A Top Rat Deserts

 Posted by at 11:48 am  Politics
Apr 112018

Few people have done more harm to the American People than Ayn Rand devotee, sycophant, serial boot licker, and frequent wearer of a dollop of orange poo at the end of his nose, Speaker of the House, Paul Lyin’ Ryan.  While Trump has distracted America with his raving mania, Ryan has organized the theft of $billions from the poor and middle classes and the transfer of those funds to billionaires.  But like most rats, Ryan knows when to desert the ship.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) told colleagues Wednesday that he will not seek reelection this year, ending a nearly 20-year tenure in Congress and adding further uncertainty about whether embattled Republicans can maintain control of the House.

“The speaker is proud of all that has been accomplished and is ready to devote more of his time to being a husband and a father,” said Brendan Buck, counselor to Ryan, adding that Ryan plans to serve out his term and retire in January.

The decision comes ahead of mid-term elections that were already looking treacherous for Republicans, who risk losing control of the House.

The party has seen a large number of retirements, and Ryan’s exit is certain to sap morale as Republicans seek to contain a surge in enthusiasm from Democrats, whose fortunes have been buoyed by the unpopularity of President Trump…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Here’s video coverage from MSNBC:

That will leave us with a vacancy in one of the most heavily Gerrymandered districts in the nation, but it’s a seat we might actually win.  Here’s why.  The most likely Republican to defend the seat is Paul Nehlen, a racist pro-Trump Ammosexual, who was considered a joke before today.

I’m most pleased to have shared good news today.  This is how we can remember Ryan best.



  11 Responses to “A Top Rat Deserts”


  2. I think it’s quite possible that whoever the party comes up with for his former district will be even easier for Iron Stache to beat than he would have been. And I certainly hope I’m right. Randy Bryce is a good man and a good candidate.

  3. My contacts in WI, are voting for Mr. Bryce!! 
    Let the boot slam you in the As-, Ryan, on your way out! Bye, Bye!!!

  4. A most excellent cartoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But, it’s not tDumps balls that Ryan licks, it’s Charles Koch’s.  Ryan has been pushing the Koch agenda from the start: racist and elitist!  

  5. Never happier to see someone “retire”. He could just leave today! We could get on to the business of repealing the disastrous “tax-cut” that he helped orchestrate! Somehow, we gotta get that repealed ASAP! It’s gonna be the death of many, many of the people that are NOT in the 1%!!! If not the death, it will surely be the bankruptcy of most of them! 
    Glad to be able to comment today. Been busy as a cat coverin up poop! 

  6. I am glad to see him leave, but angry that he will be eligible for a fat pension at our expense. 

    • there is still a chance of him being brought o account for his complicity.  A good example of why these cases need to be pursued beyond the criminal’s time in office.

  7. Republicans have a chance of losing both House and Senate and many Congressmen are scampering for the hills, not wanting to face their very angry constituents, including Ryan. He’s done most damage of all with his Ayn Rand politics, robbing the poor and giving to the rich, and has some more in store with robbing social security before he leaves in January. By then chances are he won’t be House Speaker any longer, and that’s a bit much for Ryan’s ego to take. So he takes the coward’s way out, with the coward’s excuse “to spend more time with his family”.

    Yes, good riddance, but I’m sure it’s not the last we’ve seen of Paul Ryan. When Democrats have angered Republicans and their masters to the point of exploding by trying to undo and rebuild what he, Drumpf and McConnell have destroyed, and Drumpf is safely out of the way by impeachment and incarceration, Paul Ryan may be one of the first to nominate himself for the 2020 presidential race, hoping that everyone will have forgotten what a louse he is.

    But for now, Democrats need to concentrate on winning Congress back in 2018. It looks good, but NEVER EVER BE COMPLACENT AGAIN!

  8. Ryan’s retirement looks good on the US! . . . and is certainly good for democracy in the US.  But it behooves Democrats not to become complacent because complacency never won anything.  If Republicans win the House again, God forbid, who will be the next Speaker?  Nunes if he is re-elected?  Personally, there should be a blue tide that buries all the red!

    It will interesting to see where he hangs his career hat once he retires from Congress.  Head of the RNC where he can use his prolific fund raising skills??? . . . and still lick Kock boots!

  9. Thanks and hugs to all.  Today’s lead article is a follow up. 18

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