Feb 192016

I’ve been wondering why I’ve been feeling so tired for the last few days, and this morning, it hit.  I have come down with a cold or the flu and feel like burying myself in the deep end of my box.  As soon as this is posted, I’m going back to bed.  Hugs!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:52 (average 5:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  14 Responses to “Personal Update–2/19/2016”

  1. I remember when this happened.
    The school I worked at, at the time, a teacher's mother worked at Enron. Her shares, which she bought into from the company,(for years/retirement), plummeted from about $90. a share to something like $.65 a share in a matter of hours when the news hit. She lost everything. So sad for those employees!!

    ''On Dec. 2, 2001, Enron declared bankruptcy. Thousands of people were thrown out of work, and thousands of investors — including most of the company's employees — lost billions of dollars as Enron's shares shrank to penny-stock levels.'' *NPR

    Gee, I sure hope you get feeling better soon!!! Drink lots of fluids too, and get plenty of rest. Take care, Tom!

  2. The Enron debacle also had major impact on CA's energy grid and related deregulation legacy timebomb from GOP Gov. Pete Wilson (a former senator) that led to Gray Davis's recall and landed us with Arnie even though Gray got more votes…lots of brownouts and blackouts in those days here.

    Get well soon!

  3. 2:47  No goat fricassée for you today you old goat . . . er Puddy Tat!

    Cartoon — For those of us in the financial services industry, Enron really changed things, especially for those companies doing business in the US and Canada.  Sarbanes-Oxley, an act to bring transparency in accounting and a protection for investors, was a direct result of the Enron debacle.  Then in 2005 came the Basel Accords which were about bank capitisation levels, but had some ties to Enron as well.  Did those two regulations ever affect my job a big part of my job revolved around government compliance.

  4. So sorry to hear a cold has you in it's grip, TomCat. Nothing for it but filling the hot-water bottles and burrowing as deep as you can in your box. And before you do, make sure you have everything you need in the coming day, like paracetamol and fluids and an empty bottle, put right where you can reach it. It won't be easy getting out of bed if you run a fever too.

    Get well soon, my friend.

  5. Dang, TC! Sounds aweful and I hope you get BETTER FAST!!! 

    • AND, I don't know why there isn't MORE people in jail!!! Bush would be a good candidate. Plus all the people that participated in the Fall of the American Empire!!! It was just about as bad as the Fall of the Roman Empire and MORE!!!

  6. Call your doctor and ask about Tamiflu.  I have several friends that used this and swear it helped.  HOpe you get better soon.

    Enron should have been the wake up call for our government to start doing more regulating instead of less. 

  7. I can see that the average is up to 5:06, but I can't even move any piece a fraction of an inch.  My virus software is also not lovin' it.

    So sorry you are feeling poorly.  I hope the sleep helps.  I hope you don't run a fever, which to me means see a doctor stat.

    Bad Girl Chats ran an Enron cartoon in the Sylvia archive this week – looking for the link – it claims to be loading – Eureka!


  8. Thanks all.  Hugs!!  Still sick!!

  9. Feel better!  Rest and fluids, rest, and fluids.


  10. There is no justice until the bankers responsible for bringing down the economy, driving people out of jobs and out of their homes, are prosecuted and jailed.  Fines teach nobody anything.

  11. Hi TC. sorry thaat you are ill. Remember When you go outside wear a hat. E.R. rooms tell sick patients all the time. . Makes quite a difference! (it does for me.)

    Further thoughts, re wannabee,s. There is a saying that " When the going gets Tough the Tough get going"

    in the case of Marco Rubio,the he HIDES!,!.(doesn,t turn up .see last Fridays performance!!) How Presidential!!

    Sure to impress World Leaders!. (and shame the USA.) What a loser., Be very carefull what you vote for, this guy is a clueless loser. Also so are the other clowns.  Just my opinion!!.

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