Feb 292016

In the U.S., the news media often slants our views sometimes by omission, like is true of the first story here where it a picture equates to 1000 words is by no means terse and provides history in the making around the world. The second story also is not terse—the video is 30 minutes and provides a tale of how racism becomes institutionalized and some of the roots of BLM…I noted how very differently this group was treated than my recollection of SDS or SLA (groups that had white members and intended crimes)…I only include these two for allowing time to watch the video—which seemed faster than it said when watching…you might want your hankies handy for both…media-bias.jpg

The Prestigious World Press Photo Finalists Are Out And They Are Breathtaking

“…a selection of winners in each of the categories.”


The Empire Files: An Unparalleled Act of Police Terror
“Featuring a harrowing first-hand account with Ramona Africa, the only adult survivor of one of the most shameful, horrific attacks by U.S. police, Abby Martin documents an indispensable-but largely unheard of-moment in American history.”


  13 Responses to “Two Tuesday Tidbits March 1, 2016”

  1. 'The Prestigious World Press Photo Finalists Are Out And They Are Breathtaking''. WOW!!!

    ''The Empire Files: An Unparalleled Act of Police Terror'' Heartbreaking and reprehensible!! I remember this like it was yesterday. My extended family lived, and still does, off the boulevard not too far from Osage, and remember this horrible, horrible invasion by the police, and the violence towards MOVE. This still breaks my heart at the hatred towards this group of folks and their children, by the police, and the mayor, Frank Rizzo. I'll never forget this. I've bookmarked this to send to family.

    Thank you, JL for this.

  2. Thank you, JL for your comment.

  3. Photos – Can you BELIEVE that one commenter said in essence everything but the sports and nature shots were "misery porn"?  I'm afraid my response showed my anger.  I'm sure I will hear about it.

    Empire – Sounds like today, doesn't it?  There's no excuse for it, yet they did it. There's no excuse for their getting away with it, but they did.  There's no excuse for any racist anywhere, any time, yet they walk among us.  IT HAS TO STOP. 

    One thing – I observed in an anecdote on one of Lynn's posts this week "What kind of person sees oppression and wants to know how he or she can become aone of the oppressors?"  Certainly not Ramona. We need fewer people like Lewis's student, and more people like Ramona.  BTW I double dog dare anyone to go and sit in a courtroom for a day.  Any kind of court – municipal, state, civil, criminal, even Federal if there is one near you, whatever.  I can virtually guarantee you will hear SOMETHING that will shock you.

    Cartoon – There was a lot of discussion on Daily Kos (and probably elsewhere) about MSNBC, to the effect that it is now conclusively right wing mainstream media and can no longer be trusted.  Anyone and everyone can easily go through the comments for suggestions.  My suggestions were act.tv and http://www.utalk.us.  The latter is just starting up and still in the DIY stage.  Anyone want to have his or her own radio program?

    • PS – I opened my "Tuesday Trivia" email this morning and learned this from the answers to last week's (emphasis mine):

      "6.  What king's famous list of 282 laws, discovered in 1901, includes twenty-five crimes which mandate the death penalty?
      In Hammurabi's day, you could be killed for deceiving a barber, hosting conspirators in your tavern, knocking a hole in someone's house, stealing a pig without repayment, and a bunch of other things."

  4. World Press photos always had my attention, I started buying the photo books in 1972 when I started University but stopped when the photos became ready available on the internet. There has always been controversy about the winners and that is why it is good to see what the public and what children have chosen as their favorites. There was an interview on TV here with Australian photographer Warren Richardson whose photo of a family crossing the Serbian-Hungarian border has been chosen as the World Press Photo of 2016. He said he hadn't been able to sell that picture to any newspaper or internet site before he won first prize. And with a grin added "but I sure have now!".

    Empire: I've been sitting here for half an hour, transfixed and struck dumb. Because it's all new to me, because I never knew this has happened. I may not have been as connected to what is happening in America as I'm now, but I can't imagine I just missed it. I think it was never never mentioned here to its full extend, just "some riots subdued" in a short item. While watching Ramona Africa's story, told with repressed emotions, I kept thinking how familiar it was despite me not knowing about it at all. Then I realized that is because the same scenarios are about to play out again, America has come nearly full circle. With Trump in the White House, the Black Lives Matter movement can look forward to the same treatment and the same holds for Cruz or Rubio. They all cater to racists and xenophobes who will dictate this future for non-whites.

    Cartoon: With MSNBC having let itself be moved to the right completely, it is clear that the 1% will do everything in it's power to control Congress and the White House completely after November 2016. It now fully controls mainstream media and with through that it will have control of the minds of the more sheepish voters soon. Then there is only the progressive voters who still thinks for themselves who can stand in the way of the GOP. It's going to be a very tough battle.

    • The cartoon was in TC's library, so he deserves the credit for it.

      I wasn't sure whether the PA atrocity got better coverage in Europe or not.  I am left wondering how many current ranking officers in that police dept. were rookies among the 500 who participated and thus got their early training in race and community relations this way.

  5. The "World Press Photos" … simply breath-taking!

    • I agree–if I hadn't used them as the video's balance piece, I would've passed on to you.

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