never had, so their investors seem not to have contributed much either. Probably because they didn’t have much to contribute, would be my guess. Let’s hope no Republican is allowed to start anew with a clone party. Their genetic material is far too damaged to allow cloning.

  7. Thanks all.  Pooped hugs. 17

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