Samantha Bee from 5/9

 Posted by at 1:03 pm  Politics
May 102018

It’s that time of week again, so here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Checking In with #MeToo


It is so sad when an acknowledged hero of women’s rights preys on women himself. It devalues the work he did. I do disagree with Sam on one point. When someone takes responsibility for their actions, makes amends if possible, and invests years doing the work required to change, even Republicans, they must not be considered beyond redemption.

Art of the Iran Deal


Spot on, Sam! What evil bigoted warmongers Republicans are!

Return to the Rescue Farm


The culprits should be put out to pasture, but let pigs use it to excess first.

Sam seemed to be a bit frazzled.  Could she be suffering from Trump Overload?



  9 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 5/9”

  1. Me Too – Well, Sam said it all. Right on, Sam. This might, however, be a good place to point out that this week, nationwide, 20 candidates supported by EMILY’s List (pro-choice women all), were on ballots Tuesday. THEY ALL WON.

    Iran – Sam is spot on. No one should use the word “withdraw.” Everyone should use the word “violate.” Of course, violating treaties is one of the things we are best at. (I love how Kamala Harris just isn’t buying it.)

    Rescue Farm – This is – calling it a “pet peeve” doesn’t seem enough – “pure evil” may be closer. White supremacists know very well that people of color are equal or superior to them, and they can’t bear it. So they have subtly but deliberately put in policies to MAKE their “superiority” true by destroying the brains and bodies of black children with poisoned water, poisoned air, poisoned food, and any kind of poison they can think of. They are no better, they are worse, than people who abuse children physically and sexually over the child’s lifetime. Then, whan the child is grown, they taunt him or her – “Boy, did YOU turn out weird.”


  2. Love Sam!! W/watch ltr. Thx!

  3. I didn’t know the “Me Too” movement was that old. Sometimes matters simmer just under public perception for years.

  4. Awesome ?

  5. Thanks for posting those great ???, TomCat. Will watch later when I have time.

  6. Eric Schneiderman — The NY Times published an article about the allegations against Schneiderman and his resignation from office in which they noted a tweet from Don Trump Jr which was in response to a previous Schneiderman tweet.

    “Also on Monday evening, Mr. Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. dug up an old tweet from Mr. Schneiderman in which he said, “No one is above the law” and tweeted at him, “You were saying???””

    I do not condone violence or sexual harassment of any kind.  Schneiderman made the correct decision to step down to face the allegations.  These actions are certainly unfortunate as he was trying to take down the Drumpf crime family for its corrupt practices.  I am sure that Drumpf will join the fray on Twitter.

    Iran Nuclear Deal — Sam says it well! As to Gina Haspel, Politico published an article where

    “Former Vice President Dick Cheney said the U.S. should restart its enhanced interrogation techniques — often considered torture — after the issue was thrust to the forefront during Gina Haspel’s confirmation hearing to become CIA director.

    “If it were my call, I would not discontinue those programs,” he said in an interview that aired Thursday morning on Fox Business. “I’d have them active and ready to go, and I’d go back and study them and learn.”  …

    “I think she’d be a great CIA director,” Cheney said. “I think she’s done a great job in terms of the career she’s built, and the people I know at the agency are very enthusiastic about having one of their own, so to speak, in the driver’s seat at the CIA.””

    I had hoped that Cheney had gone to the great beyond, but apparently not. (Sigh)

    Does Haspel get it that enhanced interrogation techniques ARE torture under US and international law?  I think so.  She was just playing games with Kamala Harris’ question.  Love Harris’ reply — “Is that a yes?”

    Rescue Farm — Scott Pruitt — Yet another Drumpf acolyte and sycophant!  Good one Sam!

  7. Thanks all.  Hugs! 28

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