Mar 222017

I’m still exhausted and am in very severe pain.  I would be doing less, but I have to be up for my grocery delivery from Store to Door.  Wendy is coming this evening.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:48 (average 7:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do.

Short Takes: Catching up with Keith

The Most Telling Thing About the FBI’s Probe into Trump | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


The Only True Surprise? Trump’s an Idiot | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann





Will the Fuhrer reinstate it?


  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/22/2017”

  1. 5:53  Agatha Christie used the names of dahlias as a clue in a short story in "The Tuesday Night Club."  That story was about treason as well as murder, BTW.  Very timely.

    Keith #48 – "He would flee the country."  What he needs to flee is the earth, or maybe the universe, and technology isn't quite there yet (and, if it were, he would likely be followed.)

    Keith #49 – I can't imagine why Keith thinks that "Trump is an idiot" is a "surprise."  Well, he probably knows it's no surprise, except to the Salmon Stalin's supporters, and not really to them either, because they don't really believe it yet. 

    Cartoon – He's more likely to reinstate concubinage.  Less financially painful to terminate when he gets bored.

    (when you're up to it.)

  2. Sorry to hear of your pain.

    Now knowing what other pain meds you're on, and if there are no contraindications, one can alternate Acetaminophen with Ibuprofen every three hours. 

    So you could take a dose of Tylenol at 3, an Ibuprofen product at 6, Tylenol at 9, Ibuprofen at 12 …

  3. KO48: Encouraging news!! Hope it goes all the way, Knockout Time!! 😉

    KO49: "These people are Idiots!!!" I agree wholeheartedly with Keith! Yes, RESIST!!!

    Hope that you start feeling better, glad to read Wendy is coming over. So sorry that you are in pain, such an awful way to get through a day, (and night). Hopefully it will subside soon.

    Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. Puzzle — 4:04  Pretty posie!

    YouTube — #48 — I'll bet that "He was wrong." that Comey pronounced under oath was hard to swallow for narcissistic Drumpf!  My bet says he will bring it up again.  . . . and again . . . and again.  He doesn't know when to quit!  After all the very specific drama of Comey's testimony, in dire need of some adulation to feed his narcissistic soul, Drumpf headed out to Missouri for yet another rally that is nothing more than a love fest so his supporters will think he is looking after them.  Or should I say to fleece his flock?!  Keith is so spot on!

    YouTube — #49 — The Drumpf campaign and administration is a Gong Show!  "These people are idiots!"  Truer words have not been spoken!

    Cartoon — And 2017 the year that Congress set the country back several centuries by overturning marriage equality and criminallising same sex relations.  I sure hope that does not happen!  People are people!


    Resist and Persist!!!

  5. When I noticed a new Open Thread after so many days I wanted to congratulate you on the start of your recovery, TomCat, but that turned out to be very inappropriate. So sorry you're still in so much pain and that you can't get it under control. Nameless' advice is very good, but you might already have tried that. I hope you hold out until Friday's X-rays and clear diagnosis supported by the right medication so that you can finaly get some healing sleep.

    Keith Olbermann #48: Full House for Keith. But Keith is also right when he has Citizen Cane replaying in his head over and over again; Drumpf will need more than one lesson to learn from it. And in the meantime he will do everything to destroy Comey and Clapper, out of pettiness, not because that would make the outcome of the investigation any different. So everyone who knows themeselves linked to the Russians, including the GOP leaders, will do their utmost to bring the FBI and its investigation to a halt and will try to bury the findings and the evidence as deep as they possibly can. I hope all investigative journalist are prepared to look into this too. Because at this point in time, Republicans can not afford to impeach Drumpf. Only an independent committee can and will do so.

    Keith Olbermann #49: Although I completely agree with Keith, these people are worse than idiots. Calling them that would really discredit idiots as they are identified in early psychiatry as individuals with the lowest mental age level (less than three years), with imbeciles (three to seven years), and morons (seven to ten years) above that. After that "idiot" referred to people with an IQ below 30 (average IQ is 100). Drumpf and many of his minions may often behave as todlers, but we know that they all have IQ's far above 30, some of them perhaps even a bit above the 100 pt. average. And that makes their idiocy so much harder to bear. It's the idiocy of non-retarded adult men and women with egos so overblown that they think they can govern a country with no experience at all and run it like a business which it isn't and never will be. Not that they were very good at that either. That sort of idiocy is lethal.

    Cartoon: Reinstating it wouldn't be enough for Drumpf because daddy wants to marry his daughter.



  6. Thanks!  Painful hugs!

  7. Been off for a few days. Hope you are feeling better. I'm on the mend. 

    Take care, TC!

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