Apr 122018

Pardon my brevity, I dozed off this morning and woke up over an hour late for lunch.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:55 (average 6:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Do Fox News hosts watch Fox News?: Mueller and Rosenstein edition

Barf Bag Alert!!


They must watch Faux Noise, the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda. Where else could they get such stupid ideas? RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): WaPo: Bannon aiming to cripple Mueller probe


Trump gets no good advice anymore. That makes Bannon dangerous. RESIST!!

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Mike Pompeo On Religious Pluralism And Marriage Equality

Barf Bag Alert!!


This racist bigot will probably be Secretary of State. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: In what some experts are calling an unprecedented use of military force, Donald J. Trump on Tuesday ordered four thousand National Guard troops to protect the midtown Manhattan offices of his accountant.

According to those familiar with the National Guard’s deployment, the troops will secure the corridors and elevator banks in the vicinity of the accounting firm that prepares Trump’s taxes.

The troops, whose mission is being called “Operation Safe Returns,” are expected to arrive on Wednesday, after making the two-thousand-mile journey from the Mexican border.

At the White House, Trump defended his decision to use the nation’s military to protect his accountant’s offices. “Yesterday our country was attacked,” he said. “Never again.”

Will Andy ever return to satire? RESIST!!



  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/12/2018”

  1. BBA: They’re so insane!!! Barf material indeed!! ICK!!!

    CNN: Scary, unfettered Bannon has no integrity, if ‘they’ didn’t do anything (which we know they did), why is he so against the investigation, as they think they’re innocent of all wrongdoing?

    RWW: Yuck, another boot licker for Der Führer.

    NYer: OMG, this is hilarious. Passing this one on too. Thx, Andy!

    Cartoon: Sad day. He got folks out of the Depression, and he was elected 4 times as President. My father talked about him several times to us, growing up. His 4 Freedoms Speech is worth reading again. “In the future days which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression—everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way—everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want… everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear… anywhere in the world. That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation.”
    Get your rest, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. Not to disgrace Frankie, but he probably shouldn’t have run for that fourth term. He must have known he was on the way out. Still, even if he didn’t know when to quit, he left an enduring and positive legacy.

  3. 5:23  Good grief.

    Glad you just dozed off!

    MM – Well, that was certainly a lot of nothing. But barfworthy for sure.

    CNN – Becauseof course he is. Looking forward to seeing Bannon in handcuffs. But this is exactly why the subpoena on Cohen went through the Southern District of New York and NOT through the FBI, and likely why it happened now. Mueller is saying, “Look, dimbulbs, my name may be on this, but it’s not just my investigation. Fire me, shoot me, poison me, and there will still be an investigation, and you will still be toast.”

    RWW – The fact that RWW even writes about him puts him in a class with Jim Bakker, Alex Jones, Paula Whosis, and the rest of the raggle taggle wing nuts, O.

    TNY – SMDH.

    Cartoon – Plutocrats and oligarchs hated him. If you want to know how real people felt, look up the train trip that took his body home for burial.

    Incidentally, I hope everyone saw the story about the citizenship ceremony over which RBG presided.  Hanky alert.

  4. Puzzle — 4:39  I don’t know if you like marmalade Puddy Tat, but you can’t have any!  It’s not good for your blood sugars.  I’m lucky, I don’t like the stuff!

    Media Matters — Barf bag indeed! . . . super sized and extra hefty!

    CNN — Very unpatriotic and dangerous!

    RWW — OMG, the biggest and strongest barf bag required!!!

    “…we will defend our Christian values and American exceptionalism with all our hearts…” — I find nothing Christian in Pompeo’s comments.  As to American exceptionalism, that, I think, is part of the reason why the US is in the position it is.  Pompeo, Drumpf and Bolton — a recipe for disaster!

    The New Yorker — “Will Andy ever return to satire?” — With the Drumpf régime and Republicans in control, I sincerely doubt it!  Reality has too much to offer, not to mention that truth is stranger than fiction … er satire anymore!

    Cartoon — FDR had his foibles like all of us, but he put the people and the country ahead of all else.  Seventy-three years later, Republicans are still trying to tear down his legacy.

    Today was one of those really weird weather days.  It was pouring rain this morning when the sun decided to come out full force.  That however did not stop the rain.  About an hour later, it clouded over again and then all hell broke loose with some thunder and a torrent of hail.  The furbabes were back and forth under the bed then not as the noisy weather disturbed their sensibilities.  It poured for the rest of the day and evening.

  5. MM: It’s laughable how Faux News is now back-pedalling as hard as they can from pushing Drumpf to fire Mueller and Rosenstein and ‘cleansing’ the FBI and the whole Justice Department by blaming the pushing on media. But another thing is clear too: they think absolutely nothing of their viewers, rating them as stupid and dimwitted as Drumpf when they buy into it. Sadly it’s just about the only thing Faux News can count on: their viewers and their President are both that dimwitted.

    CNN: Bannon isn’t part of Drumpf’s entourage any longer, but he may still have Drumpf’s ear, or that of the ‘advisers’ still circling this dying ‘head-of-state’. If Bannon’s ego doesn’t clash too much with Bolton’s he might find an ally in the latter. Bolton just loves bold head-on clashes so he’d be the right person to sell it to Drumpf. Scary.

    RWW: Republicans still have the majority in Congress, so there’s little to stop them from supporting Pompeo’s nomination to Secretary of State, if only because he speaks their bigoted language so perfectly. Pompeo may not represent many Americans as Secretary of State, but he does represent most Republican Congressmen in DC and elsewhere.

    TNY: Come back to us, satirist Andy. If you keep this up you may forget how to make us grin ? instead of grimace ?.

  6. Thanks all.  Happy Friday the Thirteenth! 03

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