Mar 012018

Pardon my brevity, but today, I’m busier than a Russian Hooker at Trump Towers.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:53 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – The Right to Bear Harm


Amen Trae! He’s Southern Fried Borowitz! RESIST!!

From YouTube (Inequality Media Channel): Can Trump Fire Mueller?


So the bottom line is this. How desperate does the Fuhrer get and when? RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Wednesday that she was organizing a “Million Liars March” to support her co-worker Hope Hicks.

Calling on “American liars from every walk of life” to march, Sanders said that she had already received commitments from hundreds of liars in the White House, the Cabinet, and Congress.

“These people realize what’s at stake,” she said. “It’s not just Hope Hicks’s career—it’s the lying life style itself.”

“White lies like Hope’s were the lies of a promising beginner,” she said. “If Hope had been allowed to grow as liar, I have no doubt that someday she could have been as consistent a dispenser of ginormous whoppers as I am.”

Dang Andy! Upchuckabee-Sanders can recruit the rabid base of the Republican Reich. That’s around 20 million goose-stepping liars! RESIST!!




  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/1/2018”

  1. YT: Love Trae!! Says what I’m thinkin’.

    IMC: Why would Dumpty even think about this? If you listen to him, he’s not even involved and he’s flawless in every way. Obstruction of Justice is very, very real !! I don’t think he has a spine to do this….BUT being the oily snake that he is…he may try. It would be most unfortunate if he tries though.

    NYer: Hilarious!! Yea, there’s more than a million though! lol

    Cartoon: What a travesty of justice too. Bridget Bishop was the first woman hanged, and others followed Bishop to Salem’s Gallows Hill. Scientists have researched and noted that due to the harsh winter and damp spring to the rye crop, it becomes especially susceptible to ergot contraction. Something is ‘awry with the rye.’ *r/d
    *One of our many road trips from years ago, took us to Salem, MA. We visited the village there, has lots of history. 

    Yea, you sound busy!! lol. Hope that you have a great rest of your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. The Salem Witch Trials had a positive effect: They changed how trials were held in what would later become the United States. At least, that is my recollection – and they changed trials for the better.

  3. 4:12 More salad? Better than a steel tape, I suppose, as long as it isn’t toxic.

    Trae bears repeating, not harm.

    Inequality – As was pointed out on Daily Kos this morning, Sessions, Rosenstein, and Francisco went to dinner together very publicly in a restaurant near the White House, and almost across the street from Trump’s hotel (Central Michel Richard). They made a public display of walking to the restaurant together. As Jen Hayden says,

    In short, that is the political equivalent of “come at me, bro.”

    TNY – Yup.

    Cartoon – Nathaniel Hawthorne was the first in his family to spell the name “Hawthorne” instead of “Hathorne.” While there are several possible reasons for this, one story is that he added the “W” as confession of and atonement for an ancestor’s being one of the unjust judges at these trials. No proof, just a story.

  4. I have no doubts that, at the minimum, Trump is reviewing names for his own personal “Robert Bork” to head his own personal “Saturday Night Massacre”.

    Not sure he’ll do it – but no doubt he’s looking into it.

  5. TCC: Marvelous!
    IMC: Undermine our system of government?  And what makes anyone think tDump gives a damn about that?
    NYorker: Man, SHS, makes even spacer look like a rank amateur!
    ‘Toon:  We’ve been to the Salem Witch Museum…worth the visit.  The girls eventually admitted that they were just having fun!!  But, when you have a society that is based on fairy tales, like “End times,” this is what you get!

  6. Liberal Redneck: Can’t get enough of Trae; it’s been far too long since he made a clip. I just love to hear all this spot-on, common-sense progressiveness come spilling out in a southern drawl.

    IM: Robert Reich would have a point asking if Drumpf was willing to risk firing Mueller, were it not that he is asking this about Drumpf, the most irrational, vindictive, deluded, narcissistic and megalomaniacal showbiz man that ever has invaded the Oval Office. There’s no telling what he may do from one day to the next and with the rate his confidants are fired or leaving him, there’s no way of telling who will be advising him and who he’s willing to listen to for more than a few seconds.

    TNY: Andy’s on a roll again! The 2018 White House Saga is giving him a ginormous amount of inspiration, and it’s all there for free and so easy to turn into biting satire. ?

  7. Puzzle — 4:14  Cute name.  Does it also hop around a lot?

    Liberal Redneck — Amen!  Although I have to listen at least twice because of Trae’s accent, he is definitely worth listening to.

    “There aren’t many victories more sweet than taking these assholes out without ever firing a shot!”

    Inequality Media — So much for Drumpf’s regard for due process!  

    The New Yorker — LMAO!  The Million Liar March!  Too bad it is a sad commentary on US politics of the Republican Reich kind.

    Cartoon — And women are still being persecuted today by the Republican Reich!

  8. Thanks all.  Very Tired Hugs! 33

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