Feb 152016

Swoon: From the Streets to the Galleries (video-great visuals in first couple minutes of the 26 min.)

“Caledonia Curry, also known as Swoon, is one of the most recognized street artists in the world. She has brought her art from the streets to galleries and museums. Among her recent projects include creating musical houses in New Orleans, a ceramic tile factory in Pennsylvania, a floating city on rafts in the Mississippi River, and rebuilding a community in Haiti post-earthquake.”

Super Bowl 50: Super Militarization And Super Inequality
“The most expensive single sports game on Earth kicked off under unprecedented militarization of the police and the highest levels of inequality since the Great Depression.”

Presidential Voter Guide
“The League of Women Voters Education Fund has a long tradition of publishing voters’ guides to assist citizens in their decision making process as they prepare for participation in the presidential primary season.”

River Romance Rhapsody

CBS Sunday Morning Features Anti-Corruption Movement (text and video)
Honest Gil now


Ian McKellen had trouble making it through this powerful coming-out letter. (text and video-hanky alert)

Amid the Horrors of Boko Haram, These Women Yearn for Romance
“A photojournalist goes behind the scenes in a land of Islamic terror.”

Here Are Six All-Important Cases Now Pretty Much Decided After Scalia's Death
“The untimely death of Justice Antonin Scalia will likely decide several hot-button cases. “


All the Presidents' Jams (text and videos)
“Listen to these 44 songs about our 44 presidents—and today's otherwise ho-hum holiday might just blow your mind.”


  5 Responses to “Terse Tuesday Tidbits February 15, 2016”

  1. Super Bowl – But God forbid anyone should say anything about it.  Look at the flak Beyonce is taking.  The "elephant" in the nation.

    LWV – Bookmarked

    RepresentUs – Yes, I know what he is trying to do.  BUT he sounds exactly like hundreds of trolls who are trying to keep people from voting by discouraging them.  And most of the trolls are Republican, and most of the discouraged ones are Democrats.  Sorry, but I believe this is a time for the Democratic Party to stand together.  We CAN disagree without being disagreeable, and we need to do it.

    McKellen – He's married now, isn't he?  Oh, no, wait, that's his character.  To Dumbledore.  With J K Rowling's blessing.  (Wonderful woman.  Never been so proud to share a first name with someone in my life.)

    Scalia – This is off topic, but I posted my interpretation of "extraordinary" in a comment on Daily Kos, and I got FIFTY-EIGHT RECS!  Yes, it's already gone to my head, but I'll try to calm myself down LOL.

  2. Swoon: What innovative ideas, and a gifted artist!! Love her inclusion involvement with the community.

    SuperBowl: Ridiculous! At the tune of the taxpayer's expense too!

    Sirs McKellen & Stewart have a wonderful endearing friendship. If anyone gets a chance, watch 'Vicious' (PBS), w/McKellen and Derel Jacobi. Love the show. Great performances by both, and it's a great gay comedy with talented actors!

    MJ: Such brave women! They want what everyone wants, and needs. Love.

    All the President's Jams: Wow, I'll have to bookmark this, and listen to them while I work. 😉

    Great post, thank you, JL.

  3. Swoon: Marvelous art which should stay in the streets and not disappear into the galleries for the happy few.

    Super Bowl: Another sign of the times. I don't care for American football and don't watch sports with a few exceptions, but both the militarization and inequality is notable in most popular sports like soccer, where money has become the true name of the game and the sport itself has become secondary. Players are overpaid, rich clubs can buy the best players and by doing so turn competition into a farce and not worth watching, and as always criminals take over where big money is involved with match fixing and the like. Militarization is needed to keep the 10% inside safe and the 90%  outside under control. Sports like football and tennis have become showcases of Capitalism.

    Voter Guide: Not for this foreigner.

    River Romance Rhapsody: Wonderful how people all over the world will show their respects to the rivers that nourish them. I wish corporations owning the factories, mines and other polluting businesses would honor these rivers, natures life veins, on the other days of the year.

    Anti-Corruption Movement: We know it's bad yet the video still was an eye-opener on how bad it really is: "the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."  I wish this movement would exist in Europe, because I would sign on immediately as it is becoming just as bad very rapidly.

    Thank you for Ian McKellen's reading of that beautiful, touching letter, Judi. He read it as if he had written it himself, having gone through most of what was described himself. Straight or gay, we can all recognize the truth in his reading.

    Women yearn for romance: No matter what circumstances, no matter their belief, the spirit of women is indomitable and theirs.

    After Scalia's death: The scary thing I learned from this article that a lot of these cases came to SCOTUS through the even more conservative 5th circuit. I hadn't realized that politics would also play such a terrible role in jurisdiction in the lower courts and that these courts could even be more conservative and unbalanced than SCOTUS itself.

    All the presidents: Sorry, but you'll understand if I pass on this one, Judy.

  4. Swoon is way cool!!

    Superbowl 50.  I agreed that iot was too militarized, iut wjay better target couold there be for Republican terrorists?

    Most of the Republican canhdidates have not reszponded, because they wamnt the League of Women Voters barefoot and pregnant.

    Rivers, except for the Flint River, are indeed romanric.

    Corruption is the status quo.



    We cpmed out pretty well in those cases.

    I wish I had the time!

    Thanks Judi!

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