Dec 042015

Yesterday was relatively easy.  PT (Becky) had me see Wow many times I can stand from a sitting position, with no rest in between.  She stopped me at eight, but I could have continued.  She also had me practice stand-pivot transfers, rotating toward George, the more difficult direction.  I did not see OT (Courtney).

Short Takes:

From Media Matters: Right-wing radio host Alex Jones is suggesting that a mass shooting that claimed at least 14 lives in San Bernardino, California “appears to be geared to elicit widespread public outrage.” Jones pushed the conspiracy theory only a few hours after an interview with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, where the candidate praised Jones’ “amazing” reputation.

Jones and his website frequently promote far right-wing conspiracy theories arguing that high-profile mass shootings and other tragic events are staged by the government. He has claimed that both the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting and Aurora, Colorado, movie theater mass shooting were “staged.”

The Hairball and Jones are a perfect diabolical match.

From Daily Kos: This execution took place earlier today (Wednesday, Dec 2nd) in the Bayview District of San Francisco.


Another day, another murder by police.

From NY Times: While the nation suffered through the shock of another bloody massacre, on Thursday every Senate Republican except Mark Kirk of Illinois voted against legislation to prevent people on the F.B.I.’s consolidated terrorist watchlist from purchasing guns or explosives.

The measure has been introduced repeatedly since 2007. The Government Accountability Office has documented that over years of congressional blockage, hundreds of suspected terrorists on the watchlist bought guns.

Republicans are fighting to preserve gun manufacturers’ profits derived from sales to terrorists.



A day of wailing and gnashing of teeth for today’s Republicans.


  8 Responses to “On the Edge–12/4/2015”

  1. Kudos to both you and Becky!  Seeing the mastery you have of these tasks as you are learning a new task is helpful IMO.

    Is there any mass shooting he doesn't think that about?  Or does he exclude those where PP is the target without any difference he can show?  Is Trump envious that Jones keeps followers longer than he does and that's what's worthy of praise?

    About Bayview from Wiki:


    According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Bayview-Hunters Point (ZIP 94124) had a population of 33,996, an increase of 826 from 2000. The census data showed the single-race racial composition of Bayview-Hunters Point was 33.7% African-American, 30.7% Asian (22.1% Chinese, 3.1% Filipino, 2.9% Vietnamese, 0.4% Cambodian, 0.3% Indian, 0.2% Burmese, 0.2% Korean, 0.2% Japanese, 0.2% Pakistani, 0.1% Laotian), 12.1% White, 3.2% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (2.4% Samoan, 0.1% Tongan, 0.1% Native Hawaiian), 0.7% Native American, 15.1% other, and 5.1% mixed race. Of Bayview's population, 24.9% was of Hispanic or Latino origin, of any race (11.5% Mexican, 4.2% Salvadoran, 2.6% Guatemalan, 1.4% Honduran, 1.4% Nicaraguan, 0.7% Puerto Rican, 0.2% Peruvian, 0.2% Spanish, 0.2% Spaniard, 0.1% Colombian, 0.1% Cuban, 0.1% Panamanian).[24]

    According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Bayview-Hunters Point had the highest percentage of African-Americans among San Francisco neighborhoods, home to 21.5% of the city's Black population, and was the predominant ethnic group in the Bayview. Census figures showed the percentage of African-Americans in Bayview declined from 48% in 2000 to 33.7% in 2010, while the percentage of Asian and White ethnicity increased from 24% and 10%, respectively, to 30.7% and 12.1%. However the eastern part of the neighborhood had a population of 12,308 and is still roughly 53% African-American.",_San_Francisco

    I'm glad Di Fi helped push to get the despicable votes on record…

    An anniversary worthy of noting.

  2. MM: How sickening, hours after this tragedy. Jones should apologize to the grieving families who lost a loved one in the mass shooting. Trump is in the same pea pod with his comments.

    DK: The headline says it all, imho. How sad. I thought cops were taught to DE-escalate a situation, not shoot some one dead, over a knife. Really?

    NY Times: Isn't there a medal, or a pay raise we can give to those Democrats on Capitol Hill who deal with these ID's every day? They sure deserve one, and have my vote.

    PT Becky sounds really nice. Glad to read that you made headway there. Maybe OT Courtney will come this afternoon. You are doing really well, and hope you get your laps in too, sometime. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. Always wonderful to be able to continue past the expected.  Doesn't happen to me often.  Kudos to you.

    Media Matters – I said somewhere yesterday that because the shooters in San Berdu had Middle Eastern sounding names, it was now going to be hyped as terrorism whethere it is or not (which in my mind is still an open question), and the Colorado shooting, which really is domestic terrorism, will disappear from the headlines.  The Washington Post seems to be proving me corect in this.

    DKos – John 11:35

    NY Times – The ONLY valid argument in support of allowing sales of guns to persons on the terrorist watch list (and it isn't nearly good enough) is that not everyone on that list is actually a terrorist – some are people who are unjustly suspected for stupid reasons.  But I can't imagine any Republican grasping that.  Instead, I would expect them to have swallowed the list hook line, and sinker.  Does anyone have ANY idea what they are thinking!=?

    Cartoon – Yes, thank God.  I was four months old.  I never knew a world in which we didn't belong to the UN.

  4. Good to hear of your progress, keep on trucking!

    NY Times: The Repuligoons are like zombies, marching to orders from the munitions manufacturers and the NRA, who are paid by them, a slobbyists!  This is so frikken imbecilic!

    DK: I guess the cops will say they ALL feared for their lives, and shot him how many times, for self protection.

    I like the cartoon, but, how many times have the GOPigs wanted to take us out  of the U.N.?

  5. Glad you and George are getting along so well!!! Sounds like you are making progress on the getting around thingy!! So happy to hear that! You are making progress and that's what ya need right now!! You and George have a nice night!!!

  6. I don't know what happend yesterday, but it seems I've forgotten to submit my comment:

    Sounds like you're doing well under Becky's guidance, TomCat. You seem to get adjusted to George very quickly. I suppose they give you a days rest now and again for fear of irritating your stump. It must be tender still, so I think you're very brave to exercise so hard.

    Media Matters: I'm so glad there are no audio takes of Alex Jones and Donald Trump slapping each other verbally on the back, because I don't think I could have gotten through it, no matter how hardened I've become by watching all these videos and listening to all the sound bites posted for our "entertainment" here. I think I would have had to update my barf-bag scale to 6 for that to hear these two peas in a pod use human misery to get some media attention.

    Daily Kos: I made the mistake of watching all three videos on Daily Kos this afternoon and I cried for him. I had hoped you wouldn't post it, but rightly you did, TomCat. No matter how horrible it is to see a young black man executed, from three different angles, by a firing squad of at least 8 cops, the fact that these videos became available immediately surely will prevent the San Francisco PD from trying to ignore this or brush it off as a justified shooting.

    NY Times: I'm lost for words..

  7. Thanks all!  Hugs!!  I have a bunch of things to do.

  8. A bit late, but T.C., congradulations!  Sounds like you have been making even better progress than I'd realized!

    The idiocy exhibited by Trump and entourage NEVER ceases to be a national embarrassment.  No wonder we're the laughingstock of our allies!  Fascism seems like what the Rethug/Teabaggers admire most of all, hence the bullying of seniors, women, children, and the poor.  

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