Mar 232017

Yesterday’s necessary activities exacerbated my condition and my pain is much worse.  Argh!!  Hugs!!  RESIST!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

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  18 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/23/2017”

  1. 4:49  Clearly I need the bike, but I'm not getting onto it where is is – level ground for me!

    I got an email this morning with the subject "How to make a unicorn drink."  My gut reaction was "Just force him to live in Donald Trump's America – that ought to do it," but apparently, "unicorn drinks" are a real thing.  Who knew!  Oh, Lord, I hope I didn't just give away Nameless's column for tomorrow!

    But don't hurt yourself any worse doing it. 

    Since you'll be X-raying tomorrow I assume we will just have an update – and I hope it'll be after you get home so we can hear a result.  Prayers at ya.

  2. Blessings for good, good health coming your way!

    Take good care, Tom, prayers for you.

  3. You poor thing! You must be so glad when tomorrow you finally got your X-rays made and they can prescribe something that really works, TomCat, because it sound like your in hell until that time. Hold on one more day, and then, hopefully, I can send you a whole bunch of:

    And after you've taken them all, I'm sure you're ready to:


  4. Tomorrow can't come soon enough … for you.

    For me, I doubt I'll be able to do the "Friday Fun" (alright, alright – stop your cheering).  I’m scheduled for the entire morning in the dentist’s chair to begin the process of getting a crown as a f/u (that’s medical abbreviation for “follow-up”) to my root canal from two weeks ago.

    Good times!

  5. X-rays tomorrow. I do hope they give some light on what the heck is going on!

    Mending some myself. Take care, TC!

  6. Puzzle — 3:41  Well I am just spinning my wheels!

    Cartoon — I wonder how many of today's Republicans would echo Patrick Henry's words?  Not many I venture as you cannot take your wealth with you!  Death is a great equaliser.


    Resist and Persist!!!

    Good luck tomorrow with the x-rays etc.  Here's praying that the doctors can solve the problem and put you on a short road to being pain free.

  7. Thanks.  Pained Hugs!!

  8. Health and healing to TC!

    The Empty Orange has shown himself to be sooooo incompetent, hardly the Man of the Deal!    May this be cheering news!

  9. l

    atest Re. the classy Trumps!! Ivanka dumping trash around her neigbours homes

    . Reminds me of a good old European saying." You cannot maks a Silk purse out of a "Pig,s ASS!" NUFF said.

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